"We are a collective consciousness, expressing ourselves, our dreams and our fears. Together we have the opportunity to step into a new world of our choosing. In a process akin to cell division, our energy spectrum is polarizing at a great extent. The season of change is now upon us, what frequency will our being attune to? It is time to dream and hold vision like we have never done so before. It is the time to rise above our fears and conquer our demons through unconditional love and compassion. Embrace the guiding light of our soul and find our love source. Then we can do nothing but unleash it upon the world. Express our love.. By attuning to love we unify and polarize into the higher density frequencies of great love. Yes love is the lesson we have been asked to learn, and its graduation time now.. Wisdom will follow in the new world, where we will find teachers and understanding through experience in absolute abundance. The old world will die to us, and we as one will die to the old world. This is the sacrifice, the letting go of what was and embracing what IS. All efforts are being made now to ensnare us into conflict, hate, guilt and fear. To tune us into to the other world, a world of nightmares, limitation and spiritual slavery. The poison arrows are aiming right at our blinding hearts, our most precious treasure, a treasure that is to be guarded, and that guardian is the mind of our higher consciousness. The pure sword of Michael and the shield of KNOWING. Believe in who you are, and know that you are not alone. For we are with you! We are the Ashim, the Cherubim, the Beni Elohim, the Elohim, the Melekim, the Seraphim, the Chashmalim, the Aralim, the Auphanim, the Chayoth ha Qadesh, and together we are as one with you, together the unstoppable creative spirit of All that Is! So Co-Creator, I salute and honor you as both a brother, as a sister. A whole being, expression of self. Welcome to your new world."
- MIND your MIND ~ by Adeon