What color is your...

Q! Just realized I did not acknowledge your contribution. Thank you! Blue and gold is a great combination, very royal IMO. Interesting how often blue is coming up. So, I read once that people who like blue are very well-adjusted because blue makes up such a large part of our visual field when we are outside (sky, water).

China Cat, I don't think I've heard of The Cosmic Octave, but I have a book called The Third Ear by Joachim-Ernst Berendt in which he mentions the same thing. He uses the "day tone" (24 hours) and octavises (doubles) it, over and over, until he reaches the audible range. He gets a G (according to him, the C# is for the year tone). If you continue to octavise it to the visual range, you get saffron yellow, and if you octavise it 66 times you get the resonance of DNA.

lunamoth, when I read your question I thought, for no reason that I can name, "pink". It's not even a color I particularly like, but I put a lot of faith in first impressions and gut reactions, so I'll leave it as it is. To be more specific, the pink I thought of is about the same as our little tongue-smiley, but a little darker. Although I think the seven-color rainbow is often used to represent Wicca, as well as what you might call "Queen-of-Heaven blue".
An amalgamation of dusty rose, a soft green, perhaps powder blue and either lavendar or lilac. :eek:

Many of the people I know offline in the pagan community consider me "a healer" and that I should "be trained" (um, am I a puppy or something like that? :rolleyes: ) So far, I've declined (I have enough to deal with without adding people who should seek out professional assistance.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
An amalgamation of dusty rose, a soft green, perhaps powder blue and either lavendar or lilac. :eek:

Many of the people I know offline in the pagan community consider me "a healer" and that I should "be trained" (um, am I a puppy or something like that? :rolleyes: ) So far, I've declined (I have enough to deal with without adding people who should seek out professional assistance.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Hi Phyllis,

That is a beautiful combination of colors. Rose and lilac, my favorite flowers. It will be a beatiful patch and I will try to work in the flower idea.

I did not know this about you--fascinating! I should have gussed from your gentle use of creatures to lift us up from time to time (my lunas are all well and send their regards. we'll all be going out for a walk/flutter in the park soon with the girls--it is a beautiful day here). The world needs as many healers as it can get.

Leafblade said:
My colors are probably, green, orange and black.

Green because I love spending most of my time in the woods or fields. Orange because I'm rather cautious around others. Black because I feel I have more energy at night.

Hi Leafblade, welcome to CR!

Your colors remind me of Autumn, and I love the woods too. I am originally from the Northeast, upstate NY, and I miss the trees and woods. Colorado, so far, has been desperately brown.

I also like your fox--another manifestation of your orange color.

I embrace the entire spectrum...including the known unseen...ultra-violet, and infra-red, the indescribable colors of the sounds below the light frequency and those of the alpha, theta, delta, gamma....and x rays above the visible spectrum...

And contemplate the glory of the colors of enLIGHTenment that will come as science and theology explore and implore around what will come in the future.

(funny I could never answer what was my personal favorite color)
wil said:
I embrace the entire spectrum...including the known unseen...ultra-violet, and infra-red, the indescribable colors of the sounds below the light frequency and those of the alpha, theta, delta, gamma....and x rays above the visible spectrum...

And contemplate the glory of the colors of enLIGHTenment that will come as science and theology explore and implore around what will come in the future.

(funny I could never answer what was my personal favorite color)

Hey Wil! Good to see you posting again. :)

Leave it to you to pick a challenge for my quilt. The UV and IR wavelengths will be there, we just won't be able to see them. You must just have faith that they are there.

A good part of my research was into the effects of ultra-violet light on plants, so UV is special to me as well.

Scarlet Pimpernel said:
Heh, no, I'd say scarlet is more the color of my personality...and my hair. :eek:
I like this idea of yours - will we all get to see it when it's done?

It is still in the planning stages. Actually, the full idea is to use my quilt pieces to make tote bags, rather than big quilts. I am just beginning and I like to make smaller things, yet still have them be useful. I have a digitial camera so when I complete one I'll take a picture and post it.

Hi--Peace to All Here:)

Thanks for directing me here, lunamoth. I have enjoyed reading through this thread! I especially enjoyed Wil's response, because I believe that there are colors we do not know. Maybe they were here on earth at one time, or maybe they have yet to be revealed. So, ummm...can you make one up?:)

Other than that, all I can say is that after a very electric blue, there may be an indescribable white--shimmering, stainless, and eternal:cool:.

lunamoth said:
So, what color is your religion, or spirituality? Why?

May I choose two?

Green and gold.

Green for what we have first nature -- one's life, talents, capacities, health, and natural growth and development.

Gold for what comes second nature -- the progressive actualization of one's daimon, one's ideal or target of self-perfection.


Eudaimonist said:
May I choose two?

Green and gold.

Green for what we have first nature -- one's life, talents, capacities, health, and natural growth and development.

Gold for what comes second nature -- the progressive actualization of one's daimon, one's ideal or target of self-perfection.



You most certainly may choose two--thank you for the input. Green and gold is a beautiful combination. Also, welcome to CR. :)

Eudaimonist said:
Gold for what comes second nature -- the progressive actualization of one's daimon, one's ideal or target of self-perfection.

Is that from James Hillman by any chance? Daimon?

Luna: Green and deep blue, for the color of the cosmos and the color of the earth.
AletheiaRivers said:
Is that from James Hillman by any chance? Daimon?

James Hillman? I'm afraid that I've never heard of him.

I've googled him. Hm, I see that he is associated with Jungian psychology. Very interesting. I may have to investigate him further. He may be a fellow traveller. Thank you for bringing him to my attention.


AletheiaRivers said:
Is that from James Hillman by any chance? Daimon?

Luna: Green and deep blue, for the color of the cosmos and the color of the earth.

Thank you Allie--it will make a great patch, perhaps a green circle on a deep blue background?

Also, to anyone who is interested, I have pretty much figured out my basic design for the tote bags. I'm making them in two sizes, both of them with bookophiles in mind. The larger is 12" x 9" X 6" for hard covers and the smaller is 10" x 7.5 x 4 for paperbacks. Each will have pockets for pens, cell phone, and note-pads, lined with canvas for sturdiness and the outside is pieced fabric with all the patches like a quilt for the front and back. I'm working on perfecting my quilting skills now since I've never done this before. I have this idea that if I get good enough at these I can sell them through book stores and churches. Not really looking for a profit, but I think it will add to the fun and sense of accomplishment with this. Besides, there's only so many of these things I can unload on my family.

Thank you all for your creative input and I hope that I will have some results to share with you soon. As I work on my sewing skills I also am collecting scraps of all the colors suggested, which also makes it fun, like a treasure hunt finding just the right colors.

This is a very interesting thread. For Taoism I would have to say greens and light browns. Wouldn't be able to pin point any one color. These colors are my personal choice and I've always been fond of them.

kiwimac said:
The colours say rather more about us than about the religion we associate them with.

Perhaps true Kiwi, and if so then my work will remind me of all of you, which is much better than all of religion.

~ luna