Does God speak to you?


Peace, Love and Unity
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As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? If so, what was revealed?
I said:
As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? If so, what was revealed?

I have never had the experience of hearing God speak directly to me. However, I do think that if I look at the coincidences in my life, that God was in them somehow - especially the 'good coincidences' - you know, the times when I screwed everything up & by some miracle things turned out alright anyway. LOL

Now that being said, I do think that God does speak to people both directly & indirectly. But I also believe that these times are few and far between. I don't know that I think God speaks directly to any religious or political figure (or if He does, I don't think they listen very well). I think God finds the one who is most good and speaks with them and I find it hard to believe that those who are most powerful in this world are also most good.

I would also be interested in those of you who believe you have spoken directly with God - from both Eastern & Western traditions. I am sure I would be awed to hear of your experiences.
Only one time when I was 23 have I heard a voice, and I think it was Yahshua's. I had sunk in the darkest pit I'd ever been in and cried out "Why Father? All I ever wanted to do was love. Then a voice came into my head and said "I know that , you have know idea how much he want's to give you." Then something kicked out my heart from the inside and I knew I had to read my bible. The verse it opened up to was For you have forsaken your rock. Then over to II Tim showing how people would be in the last days. Then it bounced me around Jer and Rev and giving me understanding about Babylon and that everyone and everything I loved would be destroyed. Then the next verse I flipped to was in Jer and said Do not weep or wail for them, or offer any plea or petition, for I will not listen to you. I was terrified and tried to warn people and got locked up. I got back into Christianity, but it didn't make sense. I met a guy at work one day and found out about the name Yahweh and a group that claimed to be the truth. Was baptised on Pentecost, had some more crazy experiences, saw a bunch of angels or malaks, a being on a white horse, some wheels within wheels and a bunch of other crazy stuff. Usually I get things from scriptures by flipping them open, only when I'm really seriously looking for an answer though. You might say, Well, you can get meaning from anything. People who say that don't know the bible, it could have opened to the Ark was 10 cubits, or Lamech begot.... But the one time about 7 years ago, I had turned back after that group proved to be a lie and some things happened and I was sick of it all and was about ready to blow my brains out. I thought I'll see what if he has anything to say to me. It opened to a verse in "With a little wrath I have hid my face from you, but my loviing kindness I will never take from you". I've been searching for answers my whole life, studying religion, psychology, philosophy, science trying to find answers. Nothing totally answers everything that happened. So the just crazy doesn't cover it. I've just been mad and avoided him because of the hell it caused me. Then in the last couple of years things I saw have taken place, and now as I just turned 40 some things have started happening again. I don't stray too far, but I sin because I just want to live my life in peace and when I get really heavy into scripture is when the freaky things have happened and what all the pieces seem to be adding up to is something I don't want to do. Yeah, you maybe right, I maybe crazy
Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

When I first experienced the Beloved(the sufi term for God/Allah) revealing Himself to me it was in the nature of a state of being. Everything I saw, everything I felt and how I interpreted all sensory input was as though I was in the Kingdom of Heaven while still on earth. Everything was luminescent, vibrating with the love of the Divine; everything(living and inanimate) was slightly and gently swaying to and fro while seeming to (each individual object) singing out it's praises to the Beloved in their own unique fashion all the while this multiplicity of song and dance was harmonized in perfect unity. This "introduction" to the Supreme Reality lasted 3 months. Since then I have rarely experienced the glory of the Divine in such a fashion. Most often now I have moments of clarity stimulated by situations and memories brimming with synchronicity (sometimes a vague or even powerful sense of deja'vu). Sometimes when I'm talking to the Beloved in my head I get a response and sometimes I accept this response as valid divine communication; however, I am in such distrust of my own mind because of the mentally traumatizing experiences I've been through that I am rather suspicious of the words that form in this old cranium of mine. The interaction with the Divine that I trust most is the overriding sensation of love and union that I sometimes feel. I always know the experience is coming on as I am usually thinking of the Beloved(as I most often do these days) and it is a welcome development in the flow of that moments praise, devotion and remembrance of the One who has remembered me first. I burn with longing for intimacy with the God of creation and these gifts of the spirit that I see and hear spur me on further in seeking, longing and surrender to that eternal Glory that is the Supreme Light of Love that is our source and destination now and forevermore.

Peace Be With Us

God only speaks to me when I speak to him. He doesn't intrude unless asked. And when he does speak, it's ALWAYS words of support, even though they're sometimes ones I don't particularly want to do such as, "you already know that, answer it yourself."

I don't hear Him as an outside voice, it's strictly and internal voice in my head. And it could simply be me talking to myself. The only thing that makes me think it's not "just" me, is what He says to me.

I can also talk to people who've passed in the same way.

It's either a matter of not putting up barriers that most people do or perhaps, being a tad nuts. But it's always positive and never negative or destructive, so I don't much worry about what it is or where it comes from.

Perhaps God actually does dwell in all of us if we choose to communicate w/ him. Perhaps.
I’ve had some experiences but never actual words coming to me as if someone is talking. Just the coincidences mentioned earlier. I’ve had times when something’s been troubling me and then the answer just comes. Or the opposite I hear or see something that I don’t see as of any importance then later I’m asked a question or have to know something and then it makes sense. I have also had that feeling LongingDervish spoke of. But not for that long all at once but rather short periods of time. That however I think everyone has felt that way. It’s the feeling that for some reason you just can’t stop smiling. That feeling of joy and happiness just flows over you for no reason at all. Or even a time when you get really mad and then you just find a way to settle down and deal with that problem. The closest thing to actual communication I’ve gotten was a weird Bruce Almighty moment. I saw a person who had a hoody on and on the back where their name should be it said Pray I don’t know if this was their last name or not but I did pray about something that was very prevalent at the moment and it happened. I guess their was another time when I had been praying about something very personal (I don’t wish to reveal) for quite some time and (me being catholic) on the night of my confirmation it was answered to me through the rambling of my drunk uncle. I don’t know if these where actual communication but I think they where and I don’t think that I’m crazy. I think God communicates with every one but most are to blind or unbelieving to notice.
I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. [size=-1]Socrates[/size]
God once told me that every thing he says is a lie. I then asked him if he really meant it. Then God said "No I am telling a lie."

Go figure.
Nogodnomasters said:
God once told me that every thing he says is a lie. I then asked him if he really meant it. Then God said "No I am telling a lie."

Go figure.

so.. was He lying before or was He lying the second time?

besides... you don't believe in God.. so i think you are simply making this up to try to be humorous.

I believe the statement is a paradox, intended to fry brains that attempt to resolve it. :)
Of course God talks to Pat Robertson. Recently God informed Pat that Bush would get re-elected. Of course this is the same God who told Pat to run for President a few years back. Amazingly I have found that God tells people to do and believe things they thought of on their own.
I can't say that God has spoken to me but I can't say that he has not. I've never heard or experienced any kind of communication with God that I wasn't sure was just me.

I have no proof of anything on this subject to support or deny anything has happened. I can say I've noticed this about myself:

When I have hope and I am encouraged, I tend to believe "something" else led me to this point or had some effect.

When I dispair and I am unencouraged, I tend to believe "something" else led me here for a reason and will lead me out.

When I am just fine and feel neither too encouraged nor too unencouraged, I feel that the "something" I felt before in my life was most likely just me.
Fern said:
I don't know that I think God speaks directly to any religious or political figure (or if He does, I don't think they listen very well).
If god was omniscient He would not bother sending messages to people that of which he knows they would not see.
To me, God speaks to everyone but not in words. Its not in signs either. Its in emotion. I think of the Holy spirit as water in a bottle and everyone has there own straw. Each person thinks it tastes different. Everyone interprets him/her/it differently. Art is a good sin of this.
I think God is powerful enough to speak to anyone he wants to, only it would freak some people out so much that he talks to them in other ways. I had a strange experience recently, where I thought God was saying "Turn the Television on", which is pretty weird, but I did it, and, sure enough, an (Australian) Aboriginal friend of mine was on television talking about traditional bush foods . How do you work that one out? I think you don't have to be anyone special to hear God.


Zdrastvuitsye, hola, shalom, salaam, Dia dhuit, namastar ji, hej, konbanwa, squeak, meow, :wave:, Frank.

My personal opinion concerning whether or not G!d/dess speaks to us or not is that I need a better definition on the term "speak". I mean, I know a number of people who "speak" but don't speak (due to profound hearing impairments, they use ASL to communicate.) Some plants "speak" but they don't speak (as we know speaking) otherwise when one plant is under attack, the rest of the plants around it wouldn't be able to defend against the attacker (sort of.)

Also, what about people who hear voices? I mean, paranoids, schitzophrenics, other psychotics? Are they hearing the voice of G!d/dess? If so, then why do some of them hurt themselves or others, then claim that they were told to do that?

Am I making any sense here?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
Also, what about people who hear voices? I man, paranoids, schitzophrenics, other psychotics? Are they hearing the voice of G!d/dess? If so, then why do some of them hurt themselves or others, then claim that they were told to do that?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

This is an important point. In my opinon, the best way to gage whether you are experiencing God or not is by the emotion(s) you are experiencing. LongingDervish's post really resonates with me, and I would call what he described a genuine experience of the Divine--that absorption in Supreme Love, where everywhere you look you see the Beloved in different forms, and all those forms are singing praise to the Beloved in their own way--that is the most treasured experience of life. On the other hand, if someone hears a voice or reads something or follows some 'signs' that lead them to do harm to themeself or others--in this case, it's probably safe to assume that the emotions being experienced are ones like fear, confusion, or anger. In my experience, those kinds of emotions keep you the farthest from experiencing God.
I said:
As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? If so, what was revealed?
Shalom Brian

I think that when religious Jew is learning the Gemara ( the Talmud) the feeling is not so much as if God is talking to him, but is very much as if God is communicating with him in some manner. It is true that leraning the Gemara demands much of an intellectual effort, but from my own experience this has also an emotional quality. it is said that through learning the Gemara one attains the ability to see through things and actually (so the saying goes) better communicate with the immediate future.
hi all,
in taoism we beleive in gods and actually we can talk with them or see
them.thats why we have medium which can go into trance state
where this gods will enter the body of the medium and say out things
through the medium mouth.there are a few ways that can communicate
with by means of meditation and through third eye which can see directly.the gods mean here is some kind of angel as refer to by other religion.taoism and hinduism are having the same belief when come to the terms of communicating with gods.

wisdom preacher
God speaks through inspiration

I don't believe God actually speaks to anyone. I do believe He gives us inspiration when we need it if we are open to it.

An example of this in my life happened several years ago after a job interview, i knew i wanted the job and i said a prayer that if it be God's Will could i please get the job and immediately i knew i needed to write a letter expressing my eagerness. so i did and mailed it right away. as it turned out the program coordinator had already decided to hire another person, but she procrastinated calling her (which was out of character for her), then she received my letter and called me and gave me the job.

I still work for this organization and it was through this job that i learned of the Baha'i Faith. God does indeed work in mysterious ways!


Loving Greetings, Harmony
9Harmony said:
I don't believe God actually speaks to anyone.
I'm sure there are plenty of people on this forum who would disagree - though as to what form of communication this takes is incredibly variable.

For one, there's recognising the patterns of the universe - for example, those little coincidences that open incredible paths.

Then there is also the familiar "intuition" that nudges the self into making choices that are not necessarily rational, yet have incredibly importance consequences.

There are also those moments of inspiration - like momentaryly staring through the fabric of space-time to see an incredible truth or idea.

And those moments when something inexplicable touches us - a sudden warmth while in grief, like God or the Angels (or whatever) have touched us.

There are perhaps other instances.

Perhaps the biggest is full blown communion with God. I've done this before - an utterly mind-bending experience that is both difficult to sustain and explain.