liberal vs. literal Christian

that was back when I went with the flow of this place. I still like the bible but I dont like the religions that come out of it. I think all institutional religions are a funny. This is the thread that made me ask the same question in every religion making me realize how bogus they are which actually confirmed the turning point & caused me to not like any of them. The same topic I was criticized & harassed for asking in the other religions but it was great because it made me realize how much bull crap there really is in religion. As for literal & liberal- I dont give a log of do do.

This is the tornado thread by the way. What Is the difference between a pretend mythical tornado and a real tornado? Saltmeister never seems to know.

How does one come to the conclusion that an entire religion is bogus, Bandit? The entire thing? Every single aspect of the religion, from as complex as the theology to as inane as the arrangement of the place of worship-- completely bogus?


I love how religion becomes an all-or-nothing issue on this forum. Either it's a hundred percent right, or a hundred percent wrong, and there is absolutely no middle ground. I also love the "I've seen the light" stories, where people are brought to the Matrix-like truth that everything they have every believed in is false! How does one survive an ordeal like that?
I love how religion becomes an all-or-nothing issue on this forum. Either it's a hundred percent right, or a hundred percent wrong, and there is absolutely no middle ground. I also love the "I've seen the light" stories, where people are brought to the Matrix-like truth that everything they have every believed in is false! How does one survive an ordeal like that?
It is not all or nothing for all of us. However you are correct, it is for many. When one finds out that the story of Jesus doodling in the sand and saying "ye without sin cast the first stone" was added centuries later, for some that shakes their very core. When we find the first and last of John were added and in the beginning evidently there wasn't a word... folks have issues.

But many of us take this knowledge and understanding as opening our belief, of increasing our faith in the words and thought that is accurate and don't throw the baby out with the bath water...
This is the tornado thread by the way. What Is the difference between a pretend mythical tornado and a real tornado? Saltmeister never seems to know.

I don't feel an obligation to answer that question because you didn't address that question to me, but to wil. To me, it seems that the reason why you're asking me to answer it was because I brought up the "Tornado Incident" during an argument you had with c0de late last year about religion.

I'm aware you might have thought that I was in opposition to you in that thread but that wasn't the case. I was just being a bit protective of c0de for being a new member. When I said, "Bandit doesn't rule this world," I was saying he didn't have to be intimidated by long-time members here. I also didn't want him to think that if there were arguments going on that he should think that the rest of the forum was like this.

Because my intention was for c0de not to be intimidated or to think that this is a place for arguments, I did what I came to do in that thread and left.

So why is it now my obligation to answer the question? Is anyone who makes you uncomfortable obligated to answer that question?

In life, there's a time for everything, I see nothing at the moment that would indicate that this is my time to answer that question. I may have already answered that question to myself in my very own way. But I don't necessarily have to answer you right now.:)

If you are offended by some of the things I said, then I apologise. I am not always good with words, tactful, or a good communicator. I do my best when the situation calls for it. But since my intention was never to harm you emotionally or psychologically, I would ask that you not hold it against me.