Christianity the only true religion?

I'm curious to know how you would define 'true'

As a Roman Catholic I would say that Christianity is not the 'only true religion' but it is the archetype of 'true religion' as such.

I'm curious to know how you would define 'true'

As a Roman Catholic I would say that Christianity is not the 'only true religion' but it is the archetype of 'true religion' as such.


By true i mean "the truth, the way, and the light". Can other religions that dont believe in Christ have the same outcome (salvation) Christians?
its not a matter of christianity, it is a matter of wanting to love, obey, repent, praise, and get to know god personally, give yourself to him and allow him to work in your life.

christians happen to know god's son and are blessed because of it, others that dont know the truth about gods son due to circumstances beyond their control still may love god just as much or more, and god looks at the heart of man.

but because christians believe in god's son, we are saved and are hidden in christ at judgement day. the rest will be judged according to their beliefs and their works.
its not a matter of christianity, it is a matter of wanting to love, obey, repent, praise, and get to know god personally, give yourself to him and allow him to work in your life.... but because christians believe in god's son, we are saved and are hidden in christ at judgement day. the rest will be judged according to their beliefs and their works.
Namaste BF, quite nice response.

Namaste Sunny-Day, prior to BFs response, my response would have been...
Asked in the Christian Board the answer is yes.

Asked in any other board on this site, the answer is no. In some instances that would be qualified by not the only true religion, in others there would be indication that Christians are missing the boat completely.
Hi Snoopy, you're probably right.

Hi Sunny-Day:
Can other religions that dont believe in Christ have the same outcome (salvation) Christians?
Oooh - Careful. Short answer, yes.

A more complex issue is the knowledgeable denial of Christ and His message. Here we are into a 'grey area'. As Wil points out, on thr Liberal Board we are allowed to make of Christ what we will. On the 'orthodox' board we are not.

Personally, I think that route is more dangerous than, say, converting to Buddhism or some other tradition. There is more honesty in doing that, than interpreting Christianity to suit oneself – I'm afraid I too often view it as remaking God in man's image.

Hi Pattimax:
Does any other religion declare forgiveness?
Yes ... but then we get into technicalities ... how do we read 'forgiveness'? And do we mean each other, or Divine?

In the Abrahamic Traditions, yes – although there are variations within the law and doctrine of each tradition.

I am not a Buddhist scholar, but I have read such on the question of 'Is there room for grace in Buddhism?' and the answer was 'yes' – which would suggest there is forgiveness. But then, to be fair, the question has to be posed in a Buddhist context.

"Forgiveness is a form of realism. It doesn't deny, minimize, or justify what others have done to us or the pain that we have suffered. It encourages us to look squarely at those old wounds and see them for what they are. And it allows us to see how much energy we have wasted and how much we have damaged ourselves by not forgiving.
Forgiveness is an internal process. It can't be forced, and it doesn't come easy. It brings with it great feelings of wellness and freedom. But we experience this only when we want to heal and when we are willing to work for it.
Forgiveness is a sign of positive self-esteem. We no longer identify ourselves by our past injuries and injustices. We are no longer victims. We claim the right to stop hurting when we say, "I'm tired of the pain, and I want to be healed." At that moment, forgiveness becomes a possibility-although it may take time and much hard work before we finally achieve it.
Forgiveness is letting go of the past. It doesn't erase what happened, but it does allow us to lessen and perhaps even eliminate the pain of the past. The pain from our past no longer dictates how we live in the present, and it no longer determines our future.
It also means that we no longer need resentment and anger as an excuse for our shortcomings. We don't need them as a weapon to punish others nor as a shield to protect ourselves by keeping others away. And most importantly, we don't need these feelings to identify who we are. We become more than merely victims of our past.
Forgiveness is no longer wanting to punish those who hurt us. It is understanding that the anger and hatred that we feel toward them hurts us far more than it hurts them. It is seeing how we hide ourselves in our anger and how those feelings prevent us from healing. It is discovering the inner peace that becomes ours when we let go of the past and forget vengeance.
Forgiveness is moving on. It is recognizing all that we have lost because of our refusal to forgive. It is realizing that the energy that we spend hanging on to the past is better spent on improving our present and our future. It is letting go of the past so that we can move on.
We all have been hurt. And at one time or another most of us have made the mistake of trying to run away from the past. The problem is that no matter how fast or how far we run, the past always catches up to us-and usually at the most inopportune time. When we forgive, we are dealing with the past in such a way that we no longer have to run.
For me, learning how to forgive wasn't easy. But I did learn, and my life is better for it - even here on death row."
Michael B. Ross
Death Row
Somers, Connecticut

from: Anger
I do believe that Christianity is the one true religion. Could I be wrong? yes. Could I be right? yes. If Jesus is the way, truth, and the life then there is no other way unto salvation. Jesus died on that cross for those who repent and put there faith him for the punishment of their sin. All other world major world religions say you have to earn enlightment or earn salvation. Not in CHristianity, one is saved by grace alone. The Bible says that their will be a judgment day when all men will be judged by GOds moral law. Have you ever told a lie? Stolen anything? Took the LOrds name in vain? Looked at someone with lust? Done something you knew was wrong? Looked at someone with anger in your heart? (Jesus said this is commiting murder in the heart for God looks at the inside) We all have and by GOds perfect law we are all guilty before him. He is a good judge who cannot look away from Justice and he must punish sin. And for those in Christ, Jesus steps up at our sentencing and says "I have taken there punishment!" THis is the love of GOd. Those outside of CHrist do not have a payment for sin. IF a murderer tells a judge "yes I comitted crimes, but I spent all my weekends helping the poor." Justice still must be administered.
THis is the gospel: That Christ died for us yet while we were sinners. God himself humbly comes to earth, gets whipped, spit on,treated like a criminal, put through horrific physical and spiritual agony for us! If this is true that is amazing!

I believe that Christianity is the one true religion, but I could be wrong, but if you are a believer of Christ then there cannot be salvation outside of Christ.
God himself humbly comes to earth, gets whipped, spit on,treated like a criminal, put through horrific physical and spiritual agony for us! If this is true that is amazing!

If that were true that truly would be amazing.

Love in Christ,
Originally Posted by streetbob2006
God himself humbly comes to earth, gets whipped, spit on,treated like a criminal, put through horrific physical and spiritual agony for us! If this is true that is amazing!
you again? LOL! Do you believe it Joesph?

Hi Streetbob,

I believe God was always here and doesn't need to come from somewhere to get to earth.

I don't believe you can whip, and spit on God. God is a spirit.

But if it were true, yes it would truly be amazing!

Love in Christ,
Hi Streetbob,

I believe God was always here and doesn't need to come from somewhere to get to earth.

I don't believe you can whip, and spit on God. God is a spirit.

But if it were true, yes it would truly be amazing!

Love in Christ,

Hey Joesph, I agree that God is always here and is spirit, but I also believe he can become incarnate and dwell in physical form hence he can be spit on and whipped.
Hey Joesph, I agree that God is always here and is spirit, but I also believe he can become incarnate and dwell in physical form hence he can be spit on and whipped.

Good try streetbob, but your spit can't reach spirit and God is incarnate in all his children. In him we move and have our being. There is no flesh, where he is not. Nothing can exist without his presence.
