Just out of Curiosity!!!!

earl said:
For folks that just want to discuss their "blue" religion, they don't want to hear "green," "yellow," or "red" ideas. I Brian raised a good point elsewhere re the question of when-to use my metaphor here-does "blue" so change color that it is no longer recognizable as "blue?" But as the color spectrum shades incrementally into the different hues-blue-violet, yellow-green, etc. have to ask ourselves as re whether it makes any kind of sense to attempt to make dialogues "true-blue." I'm a poor beginning landscape painter and, while monochromatic paintings-i.e., those where the picture is just variations on a single color-can be attractive, I prefer pictures whereby there is a predominating color but with complementary ones thrown in.:p have a good one, earl
Earl, I hope I do not take to great a liberty if I run with this a bit. It strikes a chord with me - which could be a similar metaphor unto itself. Indeed, the various major notes of the scale, each important, even variable as sharps & flats, yet also distinct. And sounded alone, they are what they are - singular. When blended, and when arranged in proper sequence, with rhythm, melody and theme, we may create, perform, and experience music! :)

Two art metaphors really, and the same idea (7 note scale, ROYGBIV colors). But a Middle C is not the same as a B flat or an F sharp. And blue is not green, no matter how much they may resemble one another.

The idea of complements is something that I would like to focus on out of what you said. Some of the diverging viewpoints on Christian belief, which most of us (who hold them) are willing to admit (even proud of stating sometimes, maybe too proud) - are clearly the result of introducing and blending either complementary colors, or varying hues & saturations of the `blue' we're working with. We do not deny that, if I surmise correctly.

Nor are folks insisting, or even asserting, usually, that this particular blend over here is more valid, or more original, than the `true blue' which some members feel is "under fire." The simple fact remains, whether those who are true blue want to admit & face it or not, that people are asking questions, and a New Christianity is emerging ... and many folks at CR either identify themselves under such a flag, or at least look up, see it waving, and raise their eyebrows at the rallying that is undeniably taking place.

By the same token, folks who are hearing the drummer call the tune in slightly different cadence or timbre, and who are happy to rally under a flag that has evolved even in recent years (let alone 2000 of them!), would do well to remember that the Traditional tunes and colors yet serve to rally untold millions, and are every bit as cherished by those who answer under their call as the new flag & new drumbeat are by the new generation (of Seeker, or Christian, in this particular case).

Yet for all my mixing of metaphors, I fall error to the foolishness of duality. As if there were two distinct "camps" - the true blues, and everyone else. So back to your original point: Although blue is not purely subjective, it is just one color, and colors do best in art, with complements. People too (even a subtle double entendre there :p ) ...

What I wish the blues would spend a moment contemplating, is that the oranges (or other - golden, lemon yellow, saffron) who seek to make their presence felt, hope not to supplant, but to assist in the drawing forth of a Beauty, a Harmony, and a Wholeness which cannot exist while blending does not take place. Because blue, no matter how deep down blue dives, or how high she soars into the sky above, will always be blue. And orange, whether a fiery, even passionate sienna, or a gentle, wafting saffron ... will always be orange. :)

Put them together, and just look what Nature was able to do ...


Abstract Andy
Dor said:
Mat 25:40And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

key word I see here is brethren doubt someone who discounts everything about Jesus would be considered his brethren and I could be wrong but Im still gonna call a spade a spade and a heart a heart.

All are brothers of Christ, some may be wayward, but as I recall, Christ went actively seeking the wayward one...and having found him He broke his leg then placed him around the saviors neck, so that the wayward one had to depend on Christ for everything and grew comfortable with His scent and His care...so that the wayward one once healed, never wandered from the Shepard's side again.

But that was Christ's job and decision, not ours. I will also point out that those who come here are not "wayward". They are actively seeking out Christ. But what good of that, if the rest of the flock keeps pushing them out of the fold. If that happened to me one too many times, I'd leave too...


Well I for one dont see how someone coming here and telling me Christ is a cool dude but he didnt die, his mom wasnt a virgin, if he did die there is no way he was resurrected....how is any of that actively seeking Christ????

Yes it is true Q but so is...Joh 15:18If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. Joh 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.Joh 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

So maybe we should look at who are the ones really getting pushed and maybe we should take our leave


Dor said:
Well I for one dont see how someone coming here and telling me Christ is a cool dude but he didnt die, his mom wasnt a virgin, if he did die there is no way he was resurrected....how is any of that actively seeking Christ????
I think that is the issue no one is telling YOU any of this. No one is asking you to believe it. In most cases they aren't even saying this in the christian forum. Some are questioning what they read, others are discussing what they have read. And asking for input.

I think that is what Q is referring to. When someone comes with questions we should be providing answers and discussion, not disdain for the questioner or the question.
lunamoth said:
You are quite right Dor. Those threads were a very interesting exercise and I appreciate Bandit for starting them, and for everyone who kindly answered his questions. What struck me was how the members of those religions did not start an outcry and demand Bandit be banned for posing his questions.


quite correct. but i most certainly was told to STOP IT. & those members made it very clear to me what the core of their faith was & that if i did not acquire that, then no.
Dor said:
Well I for one dont see how someone coming here and telling me Christ is a cool dude but he didnt die, his mom wasnt a virgin, if he did die there is no way he was resurrected....how is any of that actively seeking Christ????

So maybe we should look at who are the ones really getting pushed and maybe we should take our leave



i agree but we are supposed to keep listening to that.

i will gladly take my leave also:)
wil said:
I think that is the issue no one is telling YOU any of this. No one is asking you to believe it. In most cases they aren't even saying this in the christian forum. Some are questioning what they read, others are discussing what they have read. And asking for input.

I think that is what Q is referring to. When someone comes with questions we should be providing answers and discussion, not disdain for the questioner or the question.

yah & the answers are completely against the core of Jesus teachings on his death, burial & resurrection. everytime a muslim asks questions you run with it making the thread get moved to another forum, then cant figure out why.
Dor said:
Ok they may not be "defensive" to some but they dang sure tell you nope cant do that:) .

Let me lay down the basic foundation of Christianity and Im a wacko Fundamentalist....and isnt that what we are talking about..I think most would agree the basic foundation of Christianity is Christ or did I miss something.

i dont think you are wacko. you have always been loving & caring & had an honest desire to know the scriptures. if it was not for Faithful in the beginning i would never had stayed here.
Bandit said:
yah & the answers are completely against the core of Jesus teachings on his death, burial & resurrection. everytime a muslim asks questions you run with it making the thread get moved to another forum, then cant figure out why.
I'll ask of you the same I ask of others refering to my posts...just one specific that proves your point...While I get accused readily, to date no one has decided to follow their accusation with any proof...I'm not editing my posts I can't, so if you have evidence of me 'running with a muslim's question and me causing such thread to be moved....

lol Maybe we don't need an alternative, liberal, esoteric, or mainstream christian discussion space....maybe a fundamentalist space would be in order. (it's a joke, although it won't be taken as such)
wil said:
I'll ask of you the same I ask of others refering to my posts...just one specific that proves your point...While I get accused readily, to date no one has decided to follow their accusation with any proof...I'm not editing my posts I can't, so if you have evidence of me 'running with a muslim's question and me causing such thread to be moved....

lol Maybe we don't need an alternative, liberal, esoteric, or mainstream christian discussion space....maybe a fundamentalist space would be in order. (it's a joke, although it won't be taken as such)

i thought we had become friends. good grief Wil, the muslims have more respect for Jesus. you reject his teachings all the time. he said he would be killed, lay down his life, be buried & 3 days resurrect, then ascended into heaven & gave all the reasons for doing it. & yet you make that teaching of Jesus a lie...

no more no more no more no more!

the latter would be fine, but as i already said, you can have the title because it proves nothing & my bags are packed.
i dont have problems with being friends with you at all & i think we would get along just fine as neighbors. but not when it comes to the core...we would not be discussing & changing that ever.

have a good weekend.
wil said:
I'll ask of you the same I ask of others refering to my posts...just one specific that proves your point...While I get accused readily, to date no one has decided to follow their accusation with any proof...I'm not editing my posts I can't, so if you have evidence of me 'running with a muslim's question and me causing such thread to be moved....

FWIW Wil, I don't see you doing that.

Let's look at the reception Bandit got when he asked his literal vs. liberal question across the fora:

"Hope this helps." (Islam)

"It is a good question that you ask and I am sure it came after a long thought about Islam."

"You don't really need to worry about that, as the parts of the scriptures you enjoy are really the point." (Hindu)

"Bandit, are you looking for a specific answer?
Hinduism could be considered a rather "liberal" religion."

"Interesting topic and replies." (Hinduism)

"As individuals we can and may have any opinion on any subject. There is nothing in Hinduism that enforces conformity, or stifles individual thought or opinion. However, serious seekers learn from Hindu masters, and follow the specific teachings of that master and lineage. The masters themselves belong to a long line of teachers from a specific teaching lineage (sampradayas), all of which can be categorized into a handful of denominations. The collections of the teaching lineages and denominations is what we call Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism.

I hope that helps.

OM Shanti,

“Hopefully, this can clarify things concerning the further questions you offered.” (Hinduism)

"These sorts of questions are tough to answer, but the attitude would likely depend on the individual." (Hinduism)

“What are your views on this? " (Hinduism)


Dear, dear friend.....” (Baha’i)

“If you have further questions, please feel free to ask them: they're most welcome! :)


Bruce” (Baha’i)

“Thank you for your conversation. I may have been able to recognize your humor, but I hope to be able to understand you humor, too.

Sassafras” (Baha’i)


It was a pleasure answering your questions.

I hope our answers have helped you concerning the original post by Wil, "liberal vs literal Christianity". And I hope the other "liberal vs literal" threads have added clarity for you as well.

Have a nice weekend, yourself.

Sassafras” (Baha’i

Yes, your questions were definitively answered, and the answer was a resounding "no" (well, maybe not resounding for Hinduism, which apparently is more flexibile and open), but your questions were welcomed. No one put up a fuss about you asking the questions themselves. No one felt threatened by them.

I think Islam, Hinduism and Baha'i have set a very good example for us.

reading through this thread I had some thoughts.. after reading Bandits adventures on the other forums (lol) several things were made apparent to me..

Wow we have such an amazing freedom in Christ.. All we have to do to receive the gift of salvation is to believe!

I think we are supposed to pray for ppl that are under such heavy bondage with so many strict conditions.. and not be contentious.
Namaste Bandit,
Bandit said:
i thought we had become friends. good grief Wil, the muslims have more respect for Jesus. you reject his teachings all the time.
I am willing to turn the other cheek, but only to substantiated accusations. Instead of proving the last accusation I get another one.

And Christians wonder why folks reject Christianity...I think it is mainly because what happens from the pulpit or the pews does not jive with what happens in the parking lot.

I believe in a practical Christianity, one that I can use in the street, at work, amongst friends, in business, at the ballpark and on the dance floor.

I think it ludicrous for one team to have their chaplain say prayers for winning, as if G-d or Jesus takes sides in a football game (or a crusade).

I work at blessing those that 'cut me off' while driving down the freeway, hoping that they make it safely to wherever they are going with such urgency.

I try to mend and don't take part in gossip at work...far be it from me to cast the first stone.

I follow our elder brother and wayshowers footsteps, and don't believe he ever wished us to bow at his feet...exchange in washing them maybe...shaking the dust off as required...

And if accusing me of rejecting the his teachings, of hijacking threads for my own purpose, benefits you on your path in some way. It is quite alright.

But as I said, those that have made such accusations would look a lot better if they would back them up....as I believe that effort would cause one to rescind the post.
LOL no darnit... its ME!

If everyone stopped and thought about what they said before they reacted in the heat of the moment.. I think we would say very different things.
Faithfulservant said:
This thread is becoming what I feared the other thread was turning into.... why is that?

Because this thread was set up from the first question to turn into this. And because a couple of us who usually back down have decided to hold our ground, at least for a while.

But, it is time to lay down our arms. You are welcome to the last word Faithfulservant, if you wish.

I'll end with

"My peace I give to you..."

No it was set up as a legitimate question....just how far can you twist a words meaning quite far it seems......I have realized one thing I have done wrong on this question and it pointed me to a scripture..

Mat 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

What I havent done is been harmless as a dove....which I will definately try to do in the future but I doubt Im ever going to be completely able to not call the wolves out as wolves.
