Is the bible corrupted.

Ultimately, whether one believes that the Bible is corrupted, or it is the infallible, inerrant Word of God, is a matter of personal faith. I am among the latter.

What can be disputed, however, is whether the Bible contains contradictions, or whether the teachings of Scripture have been effectively altered by the addition, deletion, or changes to certain specific words. Neither of these assertions are true.

Where science, archaeology or history seem to indicate discrepancies, reconciliation has been suggested. Certain interpretations may be at variance with scientific research (eg the creation account in Genesis) but, once again, reconciliation is easily demonstrated when the figurative language is considered.

Has any one person ever fully understood the Bible ... I doubt it. The Bible will speak to different people in different ways - I believe that is the work of the Holy Spirit in guiding us into all truth. If the Bible is a direct form of communication from God to humankind, as I believe, then our Lord's injunction to "search the Scriptures" remains just as pertinent today.

wil said:
I asked this before, and maybe missed the answer. Moses brought down 10, the rest of the books brought the total to 614, Jesus and the Jews named the two most prominent.

How did the 10 persist? Is is somewhere in the NT that those are of value and the rest are diminished?

How come the 2 aren't carved in stone and heralded?
Does it really matter if there are 2, 10, 614 carved in stone? If there was 1 we would still fall short of it.

The law is there to show sin, not to give live. It shows us we can not do it alone so we need to be thankful for the fact we are under grace.
Dor said:
Does it really matter if there are 2, 10, 614 carved in stone? If there was 1 we would still fall short of it.

The law is there to show sin, not to give live. It shows us we can not do it alone so we need to be thankful for the fact we are under grace.
Namaste Dor,

I was simply trying to ascertain if anyone knew any basis for the 10 being so popularized in the Christian Theology, it would seem to me the 2 would be more in tune to popular thinking.

I'm afraid I can't respond to my thoughts on the remainder of your response on this board.

If anyone can provide some logic, I'd appreciate it.

peace and blessings, wil
wil said:
I was simply trying to ascertain if anyone knew any basis for the 10 being so popularized in the Christian Theology, it would seem to me the 2 would be more in tune to popular thinking.

Two things I do before going to work: I make myself look presentable, and I eat. These two activities involve a whole lot of little procedures.

Love God and love your neighbour involves numerous practical activities set out in the pages of the NT - you can call them laws, or commandments, or rules, or whatever you like.

You'll find a list of negatives in Romans 1:27-32, and a list of positives in Romans 12:9-21 (and elsewhere). These encompass the Ten (except the Sabbath) and extend them to include our thoughts and feelings, as well as our actions.
Namaste Dor,

I was simply trying to ascertain if anyone knew any basis for the 10 being so popularized in the Christian Theology, it would seem to me the 2 would be more in tune to popular thinking.

There are a couple reasons the 10 Commandments are more popularized than the 2 from the NT.
For one it was a covenant with God. They are called the covenant and the tables of the covenant.(Deut 4;13,9:9,11 Heb 9:4)
It also happens to be the basis for the legal system of justice for Western Christian civilization.

I'm afraid I can't respond to my thoughts on the remainder of your response on this board.

Sorry I thought we could all post are thoughts on any board we wanted to.

If anyone can provide some logic, I'd appreciate it.

Hopefully there seems like some logic in there.;)