Zaakir said:
...anyway if jesus is god then giving him aface and body means you are givin god a human face and body... the fundamental beleif n islam is:
there is no God but God and Muhammad is His why would we even dare consider worshiping him?
first part of your question is NO, that doesnt mean you are giving God a face and a body. God the father in his glorified heavenly form cannot be seen, it would kill us all for we are unrighteous and sinful and could not look upon him, we would surely die and the mountains melt like wax in his presense. However, christ being born of the virgin mary and the holy spirit of God, he had the nature of man (a face, a body, blood, etc.) which would allow his physical body to die for our sins, but he also had the nature of God from where he came (forgiving others, being worshipped, sinless, fulfilling prophetic scriptures of the messiah, God and the Holy Spirit testifying on his behalf) having the fullness of God dwelling within in him, he was able to have power over life because he is life, and his Spirit back to the throne of God it went.
You wouldnt worship muhammad being a sinful man, you are to worship the sinless Christ however, because in the words of the prophets, angels, wise men, john the baptist, the holy spirit, God himself, all testify of the Son that he is the Lamb of God to die for our sins, he is the Son of God who came from God being born of God's Holy Spirit to die for our sins, who is God who created all things, who is from everlasting, and the great I Am. Recognizing Christ as the Son of God is recognizing the true nature of God. Jesus Christ being the way, the truth, and the life died for our sins so that we might have eternal life.
Jesus Christ being the way is the only way for us as sinful people who cannot follow the laws without breaking them, died for our sins so we might be able to forgiven and cleansed, thus be acceptable to God in his presence in heaven. Jesus Christ is the truth, all things Jesus Christ said were of the Father and the Spirit, who he is before all things, who was, and who is after all things. The words of Christ are truth today, tomorrow, and yesterday, because the words of God are truth. Jesus Christ is the life, because all things were made through him, he has the power to judge and give death or everlasting life, he has the power to resurrect.
those are a few reasons you would worship the Lord Jesus Christ.