Quahom1 said:If I didn't know you, I'd almost accept this. But since you are crasher (denounce anything God including Christ), I take what is said with a grain of salt.
However, the NT states that all fall short of the Glory of God. And the OT insists that there will be a "messiah", providing salvation for man.
Why would man need to be saved, unless he is in peril? Why would the OT convey the "sins" of the father unto his children, to the third and fourth generations no less?
Original sin, is the first time that man fell out of balance with God. In otherwords, man disagreed and then acted upon that disagreement. The sin wasn't disagreeing, it was the deliberate act fueled by the disagreement.
In the NT, we are told that the disagreement itself is sin (which I have a serious problem with). None the less, it means that even if no outward sin is committed, an inward one has been, therefore all fall short.
Your comment that there is nothing original in the bible is fact?...or your point of view?
Ancient cultures? They are all ancient. Egypt, Sumeria, and the Hebrews (semites).
The only "sin" I could possibly see sex being, is with a non mate, or with a mate wherein conception of a child was required (for what ever reasons), and seed was deliberately prevented from completing that conception. The "sex" would not be the sin. The thinking for having "sex" a certain way might be the sin. One would be for the continued Glory of God, and the other, for self gratification, hence no Glory to God, hence sin.
Interesting point about the "Adam and Eve" cylinder...perhaps you could expound on this more?
truthseeker said:'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you [shall surely] die.'
You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like [gods], knowing good and evil."
Do you think that the fruit on the tree is a metaphor or that this is literal? Being a metaphor, does this still apply today?
I agree if they thought that Jesus was God they would never allow the idea, However Jesus was the son of God, therefore an offspring as we are, in human form subject to the same laws of gravity and the like as we are. He wasnt saying we could be greater than God but greater than him as a human being. Meaning depending on what we received from God (our manner of love)we could do greater things if God so intends us to.Faithfulservant said:Kelcie those that believe Jesus is God.. could never allow the idea that we could be greater than Him.
Just need a little clarification. Jesus set himself has an example to us as how we should be and then showed us it was impossible? Maybe I am reading it wrong sorry.He set Himself as an example to us as to how we should be and proved the impossiblity of it by shedding His blood on the cross.. Its the greatest of sacrifices not to be trivialized by making it an ego thing.
I will have to get back to you on that passage, I dont memorize where to find it just the message that I get from it. But Im sure someone here will know what passage I am refering to. If I find it before they do I will post it here.I am curious where you get that quote about us being capable of being greater...Its not something that I think I have read in my bible
Faithfulservant said:I am curious where you get that quote about us being capable of being greater...Its not something that I think I have read in my bible.
I agree if they thought that Jesus was God they would never allow the idea, However Jesus was the son of God, therefore an offspring as we are, in human form subject to the same laws of gravity and the like as we are. He wasnt saying we could be greater than God but greater than him as a human being. Meaning depending on what we received from God (our manner of love)we could do greater things if God so intends us to.
Just need a little clarification. Jesus set himself has an example to us as how we should be and then showed us it was impossible? Maybe I am reading it wrong sorry.
For me he indeed set himself as an example. For me the ego is not trivial. Jesus overcome the physical limitations that man of those times thought was impossible. He demonstrated the impossible was possible. These perceived limitations are what the ego lead us to believe. He rose above it and gave us clues as to how we get rid of it. Hate, jealousy,greed, Lust, desire in all its different shades (being part of the ego as we know it today) needed to be eradicated.
I realize that anyone who takes the Bible literally will beg to differ on my view, but this is my personal understanding that I wish to share.
Faithfulservant said:This is a Christian forum and most of us do take the bible literally.
Faithfulservant said:Just wary of another SS...my apologies.
lunamoth said:Kelcie (welcome to CR, by the way ),
Kelcie said:Hi Faithfulservant,
What is an SS? Would you mind sharing?
Quahom1 said:Let's just say there was a member that had a force of will, a strong personal belief, and insistence that it be shared with all to the point of alienating many of the members of CR (many left because of it, unfortunately).
However if this is the way I have been perceived and will be perceived, there is not much I can do about it except refrain from sharing my views.
Quahom1 said:Call it a concerned thought expressed out loud. I see nothing wrong here. We are simply going through a period of re-stablizing.
I don't know if you are familiar with the "Canary in the coal mine" concept?
Some of us are such hardened miners, that we don't notice a change in the air, but the most sensitive of nature's "sensors" (the canary), is. So we look to the canary to warn us when things are beginning to change.
We cannot isolate various concepts of Christianity, as that would defeat the very purpose of CR. But we must have consideration for others' sensibilities, considering that within the Christian world, there is a plethora of subtle differences that we must respect.
If you notice...Christianity is the hottest thing going on in "town" here, and for good reason. We have lot's of ideas and beliefs we want to share. And we tend to get frustrated when "others" don't get it (just look at some of my posts).
Your thoughts are most welcome here, as are others.
Hi Quaholm1,
Thank you for your thoughtful post.
I have gained a greater understanding from it.
Kelcie said:Hi Quaholm1,
Thank you for your thoughtful post.
I have gained a greater understanding from it.
LOL, sometimes I have my moments...
Nogodnomasters said:The Jews did not look to the messiah for salvation. The messiah was to lead them against an overthrow of the Greco-Roman empire
Kelcie said:The suffering that this spiritual death brings is the suffering that is caused by the mind. The passions of the ego that are not fulfilled, that therefore binds us to the things of this world and to the things of our minds. The bible states clearly how we should rid ourselves of these passions.
truthseeker said:Welcome to CR, Kelcie. Your thoughts on this matter is much appreciated and a bit enlightening as well.
Easier understood than done though. Say, like when you are in a love relationship with a person and though you are still in touch with God, it's not as intense as it used to be. That would be an obvious distancing of oneself from God. How do you balance something like that?
Kelcie said:Agreed, perhaps this is because we become more familiar with the feelings of GOD just as we do in love relationships. In love relationships at the beginning there is intense feelings of excitement and love but as they evolve I dont think it is too much distancing but more that it is less intense because of the familiarity of the other persons being. The awe struckness has gone and you are more than likely deeper in love then you were on the outset. At least I hope this is true of most love relationships.
Dear Member,truthseeker said:Really, I like the way that the KJV reads better but at this time I have access only to the NIV.
I find this scripture to be interesting. This is the original sin, right?
Do you think that the fruit on the tree is a metaphor or that this is literal? Being a metaphor, does this still apply today?
I mean, could it be that there is information that we should not be trying to tap into ('fruit' of knowledge), and with uncovering some knowledge of certain things we could be setting ourselves up for death?