Your Two (Words) Cents Worth Presently

Yes but
Babylon need
Love, transformation,
Not hurt.
She fierce
Jungle kitty,
Drink blood
Of false
Men. Not
Happy fun
Ball, winepress.
Needs love,
She know
(think, remember)
I die
Once. Will
Dye again.
No one
Hurt her
Again. Hear
It, Black
Rose. You
Safe hear.
If harm,
I raze,
Leave only
Destruction, cinders.
Feel safe,
Trust me.
Closing airwave,
Be back.
When back
know greatness
Tehran, Baghdad,
Great light,
will shine
Future time
Justice needed
long suffering,
will prevail
Bloodthirsty Patrons,
Leering Faces,
Heartless Fools,
Mindless Corpses.
Better Run,
Fast, Far.
Crawl Sinners,
Get Away.
Oh I
Forgot! You
Can't. Hmm,
Oh Well,
Heigh Ho,
Drink Fire.
Last edited:
No Hurry,
Work, Play.
(yawn) Sleepy.
I..... (snore)
Howdy There
Priceless Pearl
Don't Stand
Too Close
You Might
Get Consumed
Once I was engaged in contemplation and I was taken up into the throne and I became one with this outward gushing river of love. No matter where I directed my attention- love flowed. All I could think or want or cared to do was love.

Now I don’t know what else resides in that throne in Christ, but that was a such a wonderful annihilation. I hope to experience it again.

God is Love
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We have broken protocol here PricelessPearl but we can always come back and delete later. You are young... Do you believe in the idea of a soulmate? Just wondering, because I think some young man would be very lucky to have you.
We have broken protocol here PricelessPearl but we can always come back and delete later. You are young... Do you believe in the idea of a soulmate? Just wondering, because I think some young man would be very lucky to have you.
Oh, I don’t know what protocol I broke. I didn’t put my real age. Not to fool but religion attracts all kinds so more of a disguise. And, I always aim for the immortal, the eternal.

I don’t know if I believe in a soul mate. I think my brothers are beautiful, for the most part, and it’s easy to love them. It’s an attractive thought to have a soul mate. I have much ecstasy in the Lord. Sometimes I am lonely too (although never alone as God is always Present- but I forget)
Oh, I don’t know what protocol I broke. I didn’t put my real age. Not to fool but religion attracts all kinds so more of a disguise.

I don’t know if I believe in a soul mate. I think my brothers are beautiful, for the most part, and it’s easy to love them. It’s an attractive thought to have a soul mate. I have much ecstasy in the Lord. Sometimes I am lonely too (although never alone as God is always Present- but I forget)

Oh, okay. Well, the idea would seem to be somewhat romantic on the surface, but there could be something to it. Suppose there was another half of you in the beginning, in God, and that, as one, you shared that ecstasy together and were part of the beauty that is in God. However, there was a fall of sorts, and you were split, destined to always search for one another, perhaps even through many lifetimes. Then one day, as if by miracle, you find one another and now you would have a chance to resonate together again, to share that living flame of love. Yes, death and decay would take you again but you (the immortal spirit) will just keep searching, perhaps finding again, losing again. And then one day, when God is all in all, the two of you will truly be one in spirit forever, the fall having only created a depth of love that never existed before in your previous innocence. In other words, the ending is much more, much better than the beginning. (whew, sorry, I go on with this stuff).
Oh, okay. Well, the idea would seem to be somewhat romantic on the surface, but there could be something to it. Suppose there was another half of you in the beginning, in God, and that, as one, you shared that ecstasy together and were part of the beauty that is in God. However, there was a fall of sorts, and you were split, destined to always search for one another, perhaps even through many lifetimes. Then one day, as if by miracle, you find one another and now you would have a chance to resonate together again, to share that living flame of love. Yes, death and decay would take you again but you (the immortal spirit) will just keep searching, perhaps finding again, losing again. And then one day, when God is all in all, the two of you will truly be one in spirit forever, the fall having only created a depth of love that never existed before in your previous innocence. In other words, the ending is much more, much better than the beginning. (whew, sorry, I go on with this stuff).
Could be. I am no expert on relationships. And there is definitely beauty and preciousness to a good one.

I tend to think our other half is the Groom - Christ. We are really both halves as the two are one. But in the aspect as the incarnated, we are the Bride. (That may not seem to terribly fun.)
Could be. I am no expert on relationships. And there is definitely beauty and preciousness to a good one.

I tend to think our other half is the Groom - Christ. We are really both halves as the two are one. But in the aspect as the incarnated, we are the Bride. (That may not seem to terribly fun.)

It might not look like fun conceptually, but in experience that could be quite a living and beautiful thing, I think. Yes, that is scripture language there and quite true. Not a dull thing at all. In that sense, we are all the Bride. I think this is similar to St. John of the Cross who preferred to see himself (his spirit) as the Beloved instead of the Lover. I tend to think of my own spirit as the Lover who seeks the Beloved. That's just my spiritual DNA, can't do anything about it.

You just do your path and I have very little doubt you will be greatly blessed. Everyone has their calling and a path before them, we just walk our paths as best we can.

Concerning protocol I meant we have left the "two cents" format in the dust, but I'm not complaining. :)