What are your favorite quotes about Buddhism or from Buddhists?
This robe of freedom from cold
isn't matched by ordinary clothes.
This concentration free of hunger
is unequaled by ordinary meat and beer.
This draught at the stream of enlightenment
isn't matched by ordinary drink.
This satisfaction born within
isn't equaled by ordinary treasure.
[font=VERDANA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF]-Milarepa, "Drinking the Mountain Stream"[/font]
This robe of freedom from cold
isn't matched by ordinary clothes.
This concentration free of hunger
is unequaled by ordinary meat and beer.
This draught at the stream of enlightenment
isn't matched by ordinary drink.
This satisfaction born within
isn't equaled by ordinary treasure.
[font=VERDANA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF]-Milarepa, "Drinking the Mountain Stream"[/font]