yusuf al-qaradaawi, is it?
well, frankly, considering he thinks it permissible to engage in suicide bombings (although only against people who deserve it, ie jews and americans, naturally) and throw homosexuals off cliffs, i would treat anything he says with extreme caution, his friendship with that loathsome oik the mayor of london notwithstanding.
i personally think the "no touching" rule (it's the same in our religion, although i am not, ah, terribly careful about it myself, which i admit) is actually a question of degree. would i be happy if someone else kissed my wife on the mouth? not at all. would i object to someone kissing her on the cheek, without the same intent? not really, yet they are both kisses, a mouth is touching another body. would i object to someone touching her mouth? probably, yes. but would i object to someone touching her hand? not really. if i am honest, however, i think the question is really one of degree, the same as covering one's hair. i wouldn't walk around with my bum showing and some people feel the same way about other parts of their body. if someone wishes to show their devotion to one other person by restricting their touching or gaze to that person alone, that's OK by me and i think it should be respected. it's about how far away you place the "fence" from the thing you are actually concerned about.