Daily Wisdom Saying

Using steroids is like dressing up like a retard at the Special Olympics.
- Trey Parker the voice of Jimmy
If we are strong our strength will speak for itself, If we are week words will be no help.
Before I was born, who was I?
After I am born, who am I?
Respect yourself, and everone will respect you.
Understand yourself, and everyone will understand you.
There are mirrors all around you:
Strive to see and understand yourself.
Strive to have the heart of a Buddha.
Stop doing bad things, only do good.
Do whatever you can to help others.
In these ways you help yourself.
Help yourself, and you help the world.
The biffest waste in the world is the difference between what are and what we could have been.
-Ben Herbster
It's easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we can't dodge the consequences of dodging those responsibilities.
-Sir Josiah Stamp
Humans... you cant live with them, you cant live without them.

"The bravest are surely those who have knowledge of Glory and Danger alike, yet not withstanding, go out and meet it." ~Aristotle~
Thou commandest continency; give what Thou commandest, and command what Thou wilt.- St. Augustine
"Benevolence enjoys everybody's good things, while selfishness is too busy being envious at the good things of others to even enjoy its own." ~Charles Finney
i'm against all forms of prejudice, even those of which i am myself guilty.

do not be afraid to love. do not be afraid to be inconvenienced by love.

it is easier to see God in everything than to try to figure it out.
Life is a succession of lessons, which must be lived to be understood.
Ralph Waldo Emerson