Again Thomas you confuse me today. First you say you interpret JM to say that he is wrong in thinking Christ exists in him, then you go on to say the light is within you (we are not that light) and then on further to say it is not given...unless we are faultless and without sin....I still read your posts to imply that simply because you exist, Christ exists in you – as if Christ was a quality of your nature – which Scripturally is not the case.... Equally, you are not that light – the light is within you – recognition of that fact is where the work of the Christian begins, not where it ends....Christ taught that it is possible to unite with the animating Spirit – but this 'gift' is a grace and not a given – unless we know we are faultless and without sin.
So the first two statements seem completely contradictory. Is Christ, the light within us or not, in your opinion.
I say 'he' (Christ, light, G-d, Enlightenment...) is within us all, waiting.
But if as you say we have to be faultless and without sin in order to receive this gift, that is NOT a given...and at the same time doctrine says none of us are. And the confessional says go and sin no more...oh and see you next week.