What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

Up was a very moving sad and hilarious film, and the talking dogs were one of my favorite parts. :) Sorry no talking cats. :(
Up was a very moving sad and hilarious film, and the talking dogs were one of my favorite parts. :) Sorry no talking cats. :(
UP was a great metaphysical adventure, full of metaphor and parables.

About the things we hang onto in life (house, material possessions) about how sometimes when we strive to hard we get nothing, but when we just allow how things occur...

and the dog....when he suddenly realized he was now alpha...incredible.

we've each been the boy, the old man, the explorer and the dog...

what a movie.
In the Name of the Fada, a video about an Irish American man who went to a Gaelic-speaking part of Ireland to immerse himself in the Irish language and culture.

Some parts were rofl-worthy (like when he talked about how he remembers the Gaelic phrase for "my pocket" (mo phoca [pronounced mo foka].)

Made me think about all of the other languages that I've studied/encountered.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

As the title perhaps suggests, a dire warning of what a pandemic will bring to the world. 

Stellar cast and the story unfolds in a methodical (clinical?) manner. My only gripe is the slightly schmaltzy ending but hey, it could have been worse - it could have had Jeff Goldblum in it. 

7 / 10. 

(bit surprised at the rather low film category; the film could disturb children - it should certainly disturb adults).

As the title perhaps suggests, a dire warning of what a pandemic will bring to the world.

Stellar cast and the story unfolds in a methodical (clinical?) manner. My only gripe is the slightly schmaltzy ending but hey, it could have been worse - it could have had Jeff Goldblum in it.

7 / 10.

(bit surprised at the rather low film category; the film could disturb children - it should certainly disturb adults).
I went with a persistent cough....

That was great for effect...

and yes, good flick.
recently i watched wrong turn 4 where the fuckers have sucked mislead people , its so horrible movie ever in this series
The other day I came across my copy of "Dead Men Don't wear Plaid" & watched that. It's a Steve Martin film that pays tribute to the "hard-boiled" detective films of the 1940s. I think it was cleverly done; it includes clips from old films & Martin interacts with film legends, including Charles Laughton, Lana Turner, & Vincent Price.
Jack Frost (I don't know who was in it, but it wasn't the Michael Keaton version.)

Not even MST3K could've saved it, either the original cast or the new cast of MST3K. It was a mad slasher flick with abso-fooking-lutely no redeeming features.

I ended up watching Moribito and The Storyteller to get that cr@p out of my head.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Sherlock Holmes....better than the first in my opinion.

Mission Impossible.... the best yet, but that ain't saying much

War Horse.... I liked it...a lot. I squirm for 90 minutes in most movies, can't get comfortable...that 2+ hours flew by. I did squirm once, cringe even...you'll know when.
just saw Cowboys & Aliens which was actually pretty good. they did a good job translating it from the comic to the big screen and it was very entertaining.
I watched Whale Rider, finally, upon a good friend's request some time ago. Wish I hadn't waited so long! One of the best movies I've ever seen ... although you will find many tearful moments. Definitely in my Top 10 List now! :)
Dogs Decoded: Nova

The most interesting part was a 50 year breeding experiment begun in the USSR which is still ongoing. Apparently selecting for nonaggressive traits in foxes eventually produced foxed with doglike features. Separately a person interviewed from another country called it selection for juvenile features. No one said whether the foxes developed the ability to interpret emotions like dogs can do, but the foxes did get floppy ears curly tails and cute faces selecting for non aggression. The bred foxes also had decreased adrenal levels.
Saw Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close yesterday. Cried like a 13 year old girl throughout the movie...it touched me deeply. Highly recommended.
Margin Call.

Good but not as involving as I'd expected. Jeremy Irons was particularly good I thought. At the start of the film I thought it was a food eating festival with a film going on in the background. That dialogue nearly drowned out the wrapper rustling and munching. Very annoying.