What color is your...

I am going to need one of those bags, my friend:) . See you in the PM's about it soon!

(By the way, I posted on this thread before, but I cannot find the post here--I have looked and looked! Hmmm....maybe someone else sees it? It was on 4-10.)


(Edited to add: Okay, I finally found the other post, but it wasn't easy! I hope you saw it, Luna...)
InLove said:
I am going to need one of those bags, my friend:) . See you in the PM's about it soon!

(By the way, I posted on this thread before, but I cannot find the post here--I have looked and looked! Hmmm....maybe someone else sees it? It was on 4-10.)


(Edited to add: Okay, I finally found the other post, but it wasn't easy! I hope you saw it, Luna...)
I did see your post! So sorry I did not acknowledge it at the time. Guess I was distracted by something. Brilliant blue and white is energetic and makes me think of heaven, for some reason. And you most certainly can have one when I am finished! It will be my pleasure to make one special for you dear Debora. :) As I said, I've made a few of them now, but I need to get better at the quilting part (my mom said she would help when I visit her next month) and I am still collecting the colors. I hope I can put everyone's visions into reality!

theocritus said:
This is a very interesting thread. For Taoism I would have to say greens and light browns. Wouldn't be able to pin point any one color. These colors are my personal choice and I've always been fond of them.

Hello theocritis, welcome to CR. :) I do like those earth tones too. Along with blue they have been coming up frequently. I'm actually seeeing a finished piece that has blues on the bottom, browns and greens, and then more blues on the top for an 'earth' theme.

Thank you!
Here's why green and gold:


The symbol above, which can be taken as symbolic of my philosophical path, carries with it the meanings I mentioned before.


I first wanted to say the colors of the rainbow because the "path of the night rainbow" is important in the ancient ways of Hawaii nei .... but the more I thought about it, I think I would go with "lipo" which ia a deep shady forest, deep water in the sea, blue, black or dark from the depth of a cavern, or from the depth of the sea, deep, bottomless as the ocean or "lipolipo" which is great depth of the ocean so as to appear blue or black .... our chant of creation is called the "kumulipo" which means "the source" or can be translated "kumu" (teacher) of the "lipo" (deep ocean or source) .... the "lipo" can be accessed through deep meditation .... so "lipo" it is .... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
Hey Eudaimonist, thank you for showing what the symbol looks like. I like those laurel branches, representing reason and victory. :)

Hi Pohai, Lipo is a very cool addition to our spectrum. Thank you for that! *luna stolls off meditatively pondering the color of the ocean source*
:p thought here for poh's patch: a combination of a very deep forest green, a deep navy blue and black.

I know. :p idea. *heads off to the mope corner, :kitty: in tow*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
After thinking about it for a while, I would have to say mine is multi-patterned off-white chenille.


  • White chanille.jpg
    White chanille.jpg
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Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
:p thought here for poh's patch: a combination of a very deep forest green, a deep navy blue and black.

I know. :p idea. *heads off to the mope corner, :kitty: in tow*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I got the image of a kelp forest the way Poh described it. Same colors as you say Phyllis, but with a fluid and upward flowing movement to it.

seattlegal said:
After thinking about it for a while, I would have to say mine is multi-patterned off-white chenille.

White on white with texture. My hub loves that as well. I actually already have a fabric that captures that I think, but I love it so much I will look for more!

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Stupid question here, lunamoth: how's your project coming? The Comparative Religion :kitty: and lunamoth delegations would like an update. :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
lunamoth said:
White on white with texture. My hub loves that as well. I actually already have a fabric that captures that I think, but I love it so much I will look for more!


Kalebash is my color.
Quahom1 said:
Kalebash is my color

Have you been bashing kale again, Q? :D

But, umm...seriously, is that like a gourd-type color? Or is it something else entirely? As usual, I am curious. (Why am I thinking of Jimmy Durante--didn't he used to say, "Goodnight, Mrs. Kalebash, wherever you are"?:)

(BTW, nice to see you around the boards a bit more these days, luna--hope you had a nice R&R!)

InLove said:
Have you been bashing kale again, Q? :D

But, umm...seriously, is that like a gourd-type color? Or is it something else entirely? As usual, I am curious. (Why am I thinking of Jimmy Durante--didn't he used to say, "Goodnight, Mrs. Kalebash, wherever you are"?:)

(BTW, nice to see you around the boards a bit more these days, luna--hope you had a nice R&R!)


Everyone has a light spectrum they can see, and it is rather limited in the scope of range. Some can see deeper reds, and lesser blues, while the reverse is true for others. It's a fact of life, and what makes us all so unique.

I don't see the reds, that you might be able to see, but I can see farther into the blue and violet than you might be able to see (a trade off I suppose).

When you look at a "black light" tube (you know, the flourescent tube that makes posters glow in the dark), and you see the weird purpleish glow from the tube, is that all you see? In otherwords, is that the extent of the ultraviolet frequencies that you perceive? Or do you see more, or sense or tactilly feel more? (do your eyes feel like they have pressure on them, were none actually exists)? And is there a snip of a color that you can just barely make out that you can't literally focus on (because you have no words to describe it, and you can't pull it into center stage?)

Wow. I do relate, in a sense. ( I love unexpected puns). Thanks for the explanation, Q.:)
InLove said:
Wow. I do relate, in a sense. ( I love unexpected puns). Thanks for the explanation, Q.:)

only a secret until someone has to ask (what's the catch?).
Not sure what you mean....no catch.

Do you mean my reference to a pun? You know--we are talking about how we see, and I said "in a sense"? (Maybe it wasn't a very good pun after all, huh? But I didn't expect to type it. ) :)

And I said that I relate because I sometimes have a difficult time describing some colors that I see. So your explanation of your own experience was enlightening to me.

Did I make more sense this time? I hope? Sorry if I sounded cryptic. I do that by accident from time to time.

InLove said:
Not sure what you mean....no catch.

Do you mean my reference to a pun? You know--we are talking about how we see, and I said "in a sense"? (Maybe it wasn't a very good pun after all, huh? But I didn't expect to type it. ) :)

And I said that I relate because I sometimes have a difficult time describing some colors that I see. So your explanation of your own experience was enlightening to me.

Did I make more sense this time? I hope? Sorry if I sounded cryptic. I do that by accident from time to time.


Yes, yes and yes. You made sense the first time. I knew I couldn't describe "kalebash" in any logical way, except for surrepetitious? Unless, someone else has experienced a similar sensation with ultraviolet light, and a frustration with lack of discerning red/infrared light. Hopefully someone will be able to identify. But in the mean time...life goes on in multifaceted colors, whether we can see them or not.
LOL! I see, said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw....:rolleyes:

Kalebash. Cool.:cool:
Cool explanation of kalabash Q and thank you for asking Phyllis!

My project has been on hold...and on hold. I made some prototypes and got some sewing tips from my mother over the summer. She has greatly encouraged me and also helped me buy a bunch of beautiful fabrics for my sewing pallet. Now...to just get to doing it again. The weather has been so nice out I've been distracted by many other things. But now we are heading into the cool weather, the kids are more or less settled into school routine, and I once again find myself dreaming of colors and patterns.

I'll have to re-read this thread for inspiration!
