
I'm not much of a gambler, but I brought some punch to go with the cake...:)

My that punch tastes good

Mine was 11:17 am June 3...

that wud be EST

my tat puch tasts goodly

that wuld be 4:15 PM GMT

grate punce..oops

Whut isit new...closet but nut over...or jist closets?

And that punch id awwsum

i wuv u guys...

i weally weally doooo
Punce?? Whaat punce (brrrp...'scuse me:eek: )? Whar r tha brounies?:D

lunamoth said:
Which time zone?

Lol! Never thought of that!

Well, it's now around 12 midday in the UK, and it's 2999, so unless I select another timezone, I don't think I've guessed right. :)
Yay! Let the party begin. Where' that punch I've been hearing about??? :D



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I said:
We'd be doing better on the rate of new members, only Google is broken and we're one of the casualities - we don't even appear in the first 100 for the term "comparative religion", which we used to have a strong presence for.

More on that here:
I'd noticed that Google searches have been rather lame lately.
Use Yahoo! or MSN instead. :)

I've moved to using Yahoo! recently instead for most search - it's a bit weird jumping brands, but generally I can find what I'm looking for on Yahoo!.