The Lord says this; "You've been told what is good and what the Lord requires of you, only to do what is right, love goodness, and walk humbly with the Lord your God.
Wil —Thomas... I'll agree there is a lot of schlock in Hollywood.
Hi All, I thought I'd start a thread to share Bible paasages and other sayings or quotes we find especially meaningful for the season of Lent. They don't have to be related to Lent and Easter, just something you find inspirational at this time of year.
(As one Buddhist master has said, what people in the West mean by freedom is the ability to chase the next whim or novelty without hindrance. It never occurs that real freedom and real autonomy first requires self-possession, and that takes discipline.)
Once you have the light keep faith in the light and you will become a child of light.
Once you have the light keep faith in the light and you will become a child of light.
The Catholic Church wrote the Bible ... it's everyone else who goes off with their own fanciful interpretations.... Catholic Church always defies the Bible...
Hi All, I thought I'd start a thread to share Bible paasages and other sayings or quotes we find especially meaningful for the season of Lent. They don't have to be related to Lent and Easter, just something you find inspirational at this time of year.
Lent... is not in the Bible... Catholic Church always defies the Bible... Even Purgatory, Limbo etc... Not in the Bible... It is clearly stated in the Bible that, we should not add or deduct any of the writings or teachings in the Bible...