What are you looking for?

I grew up in a very loving family who taught us to explore and to be true to ourselves and our beliefs rather they were right or wrong. We all learned music at a young age, reading was a pastime something you did because we wanted to. We were taught to treat people well and respect others that were different. We were taught to never abuse an animal boys or men don't hit women except their sisters who would fight back and usually win anyway. I excelled in sports, history,and for some strange reason chemistry. I hated home EC with a passion and to this day can not sew, knit or crochet. My mother was an talented artist, musician, carpenter, gardener and the worst cook I have even known. Mom hated housework and it would show so us kids did most of the housework but it did not matter, her good points out shadowed her bad points. She was always active with her kids or any kid that needed extra attention. We always had loud music playing whether it be classical, country, or rock and roll it was blaring. My dad was like Tim the tool man as far as fixing things and he tried. He is a big reds fan and a big browns fan, and advertising whiz, and old school newspaperman, and avid news junkie, reader and always trying to learn to play music with no results. He is very very hard to anger, devoted to his family, the spoiling grandpa and I have spent years looking for a man like him and so far no luck.
I think what I am looking for is what I don't really know and the only way to find that is to keep looking. I do believe in God, but have never found a church I felt I fit or that fit me. I want to be in a place were I feel at peace.
Where I can express my thoughts and not be made to feel as if I was wrong or stupid.

To the members who come here regularly:

What are you looking for? Why do you come here? For what reason do you spend time posting on this board?

Is it reenforcement of your beliefs?
Is it to make yourself heard?
Is it a need to connect?
Is it an opportunity to educate?
Is it an opportunity to debunk?

Why is it important to you?
i just love making known about the established heavenly kingdom daniel 2;44 matthew 24;14
And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite; daniel 2;44
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 i think that it is such GOODNEWS that the prophecies in the bible are now well along, and the kingdom is now well established . and Jesus is now a reigning king in Gods heavenly kingdom . and very shortly Jesus will go into action and get rid of the ones who are wicked in Gods eyes, and then this heavenly kingdom goverment can rule without any opposition. This heavenly kingdom was set up inline with bible prophecy and chronology in 1914 . and it is the only way to peace on the earth .NOW THAT IS GOODNEWS .
(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.
free and open communication between believers of different faiths in an atmosphere of respect, understanding, and peace.-WHKeith
an instinct that I could not ignore.- The Fool
my purpose here is manifold.- Vajradhara
I came here for several reasons.- littlemissattitude
…it seems to me a great place to interact with others in a thoughtful, respectful, and intelligent manner. – juan, too, 3

I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing. -Socrates
From Louis...
Greetings –
to learn...to hear other people's stories, beliefs, dreams...to share...to practice writing my thoughts, which helps me think them better...to challenge my beliefs, prune the bad, strengthen the good...to see myself as others see me... to sometimes think deep and darkly, other times to be light and laughing...to try to understand others and so at least take that small step toward peace...to learn...- Lunamoth
LOL... because God talks through people.- Cyberpi
nothing too hardcore... –Francis King
To be honest I never actually expected to post anything - now look at me!! – Muslim Woman
I'm here because some my friends are here. Communication I believe is the key to peace....and peace is a worthwhile endeavor.-wil
God hears my every thought all the time.- Leo
I have found that which I seek.- Faithful Servant

I stumbled across it.- Saltmeister
Where I can express my thoughts and not be made to feel as if I was wrong or stupid.- amellcheney
i just love making known about the established heavenly kingdom… by cut and paste.- mee (Like I should talk…)

People can be very fun!

P.S. 17th-I know exactly where Waldo is.
i just love making known about the established heavenly kingdom… by cut and paste.- mee
lol by cut and paste ........... i cant find where i said that ;) more like quoting the bible .Daniel 2;44
I apologize for my "symbolic editing." I know you are just doing what you think is right. :)
or even what i know is right :)
It will certainly become no one’s until he comes who has the legal right, and I must give it to him." (Ezekiel 21:26, 27) The one who has "the legal right" to the Davidic crown is Christ Jesus. (Luke 1:32, 33) and yes you have guessed it , he is now a reigning king in Gods heavenly kingdom Daniel 2;44 daniel 7;9-10 and it all happened in 1914 at the appointed times of the nations
Luke 21:24, .........................
