a study in the understanding yhwh & elohim

Majority does not rule, is correct, Biblically speaking. But the "majority" have got it right.
The dictators and the authoritarian regimes everywhere are cheering for you today. I submit that the majority do rule if the vote of the minority is listened to and given power. If not then the majority will divide and destroy themselves because they do not listen to each other either. Every person here on this planet is in the minority on something. Think about that. I can find something from each person that places them in the minority and something that places them in the majority. Whether the majority or the minority on something is right is NOT the issue. Having Faith placed in them is. No two people have the same information and set of talents.

Do NOT belittle Faith in each other. Recall the sign of Jonah. What was the sign of Jonah given to a murderous and adulterous generation? In whom did God (swt) place Faith? Who did God (swt) serve? Who here would place Jesus Christ (pbuh) right back up on the cross today for being the minority? If Jesus were here today, I wish to hear from him... the majority or not. Whether anyone here accepts his words or not, I wish to eat them.

Recall the story of Lot (pbuh). It wasn't until the last righteous man left that the city was destroyed. Listen to Lot and take his vote. Hear his words. Give his voice power. Invite him to stay. Hear the arguments of the minority and hear the arguments of the majority.

For those who ask how God (swt) rules... you tell me... how does God (swt) rule? Has anyone not prayed to God lately? Give God (swt) what is God's and give the majority what is the majority's. It is not a competition between God (swt) and the majority of who is right and wrong. God (swt) is ruling through people. If anyone does not believe it, review the story of Jonah.

Quahom1 said:
There is only one leap of faith that matters to me. Once taken, can't be taken back.
I suggest you might have overlooked every second of your life in which you have or could have placed Faith in another person.

Quahom1 said:
There is only one Faith on this planet that promises redemption, by grace and faith (also a grace). All other "faiths" seem to fall somewhat short of the goal.
So often I hear of placing Faith in a book or in words. The words are NOT what I place Faith in... the words are the Flesh. I place Faith in a soul. Is there only one soul on this planet?
Cyberpi. Let's just forget it.

You don't have the ear, and I don't have the patience. Follow your god, and I'll follow mine.


Cyberpi. Let's just forget it.

You don't have the ear, and I don't have the patience. Follow your god, and I'll follow mine.


Why are you teaching that the there is more than one god? Is that a Christian viewpoint? Which one is mine and which one is yours?
Why are you teaching that the there is more than one god? Is that a Christian viewpoint? Which one is mine and which one is yours?

No.. according to my bible you are guilty of worshipping idols and false gods. Q is speaking of the the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.. the God of the LIVING bible.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Yeah we can have FAITH in the WORD of God.
Why are you teaching that the there is more than one god? Is that a Christian viewpoint? Which one is mine and which one is yours?
Lol, I don't "teach" anyone, anything. I gave that up a long time ago. As far as your god...that is your call, not mine. But here in this household, Jesus is Lord. And as for me and mine, we will honor the Lord.

Take care Cyberpi. I truly wish you well. We just have not much in common.


No.. according to my bible you are guilty of worshipping idols and false gods. Q is speaking of the the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.. the God of the LIVING bible.
If Jesus (pbuh) and God (swt) serve people, and sinners at that, then how am I worshipping idols and false gods... faithful servant?

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Yeah we can have FAITH in the WORD of God.
Forgive me as I turn a deaf ear to a perhaps anonymous letter and focus on a gospel or two:
Luke 24:4-6 And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments: And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said to them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spoke to you when he was in Galilee...

Mark 7:13 Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.

I'm sorry, but I think God (swt) is living whereas the bible is constructed of a dead tree and if left out in the sun it will be destroyed within weeks. The bible is not living. Likewise your words and my words may wither away or be burried, but they are like hairs that fall from the head. They are forever counted, but may become lost from this world. The words themselves are dead but the souls that produced them and eat them are living. My thoughts, guided or misguided.
Lol, I don't "teach" anyone, anything. I gave that up a long time ago. As far as your god...that is your call, not mine. But here in this household, Jesus is Lord. And as for me and mine, we will honor the Lord.

Take care Cyberpi. I truly wish you well. We just have not much in common.


If Jesus (pbuh) or God (swt) hold you accountable by your words, then I suggest that you do teach with every idle word.
the bible holds the eternal truths, promises, and lessons of god that can be applied yesterday, today, and tomorrow; therefore, it is a living bible whose words can be written on the heart of man for the glory of god.
Pardon the aside:

Cyberpi, I'm wondering if your username is at all related to the book Life of Pi?

Sorry for the interuption.

If the bible were dead, how does it produce so much light and life in the souls of those who read and try to live by it?

If Jesus (pbuh) or God (swt) hold you accountable by your words, then I suggest that you do teach with every idle word.

Perhaps, but then, my words aren't idly spoken. Nor do I make fun of people, nor do I attempt one upmanship by belittling others. I call it as I see it, and apologize if I'm mistaken. One thing is for certain. I mean what I say, unless it is a joke (which I note before hand).


:confused: I don't get it...

Some do not know if they should follow Allah, or Jesus. An attempt is being made to blend the two into one. FS and I don't think that is possible.

Why? Can't serve two masters. One will be loved and the other will be hated.


Some do not know if they should follow Allah, or Jesus. An attempt is being made to blend the two into one. FS and I don't think that is possible.

Why? Can't serve two masters. One will be loved and the other will be hated.



I get it.

I should think that Allah and God are the same thing. Whether one is saved by worshiping Allah is another discussion, I guess.

Perhaps that comes under the "...many sheep have I..." thing.

I get it.

I should think that Allah and God are the same thing. Whether one is saved by worshiping Allah is another discussion, I guess.

Perhaps that comes under the "...many sheep have I..." thing.


I can't argue against that, since I do not know the mind of God. I only know what I know (what I've been taught, and what I've come to finally accept after nearly half a century of study). I choose Jesus.


I can't argue against that, since I do not know the mind of God. I only know what I know (what I've been taught, and what I've come to finally accept after nearly half a century of study). I choose Jesus.



I also.:)
Pardon the aside:
Cyberpi, I'm wondering if your username is at all related to the book Life of Pi?
Sorry for the interuption.
No, I have not read that.

Thomas said:
If the bible were dead, how does it produce so much light and life in the souls of those who read and try to live by it?
My side note there was probably a mistake without a clear comparison of the definition of 'Living'. I think God (swt) is living and in people's lives. I also think the souls here are clearly living. If a child were stranded on a deserted island with a bible and no God (swt) present, then I think the bible would at best be good kindling. If two people were stranded on a deserted island with a bible, and with God watching over, then I think the bible would be precious, but still not a necessity. It seems to me that God (swt) works with what you have and can lead in many wonderous ways.
No, I have not read that.

My side note there was probably a mistake without a clear comparison of the definition of 'Living'. I think God (swt) is living and in people's lives. I also think the souls here are clearly living. If a child were stranded on a deserted island with a bible and no God (swt) present, then I think the bible would at best be good kindling. If two people were stranded on a deserted island with a bible, and with God watching over, then I think the bible would be precious, but still not a necessity. It seems to me that God (swt) works with what you have and can lead in many wonderous ways.

If the Bible were merely an history book, I could see your point (it would only come alive to those interested in it). But since it is much more than an history book, it is very much alive whether we choose to accept it or not. Why, the very fact that it seems to cost you so much consternation, lends creedence to its "life".

If the "child" on the island, knew even a bit about reading, and knew what book was in his/her hands (even as folklore), I think in time that child would learn to read it, not burn it. Hence same said child would come to know the story of God and man.

One of man's greatest follies, is underestimating God...yet we do it daily.
Perhaps, but then, my words aren't idly spoken. Nor do I make fun of people, nor do I attempt one upmanship by belittling others. I call it as I see it, and apologize if I'm mistaken. One thing is for certain. I mean what I say, unless it is a joke (which I note before hand).
How does your self-judgement here apply to anything that I have said? If you meant your words then what do you mean by telling anyone that their God is different than yours? Is that what Jesus (pbuh) taught? Is that what you teach?

Quahom1 said:
Some do not know if they should follow Allah, or Jesus. An attempt is being made to blend the two into one. FS and I don't think that is possible.

Why? Can't serve two masters. One will be loved and the other will be hated.
Allah means God in Arabic. So, you are just saying that a person can not serve both Jesus and God. Interesting concepts. Is that what Jesus (pbuh) taught?