Which religion do you follow?

Which religion do you follow?

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Neoplatonism. I would guess that the user name gave it away, huh? :)

I am actually part of a small group that is trying to organize The Neoplatonic Church. We think the ancient religious philosophy of folks like Ammonius Saccas, Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus, Proclus, Hypatia, Marsilo Ficino, and Pico della Mirandola make a lot of sense for our current culture.

In search of religious ecstasy. :D
First let me say Merry Meet to all, and may the god and goddess bless you all I am a Neo-Pagan.
I am not a Satanist, I do not believe in Satan this is a manafestation of Christianity, I believe that god is in everything i.e. the lowly rock,the earth,the sky,the sun, Man and Woman (god and goddesssss)

The reason I am of an Earth Religion is simply that the earth religions are natural.

They do not tell you, You must or must not do this or you will be suffer eternally in hell.

Be Good, Do Good as best you can and if you go to work on sunday thats o.k. too, no eternal hell, no one is going to stone you to death.

Merry Part.

there is no violence, evil, punishment, repression, supression, guilt,shame or any of the other things that are used in so many other religions.

Be good to all things.
Merry Meet (Hello to all you non-pagans)

I have completed a quiz on "beliefnet.com" below are the result's:

Mahayana Buddhism : 100 %
Unitarian Universalism : 93 %
Liberal Quaker's : 91 %
Neo-Pagan : 88 % Theravada Buddhism : 88 %
Roman Catholic 9 %

Its interesting for me to see this considering I was raised roman catholic and went to catholic school, I was a altar boy, was a member of a catholic boyscout troop, and I considerd going to seminary school to become a priest.

I think it was the free will, reading, and reasoning that led me to being a proud Neo-Pagan.

Merry Part (Seeeeeeeeeya.)
Again I feel kinship with all who explore turn the other cheek, forgiveness, loving our fellow man....whatever religion, creed, nationality, color or...whatever. But as I don't feel kinship to the Republican or Democratic Party, the Left or Right, liberal or conservative camps...I also don't feel comfortable labeling myself as a member of christianity...despite the fact that I admire and aspire to the teachings of Jesus the Christ.
Acts 11:26 And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they gathered together in the ekklesia and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christ-ians in Antioch.

5546. Christ-ianos khris-tee-an-os' from 5547; a Christian, i.e. follower of Christ:--Christian.
Every religion has a "label" for their beliefs and Faith but the label is just that if they love not their fellow man.

For those that are True followers of the "Christ/anointed" you will know us by our fruits/deeds and how we treat our fellow man.

Jesus warned his followers that Love/agape would wax "cold" and leave the teachings of the Christ and turn to "hatred".

Ironically, this is also prophecied as far back as Genesis and according Numbers 35:21, to kill with "hatred" is how God describes "murder".

Any religion that follows Love, charity and compassion are of God the Creator. This is why I call myself a "Christ"-ian/"anointed" one of God and a follower of "Jesus the Christ".
Zechariah 8:23 Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, In those days, [it shall be] that ten men out of all the tongues of the nations, shall take hold,--yea take hold of the skirt of a Jew, saying--We will go with you! For we have heard [that], God, is with you/Immanuel.
Just my humble view of what it means to be a follower of the "Christ/anointed" of God. Blessings.

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity/hatred [#0342] Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel."

Numbers 35:21 'or in enmity [#0342] he strikes him with his hand so that he dies, the one who struck [him] shall surely be put to death. He [is] a murderer. The avenger of blood shall put the murderer to death when he meets him.

Matthew 24:9 "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated [#3404] by all nations for My Name's sake..... 12 and because of the abounding of the lawlessness/iniquity, the Love/agape [#26] of the many shall become cold;

Revelation 2:4 "Nevertheless I have [this] against you, that you have left your first Love/agape [#26].
hi all:)
i still class myself as muslim (sunni) although i'm a bit borderline. i feel comfortable culturally with what i know, but i am also open minded to other beliefs. i have a very strong impression of jesus and greatly admire and am influenced by his teachings, but find too many concepts in christianity that bother me to be able to become christian. i also am greatly interested by judaism, but again, there are a few concepts that bother me. i intend to study judaism further as i am aware that i may have some misconceptions. i have an interest in and a respect for all religions, but find difficulty with non-theistic religions such as buddhism. although i respect some buddhist teachings, my view of religion is very God based and i cannot comprehend having no concept of God. i suppose really i am more of a theist by religion and a muslim by culture. the islam is most familiar to me and i have no problem with the vast majority of it, but i have a questioning mind, and although i am very willing to submit to the will of God, i am not always so willing to submit to everything people tell me is the will of God. i consider myself muslim, but maybe i have my own way of understanding it which doesn't quite fit in with the stereotype.
dayaa said:
hi all:)
i still class myself as muslim (sunni) although i'm a bit borderline. i feel comfortable culturally with what i know, but i am also open minded to other beliefs. i have a very strong impression of jesus and greatly admire and am influenced by his teachings, but find too many concepts in christianity that bother me to be able to become christian. i also am greatly interested by judaism, but again, there are a few concepts that bother me. i intend to study judaism further as i am aware that i may have some misconceptions. i have an interest in and a respect for all religions, but find difficulty with non-theistic religions such as buddhism. although i respect some buddhist teachings, my view of religion is very God based and i cannot comprehend having no concept of God. i suppose really i am more of a theist by religion and a muslim by culture. the islam is most familiar to me and i have no problem with the vast majority of it, but i have a questioning mind, and although i am very willing to submit to the will of God, i am not always so willing to submit to everything people tell me is the will of God. i consider myself muslim, but maybe i have my own way of understanding it which doesn't quite fit in with the stereotype.

You have quite an open mind. Excuse my ignorance, but I had the impression that entertaining the thought of exploring other religions was frowned upon in Islam. Are you openminded enough to change religions if so your spiritual journey would lead you there? I'm not encouraging you to do so, mind you, but wouldn't such an action permanently disbar one from Islam? Just curious.
I chose Christianity, though my beliefs have shifted somewhat in how I view people in other religions. I find that while i still believe in Christ the Savior, I think His Grace extends to those who truly are seeking God and His Love and love for others, thus fulfilling the requirement of the law. I do not believe god will judge us out of ignorance, but rather from the dictates of our heart.
I find that I am at my spiritual best when I am not seeking validation from an organization that does not promote individuality in the goodness and mercy and wisdom of God.

I Love the way Bandit put it - Christian without the "ity".

Each time I reach out to the teachings of Jesus Christ without the choke-hold of the church, I can see the way of life much more clearly. I see the unity of mankind much more clearly. Yea, Christianity without the "ity". That was cool.

Anyhow, I voted "Mine is not listed here", because I haven't found a church yet that isn't trying to lock me up in the kung fu grip. So I guess Christianity is the religion, but I don't really belong to that system.
Mason said:
A couple of days ago i was wondering which religions are the most popular with the members here at CR, and so i thought a poll would be a good way to find out. I hope many of you participate, and only the kindest of comments are welcome. lol ^_^

Please could you also specify which religious denomination you belong to if your religion has them, and which religion you follow if yours is not listed. Ty

Denomination = a thing of man, and Dogma...

I am of no Denomination, I am a Christian.
truthseeker said:
I find that I am at my spiritual best when I am not seeking validation from an organization that does not promote individuality in the goodness and mercy and wisdom of God.

I Love the way Bandit put it - Christian without the "ity".

Each time I reach out to the teachings of Jesus Christ without the choke-hold of the church, I can see the way of life much more clearly. I see the unity of mankind much more clearly. Yea, Christianity without the "ity". That was cool.

Anyhow, I voted "Mine is not listed here", because I haven't found a church yet that isn't trying to lock me up in the kung fu grip. So I guess Christianity is the religion, but I don't really belong to that system.
Until i read this post i really had no idea what Bandit was on about, even with some confusing posts from Wil to try & explain it,.. lol. So ty truthseeker. ^_^

Oh,... Angel now im not sure whether or not to feel i have made a mistake writing that,.. lol :p
Mason said:
Until i read this post i really had no idea what Bandit was on about, even with some confusing posts from Wil to try & explain it,.. lol. So ty truthseeker. ^_^... :p

I had to reread the entire thread to see where I was trying to explain where Bandit was coming from...as I have no business doing that...I don't know Bandit...I did however try to explain where I was coming from, as to why I agreed with the ity..(bitty?) objection...

And agree that truthseeker may have done a better job than my confusing posts...however I have found a church without the ity, that either does not have the choke-hold, or simply has one that I am comfortable with...
I have found that a growing number of family and friends are having a hard time pigeon holing" themselves into one 'ism' or another. For me what works is that to truly know the self (the purpose of all religion) and our relationship to God, is to become aware of a wonderfully radiant chain of lovingly inter-dependent atomic relationships that keep the universe in balance through ethical action and interchange of give and take. We are God, God is us.
Since I've been happy attending a Presbyterian church for quite a few years now, that plainly makes me a practicing Christian. But I remain deeply impressed by the earliest texts for Buddha (the Digha-Nikaya, for instance), for Socrates (I admit to being in ignorance of the Neoplatonist church, and I have merely been taken by Socrates and by the earlier Dialogues like the Euthyphro, the Apology, and the Crito, specifically, for their ethical content rather than viewing them as a template for a specific religion), and for Confucius (Chapters 3 to 9 of the Analects strike me, in their very simplicity, as being among the most enlightened texts humanity has given us).

Good question, and thank you. Regrettable that the option of Confucianism is not provided in the above, since I'd be curious to know if there are any followers of Confucius on this board.


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Mason said:
Yes, i should have put that,.. rather than Taoism. lol :)
Actually, considering the lack of response to my inquiry as to whether or not there are any here who follow Confucius, my hunch is that there are no more Confucians here than there are Taoists. So there may be no cause for regret at all!:)

It goes without saying that both Confucius and Laotzu are formidable cultural benefactors. At the same time, I suppose I remain surprised that, on a board that strikes me as being as rich in resources and in knowledgeable posters as this one, there are no specialists in either figure. Go figure!;-)

Best to all,

i am ito both, but you are right, it is suprising that thereare no specialists
I would say I am a pantheist with a tad bit of Shaivite Hinduism. Science is my biggest tool for finding God. Various philosophies (especially Eastern) would come next (since many are based on rational thought).
I follow the Christian tradition. I'm a panentheist, a perennialist, and a pluralist, with esoteric and mystical interests. :D