What color is your...


Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Wow! This thread is a blast from the past. So many wonderful people represented here.

Believe it or not, I still plan to do this project! I made quite a few tote bags while teaching myself to sew, and my mom has tried to give me pointers on how to make the quilts. Problem is...chunks of time!

Anyway, I'm still looking for great ideas for spiritual colors.

My latest spiritual color is green...and everything Irish/celtic.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet The pure colors of a prism would represent my personal brand of religion/spirituality.

I remember as a child, one of my favorite little trinkets was a small prism. It amazed me how it allowed me to see the rainbow of colors within light itself. I had no idea how it worked, but it made me smile just the same.

I think the Spirit of God is like a prism, when it filters the truth, which is also the light, and Christ - We have a pure undefiled religion, and a coat of many colors to cover us.

It is said that we are covered by the blood of Christ; I view blood to represent Spirit, or seat of life. When the Spirit dwells in us, we are cloaked, much like Joseph was when Jacob made him a multicolored coat. I think it might have represented the rainbow mentioned in Genisis - a new covenant.

Joseph represents Christ/salvation in a round about way, and Christ is our 'new' covenant and life Matthew 26:28 So yeah -The colors of my spirituality are Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet - the pure colors of a rainbow, and the filtered light of Christ who poured out His spirit for us all.

[Undefiled religion - Cloaked in His love - Spirit]


Beautiful Gatekeeper (aka Cage?)

I see the Joseph-Jesus connection too. Thown in a pit to die by his brothers, but God took that evil act and made it a Victory, just like the cross and the resurrection.

My girls are going to love your rainbow suggestion. My seven-year-old has one painted all across one big wall of her room. Oh I remember the days when I put rainbows on everything. Great idea: rainbows are symbols of God's promise and our hope.
Beautiful Gatekeeper (aka Cage?)

I see the Joseph-Jesus connection too. Thown in a pit to die by his brothers, but God took that evil act and made it a Victory, just like the cross and the resurrection.

My girls are going to love your rainbow suggestion. My seven-year-old has one painted all across one big wall of her room. Oh I remember the days when I put rainbows on everything. Great idea: rainbows are symbols of God's promise and our hope.

Ahhh, you remember me!! Yay! :D Yup, tis Cage under a new persona, lol. It's funny this thread came up today because it hasn't been very long since I came up the the whole prism, and rainbow theory - It was nice to put meaning to color, and define the color of what I believe, ya know?

How ya been, btw?

Ahhh, you remember me!! Yay! :D Yup, tis Cage under a new persona, lol. It's funny this thread came up today because it hasn't been very long since I came up the the whole prism, and rainbow theory - It was nice to put meaning to color, and define the color of what I believe, ya know?

How ya been, btw?


I've been great, thank you. :) So good to see your posts around the forum too. I lurk much more than I post.

I love the idea of the light through the prism, making all the beautiful colors. Light is a great metaphor for God's love shining on us, warming us, energizing us, and then reflecting back out from us to the rest of the world.

I've been great, thank you. :) So good to see your posts around the forum too. I lurk much more than I post.

I love the idea of the light through the prism, making all the beautiful colors. Light is a great metaphor for God's love shining on us, warming us, energizing us, and then reflecting back out from us to the rest of the world.


Yup, and it's better than a pot of gold ...

I remember my papaw [pappy] would always tell me that there were pots of gold at the end of a rainbow. Boy oh boy did I want that pot of gold! So much so, that I would dream about me and pappy going out in the rain with shovels in hand, out to get it!!. Good memories, and not too far from the truth - there's streets of gold in them there rainbows. ;) [A bridge to heaven]

Yup, and it's better than a pot of gold ...

I remember my papaw [pappy] would always tell me that there were pots of gold at the end of a rainbow. Boy oh boy did I want that pot of gold! So much so, that I would dream about me and pappy going out in the rain with shovels in hand, out to get it!!. Good memories, and not too far from the truth - there's streets of gold in them there rainbows. ;) [A bridge to heaven]


Wonderful memories James. My five-year-old today had a leprachan visit her class; he caused some mischief and then left some 'gold' for the kids while there were on recess.

Time now for me to be dreaming (instead of typing). Great to chat with you and catch you later. G'nite. :)
Symbolism of Colors

Here's a brief profile of what these colors represent. I thought it was pretty cool ...


Red is the color of physical energy, passion, and desire. It symbolizes action, confidence and courage. The color red brings passion and strength to your relationships, your life and your work.


Orange is the color of joy and creativity and promotes a general sense of wellness. It provides emotional energy that you can give to others, including compassion, passion and genuine warmth.


The color Yellow has stood for wisdom and intellect throughout the ages. It is full of creative and intellectual energy. A sun color, it makes us feel happy and optimistic. Expansive and free to do and be all that we can be. Cheerful, Joyful, Curious, Yellow promotes optimism.


The color Green is the color of balance. It also means learning, growth, renewal, and harmony. Green is the color of nature. It brings peace and harmony into our lives. It is the color of healing, hope, optimism, freedom, and balance.


Blue brings intuition, inspiration, sincerity, peace, joy, tranquility, faith in oneself and trust in others.


A mix of blue and violet, it is the color of knowledge. It is the color of dignity and Intuition


A perfect balance of Red and Blue, instilling both Strength and dignity, Violet is the color of Spirituality. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It helps us align ourselves with the Oneness of the Universe ...
I see the Baha'i Faith as green, Judaism as blue, Christianity as purple, Islam as yellow, Zoroastrianism red, and Hinduism orange.... Buddhism.... black?

I didn't type in yellow because it's hard to read.
I don't know if I've answered this thread before... too lazy to check em all... anyway...

my "spiritual colour" would be brilliant white, yet flecked with brilliant white, dazzling, like starlight, or lightening in the sky... the same colour as energetic, kinetic energy...
I don't know if I've answered this thread before... too lazy to check em all... anyway...

my "spiritual colour" would be brilliant white, yet flecked with brilliant white, dazzling, like starlight, or lightening in the sky... the same colour as energetic, kinetic energy...

White has all the colors. If you see a brilliant white aura, so bright that you can't even see the person, that's an angel.... (I saw one once.)

I would say my personal color is the one I'm typing in right now... light blue.

Even though I see my religion as green, I know it's not just green. My heart is green... (not physically green, but I believe the heart is represented by green.) The Baha'i Faith is actually called the Crimson Ark because of the blood of over twenty thousand martyrs.
The :kitty:, ferret and lunamoth delegations are wondering (as I am) how the "InLove Memorial Quilt" Project is coming along. (I hope you don't mind me calling it the "InLove Memorial Quilt" Project. :eek:)

By the way, my colors haven't changed.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The :kitty:, ferret and lunamoth delegations are wondering (as I am) how the "InLove Memorial Quilt" Project is coming along. (I hope you don't mind me calling it the "InLove Memorial Quilt" Project. :eek:)

By the way, my colors haven't changed.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

My question hasn't changed, oh human member of the lunamoth delegation.

Sorry about the pestering here. :eek: *hands over a couple of chrysalises (?) with lunamoths just starting to emerge*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Apologies Phyllis! I saw your question and in my mind I answered it. Just didn't get around to actually posting the answer. :eek:

Currently my mom duties have kept me from doing much of anything creative with sewing. I have a kindie girl and a third-grader, and we are on this weird year-round track schedule where they have school for a few weeks and then a few weeks off. When they are home we are out and about doing things, and when they are in school I seem to be spending a lot of time helping them with projects and homework and extracurricular activities.

In spite of the busy-ness and lack of large blocks of time, I have tried to be more intentional about nurturing myself, mind, body and soul.

I've started a work-out schedule and am training to do a half-marathon in September.

I'm taking a theology seminar course (second year now) and have taken on a couple of extra roles at my church.

And, as if that were not enough, I'm looking to get back into science/teaching part-time, so I'm job hunting. :)

Oh yeah. I decided to read the whole Harry Potter series start to finish. I'm on book 5.

This is just a long-winded way of saying that I've been a real slacker on my spiritual quilt sewing project!! Lovely of you to remember and ask about it.

This thread always reminds me of InLove.
Apologies Phyllis! I saw your question and in my mind I answered it. Just didn't get around to actually posting the answer. :eek:

Currently my mom duties have kept me from doing much of anything creative with sewing. I have a kindie girl and a third-grader, and we are on this weird year-round track schedule where they have school for a few weeks and then a few weeks off. When they are home we are out and about doing things, and when they are in school I seem to be spending a lot of time helping them with projects and homework and extracurricular activities.

In spite of the busy-ness and lack of large blocks of time, I have tried to be more intentional about nurturing myself, mind, body and soul.

I've started a work-out schedule and am training to do a half-marathon in September.

I'm taking a theology seminar course (second year now) and have taken on a couple of extra roles at my church.

And, as if that were not enough, I'm looking to get back into science/teaching part-time, so I'm job hunting. :)

Oh yeah. I decided to read the whole Harry Potter series start to finish. I'm on book 5.

This is just a long-winded way of saying that I've been a real slacker on my spiritual quilt sewing project!! Lovely of you to remember and ask about it.

This thread always reminds me of InLove.

It's great that you have your priorities straight. Just give a whistle when the "IL Memorial Project" is back on, okay? No hurry, though. :)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Buddhism is the Vajra or diamond religion.
It has no color -- it is the perfect and clear diamond that is clear and beautiful, and reflects all the colors without itself being colored in turn.

Triple Gem - Ratna Traya