Curios Mike said:
I"m gonna go to a different take on this that I havnt seen anyone mention. Christ Died to proove it can be done! Let me explain:
From the fall in the Garden till now the problem with man has not been sin(well anyone sin in paticular except), but self! I.E. Selfishness! What can I do for me... What do I get out of it... How can I be the most blessed...OR the most powerful....Or the richest... When Christ came to die on the Cross he had to do it selflessly. The Bible states He was tempted, and suffered the same things we do but without anu gil in his mouth. And when they Killed him He was as a lamb dumb before its shearurs.
Yes I believe he was a sacrifice for our sins, but I also believe that his sacrifice had 2 sacrificial sermans to it.... It started when he washed the feet of the apostles. He wanted us to do away from self, and be selfless.... to place others before ourselves, to sacrifice ourselves for others(as he did).... Paticularly those in need. (What was it he told the pharisees A physician doesnt come to see the well, but the sick.) I can go on but I'm not sure if my point is making anysense... LOL I'll wait and see how you guys respond.... and maybe I can elaborate.
Or maybe some of you folx beter with words knows what I"m saying and can make this a little plainer?
Before Jesus died, He asked the Father to forgive us, for we "did not know what we were doing". We fell from grace in the beginning, and we are mostly blind (of the mind and spirit), now, but will see the whole of it later. We don't know what we are doing. Jesus was not only pleading with the Father, He was reminding Him that we don't know the whole of it.
Like children on a playground that tease eachother or bully eachother then, we look back now, and wish we could take back what we did...because now we know what we did was so wrong.
When I was a young father, I had an 18 month old son, who showed promise of great talents and personality, and drive. In a Georgian spring fed lake (very cold), I was swimming, and my young son saw me so, he wanted to come to me (18 months old). He was so excited that he ran and jumped right into the 45 degree waters, intent on being with me, before his mother could stop him. Imagine the shock to body and mind when he hit the water...
Of course I pushed him back to the edge, while he tried to catch his breath. But then, I cajoled and called for him to jump back in to me...and he hesitated.
He wanted to, but he knew fear of the cold water. My calling him became insistent much to my wife's chagrin, and he began to comply, when my own father called to me "What are you doing?" I replied that I was doing what he taught me to do, teach my son to be tough, and have no fear, excel at everything...
My father then said quitely, that he was wrong in the way he raised me...and in that moment, the spring water became very, very cold to me.
I got out of the lake, but my son was determined to get back into it, until I hugged him and said it was too cold for both of us (he hugged me back hard, because he did not want to jump back into that cold water, not at all)...
My point is that Dad saw the error of his ways when raising me, and pointed them out as I was making the same mistakes with my children.
He did not know what he had done, until he saw me repeating his mistake with my own son. And I was young enough to still be influenced by my Dad to take heart, and not repeat the same mistake with my boy (but it came awfully close).
In the time of Christ, people were set in their ways, until after His death...then the fathers began to see the error of their ways, and now they are telling us (the children of them, in their writings), that we do not have to follow such ways. We do not have to make the same mistakes.
Matthew was a calloused man as he collected the taxes of the king, and Luke? He only treated the rich and famous for their ailments. Mark...who knows, but Thomas trusted no one. Peter was a hard working fisherman (probably with a sailor's mouth and attitude). Mary Magdeline? You figure it out. Paul was a bigot and self righteous.
Jesus had to die, in order to wake us up! Death is real! And it is final in this plane of existence, and we can't go back to fix what we messed up. Then He lived again to show us there is a new life awaiting (but we still can't go back to fix what we messed up, once we are gone). As we learn however, we can go and fix what we did wrong, WHILE we still live here, or at least make amends.
It's a two fold thing. Make amends here and now, and smooth the way for the hereafter.
Deeds do not get us to heaven...but covering debts do not hurt us in getting to heaven (I think). And learning lessons before we die, so we can pass them on to our lineage is not a bad thing either.