Then I ask you. Why is the gentleman from Afghanistan subject to fleeing the country and seeking asylum in Italy or America, all because he chose to convert to another faith (in this case, Christianity)? Why, when the courts decided to drop their case against him, the clerics called for his execution?
You are correct. Obviously I do not understand, or I missed something significant here.
Why, is it that a friend of mine since childhood, who was born and raised in America, and who fell in love with a Catholic boy and decided to convert to Christianity prior to marriage to him, was dis-owned by her father? And why did she have to be as equally shrewd and harsh, and ban her father from seeing his grandsons, until he saw reason, and accepted her back as his daughter?
Why did the neighbor across the street from my parents damn near kill their daughter for dating an American? (the sons were arrested and charged and convicted of aggrevated assault) Why did the people across town have their sons kill their daughter, for "bringing disgrace to the family", because she refused to marry the man the family chose for her?
Why can't I walk down my old neighborhood (where my parents live), in uniform, without getting pelted with eggs by the youth who are being raised in the United states?
Arab-Americans have been part of my old neighborhood since the early sixties, and we never had the kind of confrontations that are occuring almost daily in my home town today.
These are not poor people, not by a long shot. They own some of the biggest homes, drive the fanciest cars, they are not hurting for money, yet some young punk is screaming at me to get out of here and go home...telling me that "I" am the cause for all their grief...what grief? They are rich kids! They've never set foot in the old country, most of them.
This is my home..."not anymore" one said, before sticking a knife in my tire.
The absolute hatred these young people have is come at one in waves.
No, you don't know me. I've become a stranger in my own hometown...
Multi-million dollar highschools, with Arabic graffetii on the outer brick walls. Watching the local baker spit in the dough for the bread a non Arab is about to buy. Graffetii on the local churches (but God help anyone who dares do such a thing to a mosque in town).
Peace? Islam is a peaceful religion? me.
I truly want to see where I am wrong. You see it isn't something I read, so assumed. No, my friend it is something I've lived. Wasn't so 30 years ago, but today, it is prevelant.
The young are out of control and in a rage, and the old are afraid to stand up to them. Non Arabs do stand up, and are labeled predjudice, and Arab haters.
No, just pissed off. I do not like sugar dumped in my gas tank for starters, nor do I like my windshield shattered by a baseball bat. I do not care for my parents being harrassed when they have lived in the same neighborhood for 44 years. And I do not care to take on five teens at once who are going to show the military f**k, that he can't come on the block I was raised on, well before they were a gleam in daddy's eye.
Am I as ignorant as you first thought?
Your call.