Just out of Curiosity!!!!

wil said:
And if accusing me of rejecting the his teachings, of hijacking threads for my own purpose, benefits you on your path in some way. It is quite alright.

But as I said, those that have made such accusations would look a lot better if they would back them up....as I believe that effort would cause one to rescind the post.

here you go. they come & you join. then you cant figure out why these threads are moved. they would have been moved any way.

Jesus Never Was a Mystery- Jesus Himself Explains – Sigh of Jonah

Jesus-Neither Literal Son of God nor God

& here...denying his power & authority by using herbs & what not.

Did Jesus die?
lunamoth said:
Because this thread was set up from the first question to turn into this. And because a couple of us who usually back down have decided to hold our ground, at least for a while.

But, it is time to lay down our arms. You are welcome to the last word Faithfulservant, if you wish.

I'll end with

"My peace I give to you..."


you part with a peace offering which is beautiful yet right before that you posted something that is decidedly passive agressive and confrontational.. the peace offering suddenly doesnt feel sincere..

What amazes me is that in some ppls mind its them against us and there are suddenly sides to be chosen.. reminds me of high school.
Faithfulservant said:
you part with a peace offering which is beautiful yet right before that you posted something that is decidedly passive agressive and confrontational.. the peace offering suddenly doesnt feel sincere..

What amazes me is that in some ppls mind its them against us and there are suddenly sides to be chosen.. reminds me of high school.

You are wrong, Faithful. That was a genuine offer.

Faithfulservant said:
This thread is becoming what I feared the other thread was turning into.... why is that?

Actually, I just had another thought about your question here Faithfulservant. Reviewing this and other threads, it seems that where they 'go wrong' is when someone starts to comment on another's motives for posting, rather than on the topic of the thread itself.

What do you think (*genuine question*)?

Bandit said:
here you go. they come & you join. then you cant figure out why these threads are moved. they would have been moved any way.

Jesus Never Was a Mystery- Jesus Himself Explains – Sigh of Jonah

Jesus-Neither Literal Son of God nor God

& here...denying his power & authority by using herbs & what not.

Did Jesus die?
Thank you so much for proving my points Bandit!

from the Did Jesus die? I answered all the questions directly and biblicly... specifically where you indicate "denying his power & authority by using herbs & what not." lets put emphasis on the NOT!
Originally Posted by Penguin
He preached and healed people with methods, (which had never been seen before) with herbal and natural medicines, which were seen as miracles by the people in the area.
As responded by Wil:
according to biblical accounts he stood out as a healer, they don't reference herbs, but healings of faith, herbs, tinctures, spiritual healings were known and accomplished during his time, it is the numerous instantaneous spiritual, faith healings that differentiated him from others
As you can see I said they don't reference him using herbs...but that other healers were doing so at the time...and that he healed through spirit and faith... Either I am unclear about what I mean, or you are unclear about what you read.

As for inhumility's OP regarding Jesus-Neither Literal Son of God nor God my only post prior to the moving to the comparative religion section is:
While some may think this start blasepheomous and heretical...it appears that it is aptly describing the vagaries, variety and vastness of what is christendom. Our various, denominations, sects, and cults (cult-any organized religion) have so many tenents which allow or restrict freedom in beliefs it is amazing. While at first I thought this as an intrusion into the Christianity board...I think it more enlightening as to the variety of concepts and ideas which the bible has spawned.
And you judge my post bad how??

Lastly your first accusation from the thread of Jesus Never Was a Mystery- Jesus Himself Explains – Sigh of Jonah Faithful servant asked the discussion between you and inhumility to be moved prior to my posting anything. And yes, in rereading it it appears I stepped over the line of that forum...So we may continue if you wish...you tossed out three places I was abusive...only one I believe will be judged as so. And on none of them was it my comments that caused someone to request the thread be relocated.

Eckardt Tolles book a new earth indicates I shouldn't relish being right. I gotta work on that ego thing...

I apologize to all for feeling I need to defend false accusations.
lunamoth said:
Actually, I just had another thought about your question here Faithfulservant. Reviewing this and other threads, it seems that where they 'go wrong' is when someone starts to comment on another's motives for posting, rather than on the topic of the thread itself.

What do you think (*genuine question*)?


As a n00b, and an outsider looking in, I'd have to agree with you.
Would you all like some cheese with that whine? A little violin music?

Sheesh, what a bunch of crybabies.

Dor said:
Well I for one dont see how someone coming here and telling me Christ is a cool dude but he didnt die, his mom wasnt a virgin, if he did die there is no way he was resurrected....how is any of that actively seeking Christ????

Yes it is true Q but so is...Joh 15:18If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. Joh 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.Joh 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

So maybe we should look at who are the ones really getting pushed and maybe we should take our leave



I am truly sorry you feel that way.


China Cat Sunflower said:
Would you all like some cheese with that whine? A little violin music?

Sheesh, what a bunch of crybabies.


"chuckle" right on time as usual Cat. ;)


China Cat Sunflower said:
Would you all like some cheese with that whine? A little violin music?

Sheesh, what a bunch of crybabies.


Actually Id like some aged colby....to eat while I pray for our poor troops.
lunamoth said:
Actually, I just had another thought about your question here Faithfulservant. Reviewing this and other threads, it seems that where they 'go wrong' is when someone starts to comment on another's motives for posting, rather than on the topic of the thread itself.

What do you think (*genuine question*)?


maybe some of the time.. butin this case its the bottom feeders that post to keep conflict going that eggs it on in my opinion

Would you all like some cheese with that whine? A little violin music?

Sheesh, what a bunch of crybabies.

This is my most current example. It was hurtful and hateful and unnecessary. Sorry but Im not going to applaud it.. I lived with someone that did that to me for 10 years. Its condescending as hell.
wil said:
And yes, in rereading it it appears I stepped over the line of that forum...So we may continue if you wish...you tossed out three places I was abusive...only one I believe will be judged as so. And on none of them was it my comments that caused someone to request the thread be relocated.

I apologize to all for feeling I need to defend false accusations.

oh Wil, you are correct & i am VERY sorry for that. but my point was not making an accusation, rather why those threads were moved. someone tried to tell me one time that it was the spit & mud that made blind eyes see & deaf ears hear & the lame to walk, instead of Jesus himself & the authority that backed him.
i thought you were saying something like that. so again that was my error.

i am going to try this one more time if you dont mind answering. i have a very difficult time with this. i was not saying they were moved because of you, rather indicating the topic itself was not teachings of Jesus or biblical.
i think the only way i can talk to you is by asking questions. it is very hard for me to understand you.

1) so you tell me, why were those threads moved?

2)according to your belief, after the trial of Jesus & the brutality he recieved for showing nothing but love & after they pierced his side & his blood had been drained, what things happened next according to your belief?

do you think they buried Jesus like he taught? do you think Jesus rose from the dead in victory like he said he would?

3) if Jesus is our wayshower, where is Jesus leading you in your final destination?

and I also recall a discussion of Lazurus' rising and drugs that were being utilized to cause the three day coma...but we can't discuss this here.

Lazarus was sick & died & in there 4 days & he was DEAD. he was not in a coma. he died, had been buried, was wrapped & he stunk of dead flesh. Jesus did not use any drugs to raise him nor was there any mention of Lazarus taking drugs or being in a coma.
are we in agreement here on what happened??

but you are also correct. i thought you had said we CAN discuss that here. & after looking you said CANT...so again i am REAL sorry.

but again, here it is again...saying that thread AND the other should be Christian when it is coming from an Islam belief. & this is why you do not make sense to me.

Just because my view of the scope of what a follower of Jesus could be differs from yours, does not make mine a personal attack....Now of course if I were in the Catholic Forum or the Baptist Forum...I would have to agree... And while I feel that this discussion as the other that inhumility started could rightly be in the christian forum, it really doesn't matter. You've booted them both out....to belief and spirituality...where now my beliefs be they christian or pagan or scientific are now within the realm.

I am saying that the 2.1 billion people who make up christianity won't agree on many tenents, rituals, beliefs of their denomination v. mine or yours...the path is much wider...that is what I said...truth is their are many chrisitans in those 2.1 billion that don't believe in the virgin birth, original sin, trinity, diety of Jesus, resurection....but they count themselves as christian because they believe the value of what Jesus spoke....whether any of these are true or not...

so if you want to answer my sincere honest questions i would appreciate that. if you dont want to, i understand as well. thank you
lunamoth said:
Actually, I just had another thought about your question here Faithfulservant. Reviewing this and other threads, it seems that where they 'go wrong' is when someone starts to comment on another's motives for posting, rather than on the topic of the thread itself.

What do you think (*genuine question*)?


i dont really see much of any biblical discussions here any more. what i see is a lot of wiggly waggly discussions taking us farther & farther from the Gospel into la la land.
while i think what you are saying is true because this board is constantly hammered with things that are not what Jesus & the Apostles taught.
we are to lift one another up in faith not post topics that bring doubt & conspiracy about the Gospel of Jesus.

i think questioning the motive is appropriate in some cases.
