
truthseeker said:
My godfather is Jewish. His godmother was Catholic. I had never asked him anything about the Jewish faith because I didn't want to look stupid. But stupid is as stupid does so I asked him a few stupid questions. It was the questions that he asked me about Christianity that made me kinda smart though.
Anyhow, I learned that he has gone to a couple of catholic masses. He found beauty and awe in the devoutness of the ceremony. The beauty of the icons made him want to pray. The color and spirit of the reverence of mass left him in the heightened spirit of love.
I've never been to mass. But his description gave me a deep respect for those dedicated to the wholeness of the faith. There are a few catholic cathedrals around here. I think I want to see what my Jewish godfather was talking about.
Yeah, I think every faith has its tremendous strengths as well as its foibles. I have been a guest at Mosques, Synogogues and churches of many faiths. Each has a poignance that I will never forget. In any house of God, people it seems can't help but be warm and compassionate.

But I am ever drawn back to the Catholic church. There is an awe and wonder that permeates the very air. Sometimes I feel as if the veil between Heaven and Earth is a thin as gosamere, or mist, when I'm in my family's home church.

When mass is said and the music plays, one can almost see angelic hosts gathered around the alter and pulpit.

Anyway, it is an experience I never grow tired of. ;)


Quahom1 said:
Yeah, I think every faith has its tremendous strengths as well as its foibles. I have been a guest at Mosques, Synogogues and churches of many faiths. Each has a poignance that I will never forget. In any house of God, people it seems can't help but be warm and compassionate.

But I am ever drawn back to the Catholic church. There is an awe and wonder that permeates the very air. Sometimes I feel as if the veil between Heaven and Earth is a thin as gosamere, or mist, when I'm in my family's home church.

When mass is said and the music plays, one can almost see angelic hosts gathered around the alter and pulpit.

Anyway, it is an experience I never grow tired of. ;)


i think so also & wherever God is lifted up in spirit & in truth, he will be there in the midst. We can have as much as we want because there is no limit to God.

in years past when i was out of church & running with the world, & i would enter the church & when service began, it is like the power & love of God seemed so much stronger than when i removed myself.
We know that where ever we are we can obtain His love & mercy through surrender.

& in this, i see that God picks us up right where we left off! He does not make us start over like we have to in the world.

& I love Him so much for being a God that is ever so near & faithful & that He will never leave us or forsake us, even when we fail Him. :)
Bandit said:
I love Him so much for being a God that is ever so near & faithful & that He will never leave us or forsake us, even when we fail Him. :)
"chuckle" Can't top that. ;)


"And the ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse; and those who are bringing the many to righteousness, like the stars to time indefinite, even forever.

"And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.dan 12;3-4.........yes in these last days true knowledge is becoming abundant through those having hasnt the true God got every thing in hand.

mee said:
"And the ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse; and those who are bringing the many to righteousness, like the stars to time indefinite, even forever.

"And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.dan 12;3-4.........yes in these last days true knowledge is becoming abundant through those having hasnt the true God got every thing in hand.

Yeah, I guess He does...