Zenda71 said:
Even eating is fraught with moral consequences and accompanied by its nagging handmaiden Guilt.
Not only are my food choices important from a consumer standpoint (i.e., buying organic and locally grown food versus chemically/genetically modified food shipped halfway 'round the world), but now I know that my favorite vegetable has feelings ... What is a human being to do?
(This may sound tongue in cheek ... which it is a little ... but I'm also being serious.)
Namaste Zenda,
it's a difficult question if you are serious about it. in the end, in my view, it comes down to our intentions behind our actions.
if you are sincere in your intentions of non-violence, including not eating meat, yet do so in any event, i do not feel as if there will be strong karmic consequences. the Buddha accepted meat when begging for alms on several occassions, so we know that it is not simply the consumption of meat that is the issue, at least from the Buddhist point of veiw. we are taught to accept what is given as "medicine" and accept it as such.
of course, this was how things worked in ancient India where monks and nuns begged for alms. this is not the situtation that we find ourselves in today. the same general principle can apply to our situation now.
let's say that you accepted an invitation to a dinner party and, though you've said that you are vegetarian, you find that there is nothing available for you to eat. you have two choices... either eat what is offered or not.
this is a bit tricky and i'm not really in the position to give advice on this with any degree of certainty.... that being said... if you reject the food it is likely to produce negative mental states in the host or hostess and can contribute to the being continuning in the realm of samsara. on the other hand, accepting the food as medicine, should not produce a negative mental state in the host or hostess.
of course, it can cause you to have a negative mental state... so this is an area that we should reflect on with seriousness and compassion.
in my own situation.. if i think that there may not be any vegetarian food available... i make sure to have something to eat before going to the dinner party... that way, i can eat something small... like a side dish.. and make the guests feel happy and remain comitted to my practice.
a win-win scenario