Well-Known Member
So, it would appear that you're suggesting we know a true follower of the Lord because another true follower will say that he is. That's a little weak.
One possible objection, take another believer who happens to believe something different to you, whose experience of God is different to yours. This person could say that he recognizes you to have a contrary spirit. Of course you might say the same thing back to him, but who are we to believe. I'm not necessarily saying I don't believe you, but I am going to need a better answer to my original question.
Please accept that I am far too weak to supply you with adequate, satisfactory answers.
The contrary spirit I referred to was one that was contrary to the holiness/ godliness that a faithful and true life in the Spirit of Good and Truth would bring about in the person's spiritual "condition." However, regardless of the "stature" of a person, or his particular religious affiliation, it is the Light (of Love/Truth) that exposes and reveals godlessness/unholiness and manifests its ugliness in the face of the glory of God, that is, the beauty of holiness.
Certainly, the beauty of holiness/humility is not restricted to Christians, but is available to all who, in your words, cavalier, have "experience of God." But even then, as one may discern the fragrance of same Holy Spirit praying through a Baptist, Reformed, Charismatic, or Orthodox Whatever, yet sounding different through each, one may discern differences in the spiritual "flavour" of different faiths. That does not necessarily constitute all their adherents as "contrary." Contrariness is to be found in the heart, not in the creeds.
I meant your experience, cavalier, since I called you by name. To restate the Teacher's heart:
Trust Me. Listen to me. Do you hear what I'm saying? Now go and do it: Live Love.
I hope that I am doing just that in my own experience, yea, even in this thread. If all you see is weakness, pray that God be strong through it.