If you look up planet
Vulcan on Wikipedia, you'll find a long list of historical observations by
credible and popular astronomers, dating back several centuries - including some quite recent. A more comprehensive list, including amateur observations, would probably comprise several bound volumes.
Vulcan is an intra-Mercurial planet, making it
quite close to the sun, hence the name (and association with Vulcan, or
Hephaestus, the "blacksmith of the gods" - the fiery
temperer). Sometimes, in esoteric writings, Vulcan is symbolized by the Sun; other times, we find the expression,
"moon veiling Vulcan." For several good reasons - both in terms of modern
and esoteric science - it
is extremely difficult to observe Vulcan directly. The Wiki article lists some of the exoteric reasons ...
Einstein may have been able to
explain away these observations of Vulcan, along with the
ether (aether), but both
still exist, as posterity will some day show. Astrologers often take into account planet Vulcan, which
does, and always has, held an important place in the charts of the heavens. Pluto, on the other hand, has
never been regarded as a plant (what a nifty typo,
I mean planet, of course ) -
by astrologers - since it is understood esoterically to be a SOLAR SATELLITE. It is a moon
of our system (and therefore I presume it WAS the sun, in His last incarnation).
As for Nibiru, or
planet `X,' I dunno. Maybe there's something else out that way too, but I've never heard of it. Except for in Sitchin's, and related writings.
The ancients
DID often speak of
Twelve Sacred Planets ... wil,
et al ... and you can find a (really long)
article about them here (which I stumbled upon in researching Vulcan).
Also, esoteric teachings tell us that
astrology will one day recognize
seventy "hidden" planets in our solar system. The
asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, is already theorized by some as
possibly having once been a physical planet. Esoteric science knows that this is true, no matter
what ideas conventional scientists currently hold. With Vulcan, minus Pluto, this would give us
ten planetary schemes - or systems - of evolution. But I'm not sure how the
hidden planets might factor in, nor how long it will be until conventional science acknowledges their existence.