Ban Religion Completely


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"From my point of view I would ban religion completely, even though there are some wonderful things about it. I love the idea of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the beautiful stories about it, which I loved in Sunday school and I collected all the little stickers and put them in my book. But the reality is that organised religion doesn't seem to work. It turns people into hateful lemmings and it's not really compassionate."

for the full interview: Jake Shears meets Elton John | OMM | The Observer


I've had the thought to ban organized religion as well. I mean, some of these churches are almost organized crime. But isn't that what the Soviet Union did? Ban religion?
What an interesting statement. I certainly see the sentiment behind it though I might disagree with the form. I see religion as a mantle taken on by a particular consciousness as a vehicle through which certain ideas and proclivities can be expressed. Note such a huge difference between say Focus on the Family here in Colorado Springs, and the the writings of Thomas Merton.
Didn't H L Mencken once say in reference to Puritanism that it was "...the fear that someone somewhere might be happy?"
Pol Pot had the same opinion, and banned religion, tore down the pagodas, converted them to warehouses. How many people died under Pol Pot?
Pol Pot had the same opinion, and banned religion, tore down the pagodas, converted them to warehouses. How many people died under Pol Pot?


True. But how many millions have died throughout history in the name of a religion? It's been the biggest killer along with disease I think.


OK, reconsidered. I suppose I'm doing a bit of conflating but I wouldn't say it's simple "government". There definite belief systems as part and parcel of a lot of the world's wars and general unpleasantness, IMO. (eg Spanish Inquisition).

I see the word 'religion' and 'institution' as completely interchangeable. A group of people getting together to share information, social norms, faith in each other, etc... That means I see many more religions than what people call religion. I see fragments of beliefs from many groups of people in the mind of an individual, and I see individuals as required building blocks to any group of people.

I think in most cases a better name is 'tribe'. A lot of major religions, churches, mosques, synagogues, etc... behave like tribes. Maybe that is not the intent of the elders or the architects, but I find individuals that describe the group of people are often very tribal. Similar to the people who paint their faces and root for their team at a football game. May or may not have been the purpose of the college... but it does help fill the purse doesn't it.

To me, wanting to ban a religion is to want to ban a people from grouping together. An interesting concept like censorship that I see has been around many, many centuries... probably from the original tribes. Hey, our tribe is more civilized... and conveniently it is the one that feeds me... that other tribe has got to go.
The communists banned religion and look what they had offered instead in several countries. Unfortunetely, not a very happy alternative.

The organised religion "doesn't seem to work", but let's not forget people are in responsable for it. All depends on, fist of all, what you really believe and secondy, if you want to transform yourself in a better person or not with or without the help of an organised religion.
But how many millions have died throughout history in the name of a religion? It's been the biggest killer along with disease I think.

I think the conflicts of the last century outstrip everything prior - and religion was not the motive - it is interesting, however, that a fair majority believe this to be the case.

Also, more Christians died in the last 100 years through persecution than in all the history of Christianity prior to it - and they all died believing those 'wonderful things' were worth the sacrifice.

Finally, millions are dying NOW, and we, that institution called the 'first world', or 'America' and 'the UK' and '(put your country here)' have the ability to stop it, and we don't - we just look away...

Remember Darfur? Last month it was big news ... a genocide in the making ... it's gone very quiet now ...

(somewhat jaded)
Hmmm, wonder what would happen to those who refused to adhere to the banning of religion...:eek:
Hmmm, wonder what would happen to those who refused to adhere to the banning of religion...:eek:

They would get a glorious and rare gift... A Martyr's(sp?) death....

It seriously sounds to me like the Hitler in the death camps... with the Jews and also the Jehovah Witnesses... Renounce faith or die lol. You really think people that have a pure real faith and believe SO much in something would say... "yah sorry... won't do it again, I was foolish..." I think you would get more violence then there is allready.... not only that you would be waisting military and police resources for this?
They would get a glorious and rare gift... A Martyr's(sp?) death....

It seriously sounds to me like the Hitler in the death camps... with the Jews and also the Jehovah Witnesses... Renounce faith or die lol. You really think people that have a pure real faith and believe SO much in something would say... "yah sorry... won't do it again, I was foolish..." I think you would get more violence then there is allready.... not only that you would be waisting military and police resources for this?

Indeed, which is stronger in the long run, government or religion?
It worked with the communists, btw.

Indeed, now Cuba has a working relationship with the Vatican while Catholosism thrives, Russia is back on track with Orthodox Churches surging all over the country, and China...over 50,000,000 Christians, 4,000,000 Muslims and an assortment of other faiths growing...:eek: :eek:
I think in most cases a better name is 'tribe'. A lot of major religions, churches, mosques, synagogues, etc... behave like tribes. Maybe that is not the intent of the elders or the architects, but I find individuals that describe the group of people are often very tribal. Similar to the people who paint their faces and root for their team at a football game. May or may not have been the purpose of the college... but it does help fill the purse doesn't it.

To me, wanting to ban a religion is to want to ban a people from grouping together. An interesting concept like censorship that I see has been around many, many centuries... probably from the original tribes. Hey, our tribe is more civilized... and conveniently it is the one that feeds me... that other tribe has got to go.
Interesting take. I'd be interested in comparing the numbers of incidents of violence attributed to soccer (football) games in Europe as compared to violence related to religion there.