Knowledge of Good and Evil

.. but I do read about a voice in the clouds that spoke in the presence of Jesus before a couple of witnesses. Whose voice was it that said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; listen to him."?
Why the voice in the clouds had to speak? Some 84 generations have passed since Jesus (average 25 years), there is a lot of unbelief even among those who were Christians. Don't you think, the voice in the clouds need to speak again?
Why the voice in the clouds had to speak? Some 84 generations have passed since Jesus (average 25 years), there is a lot of unbelief even among those who were Christians. Don't you think, the voice in the clouds need to speak again?
Kindest regards, Aupmanyav

Cyberpi is long gone, this is an old thread of mine that I brought back for some personal research. I cannot speak for Cyberpi, as I don't fully comprehend his point of view. It is unlikely you will get a response, Cyberpi hasn't been here in many years.
It seems to me that this distinction is offered as the fall, therefor being without it seems to be the point rather than going deeper into it.
Knowledge of Good and Evil​

Kindest Regards, all!

Some long timers here know about a thread begun quite some time ago about the development of morality in an evolutionary context. I am pleased that thread grew to be as long as it has, but at this point I think the core message has gotten overlooked. Not to mention, being so long, I guess it must seem quite intimidating to newcomers.

Luna suggested beginning a new thread to start over. I wish to thank her for the name in the title.

I am a little pressed for time (so what else is new?), so I am taking the beginning question and a few comments from the first posts to begin over. As before, the question remains open, and all comers are invited to join in.

There have been many other thoughtful and insightful posts added to the discussion, but we were never fully able to answer the question. Perhaps the question has no singular answer.

It seems to me that what we deem morality in modern society is a far cry from what may be deemed natural morality. Nature is a beautiful creation, balanced and in harmony. Yet, humans have long outgrown natural morality in most cultures, excepting it seems to me such indigenous cultures as the Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians and African Bushmen. Perhaps I would be remiss if I overlooked some Pagan traditions, so I am fishing for some insight in this direction.

I look forward to a meaningful and enlightening discussion. Kindest Regards to all! 
For beginners this is a bit lot. Let's start with the first phrase.
It is about morality.
I think 💬 about the power survival of the fittest is a human personal desire and not scientifically.
I think it is the yang or male or in astrology the Mars aspect.
When a young boy likes a girl he fights for her. So far this we see also in nature. Because there is a competition.

A young boy knows that.
So man are competitives.
It is for the young girl Proof the young boy shows interests in her.

So far about morality.

Here we meat the word vulnerable.
Because how has this word become so important?
The problem is we do not know the story or history.

But to keep it short.
There was a misunderstanding.

That is what I think.

We all know status is important.
But how much depends on the kind of a status.
And here is where I am not sure.
I think to remain honest is important.
I think we created false personalities as an option in or during history.

Why would a royal be different from the ordinarily people when it comes down to our nature?
Yet, to desire to be royal it made people pervers.

More pervers then animals are who are gentle.
And thus more royal then sometimes people are.
Why seek evolution when many degraded.
At least that could be also a possibility.