Christianity the only true religion?

Cyberpi I seperate myself from the "liberal" Christianity because I AM seperate from a lot of what they believe there. I will have no fellowship with people that blaspheme my Lord.. everyone always has to deny Christs diety or the trinity there.. thats what makes it "liberal" it seems.. . both of those are a huge part of my faith. It offends me and I hate what my God hates..Evil.. the lies that are believed on that board are evil spread from the enemy of my God. so I hate the lies... this is why I seperate myself. Bet you never thought that hate was a Christian virtue.. :)
So you are consciously dividing yourself from people who also study and follow Christianity. I'm not trying to divide you. How are you going to love your neighbor after you've mentally kicked them out of your alledgedly perfected garden?

Faithfulservant said:
I almost laughed when I read Ciels opinion of cyberpi as being respectful.. sorry I wouldnt use that word. Boldly disrespectful I would say..
Is there something in your words that I am suppose to respect? Am I suppose to feel guilty that you don't like my viewpoints?
Quahom1 said:
Cyberpi is neither fair nor respectful...if that were the case, the dialogue between he and others would be more educational and communal, and less confrontational, and negative.
Is the purpose of this forum to judge other people's character and motives? To tell people whether or not they are a Christian per your projected majority viewpoint? I don't know what you are calling unfair, but I feel you have lied since you formerly said you were a member and not a moderator.

The points I made I would make with anyone. You are welcome to trash my words but if you are going to trash my character then you better put up some clear definitions of 'fair' and 'respectful' so that I and others can compare them. By your own definition so far I find that you are both disrespectful and unfair to people.

Quahom1 said:
No problem at all. Liberal Christianity forum is two doors down on the left.
Why am I directed there? Am I judged a Liberal too?
Ok Im not going to judge anyone here, right now.
Anyone can click Cyberpi's name and click find all posts and read all the posts he has made and see the pattern of posts toward Q and toward everyone else. So everyone go look for yourself and decide.
So you are consciously dividing yourself from people who also study and follow Christianity.
And yes I will seperate myself from people that say they follow Christianity if they are passing off unbiblical teachings or discounting Jesus Christ.
Just cause someone wants the name does not mean that it fits or should be used.
And yes I will seperate myself from people that say they follow Christianity if they are passing off unbiblical teachings or discounting Jesus Christ.
Just cause someone wants the name does not mean that it fits or should be used.
yup, we can love and pray for all people and spread the gospel, but when they are doing wrong we should not take part in it, encourage it, and not speak against it. if we can't speak against it, and we can't discourage it, and cannot preach to them the words they dont believe in, then one can just simply not take part it in it and love them and pray for them from a distance.
Ok Im not going to judge anyone here, right now.
Anyone can click Cyberpi's name and click find all posts and read all the posts he has made and see the pattern of posts toward Q and toward everyone else. So everyone go look for yourself and decide.
Why hide it? Should I say, "I'm not going to actually disclose to everyone that you are 'one flesh' with someone on this thread, but a person can go read your posts to find out?" Please do look at my posts and judge every one of them.

Here is a clip from one of my very first posts on this website, which in fact RubySera_Martin PM'd me with it, highlighting a portion of it to judge and comment on:
_cyberpi said:
... I judge that anyone who uses the word 'We' to speak for a person that they have never met, communed with, known in spirit, known in flesh, seen, heard from, received a message from or even a vote from, suffers from the delusion of insisting that other souls must believe like them, think like them, or act like them. I can not place the religion or measurement of the world that teaches this because I have yet to read it or measure it myself... so surely it must be a misinterpretation. ...
What happened to RubySera_Martin thereafter? I agree that Q was set up, but it was not by me... I did not forsee it. It was not my motive. Is my viewpoint anti-Christian with an Islamic bent? In defense of my 'fairness' that post was on an Islamic forum and in defense of an alledgedly Christian belief. The subject was about the Qur'an, not the bible, which states in no uncertain terms that Jesus was NOT THE Son of God. I hereby state that it in my judgement I think it is right, but not in the way that most Muslims think. I submit that everyone who is a soul is A Son of God, and also a Son of Man born of the flesh. I'm not placing myself or anyone here on equal with Jesus (pbuh) by stating that.

I recommend to the owner of this website that any and all discussion of Jesus (pbuh) be brought into one forum. I'd like to see people from different aspects of Christianity conversing together to sort out their viewpoints. It does seem rather biased here to me and anemic from the world. Is it NOT the teaching from Jesus for one another to be within each other? To me that means learning other people's viewpoints. If you think you've got something righteous to share here... then it is not going to happen by sending people off to another garden 2 doors to the left.

As for who moderates the forum, I also recommend to the owner of the website a somewhat more democratic approach to a 'Code of Conduct', and with a thread full of nominations for a moderator, subject to the owner's approval. I have no personal interest except in what promotes fair discussion rather than removes it. I submit that this walled garden approach does not work. Sometimes it looks like a bunker with barbed wire fencing. I have nothing against you Q, but I do see and judge that you've sent people packing away for ill-founded reasons. I have tried to show you... maybe this post helps? Maybe it hurts. I have no problem being the minority and singular, and I expect that I will be.

I submit that there is no post here that is going to remove from Christianity or ruin it. I submit that nobody has to protect any religion as a group, but to internally protect what you believe as individuals. I was not here on this forum to harm or divide Christianity, but to study with others the wisdom that I see in the words from Jesus, and by extension of everyone's words from God.
Dor for moderator--JK Q.

Why hide it? Should I say, "I'm not going to actually disclose to everyone that you are 'one flesh' with someone on this thread, but a person can go read your posts to find out?" Please do look at my posts and judge every one of them.
Actually you can tell everyone on here I am with Faithful Servant and most will say yeah I knew that.
I do not hide that from people in the least. I do not try to play off like I do not know her.
What happened to RubySera_Martin thereafter?
Who knows? I have asked.
I agree that Q was set up, but it was not by me...
Hmm I must of missed something.

You can bring everyone back. The liberal Christianity board was a brain child of the "liberal" they did not like us Fundamentalist not giving in to unbiblical teachings.
Would I welcome all back to Christianity board. You bet.
Of course I will probably get landblasted again as soon as I let that H word slip out again.

Of course I also know my backwards ass redneck fundamentalist views will be called intolerant, wrong or just plain dumb by some of the enlightened brethren.

As for moderators. Brian pays the bills I will let him decide.
Before you get so ready to toss Q under the bus might wanna think how it could be with some others as a moderator. LMAO imagine the stink if Brian gave it to me for a week. Bet even you would be asking for Q back.
Are we done venting here? All of us? I hope so.

For those that never noticed, if one looks at the bottom right corner of the Christianity forum page (the one with all the titles of different threads in the forum), one will see the "moderators" of said forum. There one will find two names. Juan23 and Quahom1.

Neither of us have "moderator" in our titles when we post. Dare say calling Juan a liar might get one in more hot water than calling me one, none the less, neither is true. Can't lie when not asked.

As for chasing members away, I take offense to that, personally. I chase no one away. Neither does Juan. We simply ensure the COC is adhered to IAW the administrator's regulations and wishes. Those that can't follow such regulations, are not welcome.

As of late, the only ones screaming foul are those that seem to think the Bible is not God's word, but merely man's, and subject to interpretation by man.

Fine and good, in Comparetive Studies.

But one does not come into the Christian forum and declare the Bible to be suspect...just asking for trouble. One will be challenged relentlessly, until one concedes, calls truce, or leaves.

In rare cases, the administrator reluctantly suspends one's privileges to post here at CR, and in even rarer cases bans a member. This I assure you is with great regret. It is never due to personal beliefs, but rather due to attitude towards others.

As of late, that has become the issue, "attitude towards others". Not cool. (ok I'm dating myself), the point is chips on the shoulder distract from the conversation.

BTW Cyberpi, I'm not the sneaky one. I'm pretty transparent. Who are you and what do you believe? Hmm?


aka: Quahom1
lol yes Dor is my husband but I thought everyone that cared knew that already.. we both have are own threads that we post on and when we both feel strongly about a thread we both post on it.. you dont see us gang up on anyone anymore than we did on this forum before we got together lol if thats what your implying.
"So you are consciously dividing yourself from people who also study and follow Christianity. I'm not trying to divide you. How are you going to love your neighbor after you've mentally kicked them out of your alledgedly perfected garden?"

Yes but they dont study Christ.. they study and follow the religion of Christ which is not what I study and follow... my neighbor is not in my garden to kick out.. my garden is within the kingdom of God which is within me...

"Is there something in your words that I am suppose to respect? Am I suppose to feel guilty that you don't like my viewpoints?"

I could really care less.. You are either going to hear the truth from God because He wants you to... or you are going to harden your heart and close him out till he wont knock anymore.. all I can do is keep repeating myself often and hope that one time it takes. I dont care that you dont like me... Christ told me that you hated Him first.. so Im supposed to accept it as a blessing.. which I do. I dont need you to respect me because that would imply that I care a whit about what the world thinks of me .. and I dont.. I only have one judge and one mediator..

I really dont mind anyone posting anywhere they want to but dont come on here and act victimized because its not like you didnt already know what people on here are all about..

Dont sound shocked because I believe in a hell and that people are going to end up there.. Dont sound shocked that I worship the Father Son and Spirit and that I take the living bible literally... Dont sound shocked that I believe in ONE truth and the rest is a lie.. Dont sound shocked! Just come on here ask your questions discuss your beliefs.. whatever... but dont come here with a bad attitude because someone who claimed they were Christian hurt you and you have a grudge.. Or that you think we are judging you... we are all sinners... and ya'll misuse the "judge" word.. when Jesus said Judge not lest ye be judged.. the word translated means judge to condemn..

Im not condemning anybody Im identifying ya'lls fruit and telling you about it.. but I will tell you mine as well.. You know when Jesus stripped himself and washed the feet of His disciples... you know the disciples were sinning with pride arguing who was better.. Christ saw that sin stripped himself bare and washed their stinky nasty dirty feet (sin) while laying himself bare for them to see Him.... that is my model.. I'll tell you when your feet stink and I will tell you that I was YOU 5 years ago. I have no place to condemn.. the same law that condemns you.. condemned me until Christ saved me from that condemnation.
Faithfulservant said:
I will have no fellowship with people that blaspheme my Lord.. everyone always has to deny Christs diety or the trinity there.. thats what makes it "liberal" it seems.. . both of those are a huge part of my faith. It offends me and I hate what my God hates..Evil.. the lies that are believed on that board are evil spread from the enemy of my God. so I hate the lies... this is why I seperate myself. Bet you never thought that hate was a Christian virtue.. :)

That's a rather harsh attitude to those in the Liberal Christianity forum.

That sounds like a cynical view of people labelled "liberal." I don't think these people deserve that kind of depiction. It makes it sound like they knew the truth about Christianity and went against it. But how do you actually define Christianity anyway? How can you be sure the "established authorities" have done a proper job telling us what Christianity means? What makes one so sure that they have effectively taught and expressed Christianity? Many people throughout Christianity's history have tried to sum up Christianity. But I think the undeniable fact is that you can't sum up Christianity. You can't define Christianity. Leaders who think it's possible to define Christianity are deluding themselves. So it's inevitable that a certain group of people are always going to have a different way of seeing things and likewise, they don't fit in.

Let's not kid ourselves, not all of our leaders are that intelligent. Are they really the greatest thinkers in the world? To be able explain Christianity for people from all walks of life, we have to be really smart and intelligent. Being acceptable to God doesn't require much, but there is a fair bit of gnossis involved in explaining Christianity to people from all walks of life. It's not that much of a challenge to explain it to one single, monolithic group of people, but to account for the hundreds of cultures around the world, it'd be mind-blowing.

We're all speculating on Christianity because there is no absolutely universal definition of Christianity. It depends on the individual. Since we're often so confused about whether or not there is an "absolutely universal definition" of Christianity, we come up with terms like "liberal" and "mainstream" to describe free-thinkers and Christians that "sort of have it right."

Yet, some of us may think it insulting and offensive to use terms like "liberal" and "mainstream" and would prefer simply to be called "Christian." I recall once that Quahom complained about this "labelling" of mainstream and non-mainstream. That really got me thinking. With all that name-calling and bumper-sticker-labelling, who was I offending?:confused:

Remember that Quahom?:eek:

Quahom1 said:
Cyberpi is neither fair nor respectful...if that were the case, the dialogue between he and others would be more educational and communal, and less confrontational, and negative.
Ciel said:
And it is happening again with Cyberpi who appears more than fare and respectful in his approach.
Faithfulservant said:
I almost laughed when I read Ciels opinion of cyberpi as being respectful.. sorry I wouldnt use that word. Boldly disrespectful I would say..

My impression of Cyberpi is a guy who's driven by ideas.

While there are some of us who are predominantly practical about religion, there are others who like to come up with theories about how religion works and what it means. Cyberpi seems to be that kind of person. That sounds a lot like me when I first became a member of CR more than a year ago. I guess I wanted to impress everyone with my ideas and "theories." I got into a bit of trouble at first and it took a while for me to adjust my "way of thinking" to make it compatible, and perhaps more open and receptive to the views of others. I've kind of settled down a bit now, but every now and then I feel a spark somewhere and get fired up again. Sometimes I just can't help it. I think for those of us who like to come up with "grand theories" on how religion works and what it means, we can often appear "disrespectful" but not because we do it on purpose. We're just being obnoxious by accident. We're so excited with our ideas and theories that it's like some "in your face" attitude that we're spitting in everyone's face. We're "full of it" and can't stop.

But . . . nonetheless, the question is whether one can adapt. It didn't take me long to realise my ideas were weird, so I had to make adjustments to the way I expressed myself. Realising I was different and didn't fit in didn't take long, but adapting took a lot longer. I had to change my attitude towards non-Christians and other Christians which I might have regarded as "non-mainstream." Sorry once again for using that word, Quahom. I was just making a point.:)

cyberpi said:
Is the purpose of this forum to judge other people's character and motives? To tell people whether or not they are a Christian per your projected majority viewpoint? I don't know what you are calling unfair, but I feel you have lied since you formerly said you were a member and not a moderator.

The points I made I would make with anyone. You are welcome to trash my words but if you are going to trash my character then you better put up some clear definitions of 'fair' and 'respectful' so that I and others can compare them. By your own definition so far I find that you are both disrespectful and unfair to people.

My impression of CR is that it doesn't encourage "freedom to offend." Going into the Islamic or Judaism forum to push Christian/Muslim agendas isn't going to be welcomed for long.

But I guess it goes both ways. I think Christians have just as much of an obligation to respect "outsiders" or "outsider-like thinking" as outsiders have for insiders. While you may consider yourself Christian, people don't consider you "mainstream" (pardon me for using that word again):confused:. What a nasty name to live with!!! People may not be so willing to welcome your thoughts, ideas and views when they feel it's been tainted with Islamic influence.

So just be careful not to be the first to offend.:) And don't retaliate if they hit back. Just stay cool. Explain yourself. Be diplomatic. Don't make yourself public enemy number one. You can't blame those who are purely Christian (who don't mix belief systems) for being offended. Remember, Christianity is sacred. We all want to preserve Christianity. If you tell them they've got a problem with their attitude you may only make things worse. While you may call them arrogant bigots, it's just as likely that they will think you are "arrogant" for not being careful with religious sensitivities.

Anyway, good luck in your search for truth.
like i said.. dont act shocked because I believe there is ONE truth.. Dont act like I victimized you by claiming there is one truth... I dont hide my beliefs I dont hide my motive to post here.. You can pat cyberpi on the back for his beliefs and search of some truth but dont get in a tizzy because Im not doing the same... he is looking for lies that sound pretty.. and hes led by satan who is the ruler of this world.. Im not going to pat him on the back for following paths that could lead him to hell...

Im also not going to let him harass Q continuously without calling him on it.. if it quacks like a duck then you can bet its a duck... consider me that person that shouts "WOLF" when its spotted in the sheep pen.

flame on.
Warning*rant on*

Man why the heck do you people not ever do any homework.
I have been told numerous times on this board how intolerant I am, wrong I am, stupid, unenlightened and so forth and so on.
Ive seen people talk about how we have treated the "liberal", "tolerant", "enlightened" crowd. Well lets see how some actually feel about us. Just a couple examples.
"I've been thinking for a while about networking with people who disagree with or are fighting against Christian fundamentalism."
"I hope eventually to get into religious studies and study the deconversion process indepth."

" The person who whips out his trusty, reliable, handy-dandy bible, thumps it a few times and babbles on about supposed "biblical propecy" and good intentions, demonstrates sufficiently that s/he truly is - out of touch. To think that Christ, or God's Spiritual Plan, includes such radicalism, xenophobia and simple human hate ... THAT is the abomination."

So please come discuss ask questions but do not come on here and try to tell me that everyone comes to learn or discuss. Some come to break, ridicule, crush, crack etc etc.

I have some very strong beliefs. I will listen to everyone and read everything.
When people are passing off unbiblical things as truth I generally will not keep quiet about it.
This gets me in trouble cause alot of people here want to pick and choose what the Bible says that they need.
Im told we are not to judge or hate. Well guess what the bible says differently.

Am I the perfect Christian, God Forbid. I am a wretched man that is trying to learn on a daily basis.
So I will continue to question peoples words, posts, actions and reasons and judge them as I am told to.

Right now I am leaning toward taking a break for a little bit but I have not quite made up my mind about that.
If I do or I don't, I hope there is some place on these boards that us bible believing Christians can call home cause it seems the vast majority have been chased off.

*rant off*

Love yall and pray for yall daily even the ones I never agree with(wil) and the ones that drive me crazy(mee).:)
Faithfulservant said:
like i said.. dont act shocked because I believe there is ONE truth.. Dont act like I victimized you by claiming there is one truth... I dont hide my beliefs I dont hide my motive to post here.. You can pat cyberpi on the back for his beliefs and search of some truth but dont get in a tizzy because Im not doing the same... he is looking for lies that sound pretty.. and hes led by satan who is the ruler of this world.. Im not going to pat him on the back for following paths that could lead him to hell...

Im also not going to let him harass Q continuously without calling him on it.. if it quacks like a duck then you can bet its a duck... consider me that person that shouts "WOLF" when its spotted in the sheep pen.

Don't we want to give people some room to contemplate, speculate and figure things out for themselves? Any chance of you and cyberpi exchanging private messages? It just sounds like a bad way of ruining a thread.

I agree that Christianity is sacred, that you shouldn't mess around with its concepts and distort its meaning. But should we mess with people and what they're going through concerning their views on Christianity? I think people are just as sacred as the religion itself. That's because when we discover the true meaning of Christianity we become "one with Christianity," or should I say, one with Christ?

I think this thread may survive . . . that all the abrasive discussion was worth it. Just like a lot of things in life we don't learn until we've experienced something. At least people are expressing themselves. But maybe we should take it to the next level. Perhaps it's now time to discuss things privately. It would be an opportunity to exchange views without everyone else listening. Takes the pressure off trying to prove we're not crazy . . .

This just means that you won't have to deal with us all at the same time. You get to discuss things with us on a one-to-one basis.

Those Opposing Cyberpi:
We're not patting him on the back for anything. Hasn't it already been hard enough for him already? -- Not fitting in? I think I lot of what he does is a result of us provoking him by being aggressive. Why can't we be a lot gentler in our disagreements? Consider Thomas and Juantoo. I like their style. They disagree but don't bash us to death. I guess it's because Thomas is a lot more knowledgeable than most us, a lot more capable and qualified at dealing with differing views. Juantoo handles things well because he's thoughtful.

I think cyberpi would much like to discuss things with people like Thomas and Juantoo than the rest of us. If cyberpi could choose people with which to share his discussions, Thomas and Juantoo would be the people he'd talk to.

Fundamentalists and Conservatists:
Dor said:
Man why the heck do you people not ever do any homework.
I have been told numerous times on this board how intolerant I am, wrong I am, stupid, unenlightened and so forth and so on.
Ive seen people talk about how we have treated the "liberal", "tolerant", "enlightened" crowd. Well lets see how some actually feel about us. Just a couple examples.
"I've been thinking for a while about networking with people who disagree with or are fighting against Christian fundamentalism."
"I hope eventually to get into religious studies and study the deconversion process indepth."

" The person who whips out his trusty, reliable, handy-dandy bible, thumps it a few times and babbles on about supposed "biblical propecy" and good intentions, demonstrates sufficiently that s/he truly is - out of touch. To think that Christ, or God's Spiritual Plan, includes such radicalism, xenophobia and simple human hate ... THAT is the abomination."
If I do or I don't, I hope there is some place on these boards that us bible believing Christians can call home cause it seems the vast majority have been chased off.

Ok, it's about time the fundamentalists said something. How could we have known you were being despised if you didn't tell us? I had no idea what kind of treatment you've had to endure. Or was I just deaf? If so, then sorry for ignoring your pains and grievances for so long.:)

I guess there was a time when the fundamentalist was the one who kicked people out of the house. Now, perhaps, it's the rest of us that do the kicking. We started throwing out the fundamentalists and calling them demons.

Why not make some room for everyone? Some room for Dor, Faithfulservant. Some room for cyberpi. Sure we disagree. Maybe this is the time when we should start treating each other as part of one big family. Stop blaming the others for our troubles. Things won't be perfect, but at least we're accepted. At least we belong and fit in somewhere. We can eliminate the need for discussions about territorial ownership of the Christianity forum.

Dor, Faithfulservant and Cyberpi, I'm thinking that perhaps the abrasive discussions you've had were a result of you feeling like "outcasts." You were living life on the edge while the rest of us were in the middle. You felt you were the victims but you weren't the predators. You were ostracised by us because you were different. Time to welcome the fundamentalists and the so-called "pickers and choosers" (so to speak) back into the fold of Christianity. We belong together. Sure, there are some important issues to resolve, but just for now let's make some room for those living on the edge of Christianity.
Right now I am leaning toward taking a break for a little bit but I have not quite made up my mind about that.
If I do or I don't, I hope there is some place on these boards that us bible believing Christians can call home cause it seems the vast majority have been chased off.

*rant off*

Love yall and pray for yall daily even the ones I never agree with(wil) and the ones that drive me crazy(mee).:)
I think we've agreed a couple of times... if not I think 1+1=2, but we'll probably disagree with peanut butter onions and hot pepper jam...nobody likes that until they've tried it.

Tis true a lot of folks have left the forum...not being able to believe that others believe differently than they. Why is it such a surprise I wonder. We disagree on what food we like, and who we vote for, and where we want to live, and what kind of work we do, and what music we listen to. Some of us like horrors, others comedy, others romance and others documentary...but we can still get along...

As kids my parents said you never discuss politics or religion....well this is why. We are pushing the envelope here, and exposing our inner thoughts and beliefs as never before, across borders physical, spiritual, political...dispite race, sex, or economic class we are communicating and doing it instantaneously via the wonder of this forum. When you think about it, it is incredible.

Some can't take it, some can't tolerate the differences...but the differences is what makes this all so valuable....and tolerance allows us to learn and first to understand...

Sometimes I can't take it...and I miss those that have gone on...Sabbaticals are least mine was good for me.
Warning*rant on*

Man why the heck do you people not ever do any homework.
I have been told numerous times on this board how intolerant I am, wrong I am, stupid, unenlightened and so forth and so on.
Ive seen people talk about how we have treated the "liberal", "tolerant", "enlightened" crowd. Well lets see how some actually feel about us. Just a couple examples.
"I've been thinking for a while about networking with people who disagree with or are fighting against Christian fundamentalism."
"I hope eventually to get into religious studies and study the deconversion process indepth."

" The person who whips out his trusty, reliable, handy-dandy bible, thumps it a few times and babbles on about supposed "biblical propecy" and good intentions, demonstrates sufficiently that s/he truly is - out of touch. To think that Christ, or God's Spiritual Plan, includes such radicalism, xenophobia and simple human hate ... THAT is the abomination."

So please come discuss ask questions but do not come on here and try to tell me that everyone comes to learn or discuss. Some come to break, ridicule, crush, crack etc etc.

I have some very strong beliefs. I will listen to everyone and read everything.
When people are passing off unbiblical things as truth I generally will not keep quiet about it.
This gets me in trouble cause alot of people here want to pick and choose what the Bible says that they need.
Im told we are not to judge or hate. Well guess what the bible says differently.

Am I the perfect Christian, God Forbid. I am a wretched man that is trying to learn on a daily basis.
So I will continue to question peoples words, posts, actions and reasons and judge them as I am told to.

Right now I am leaning toward taking a break for a little bit but I have not quite made up my mind about that.
If I do or I don't, I hope there is some place on these boards that us bible believing Christians can call home cause it seems the vast majority have been chased off.

*rant off*

Love yall and pray for yall daily even the ones I never agree with(wil) and the ones that drive me crazy(mee).:)

Hey what about me? I'm trying to get everyone to use a rosary!...:eek: :rolleyes: :cool: :eek:
I think we've agreed a couple of times... if not I think 1+1=2, but we'll probably disagree with peanut butter onions and hot pepper jam...nobody likes that until they've tried it.

Tis true a lot of folks have left the forum...not being able to believe that others believe differently than they. Why is it such a surprise I wonder. We disagree on what food we like, and who we vote for, and where we want to live, and what kind of work we do, and what music we listen to. Some of us like horrors, others comedy, others romance and others documentary...but we can still get along...

As kids my parents said you never discuss politics or religion....well this is why. We are pushing the envelope here, and exposing our inner thoughts and beliefs as never before, across borders physical, spiritual, political...dispite race, sex, or economic class we are communicating and doing it instantaneously via the wonder of this forum. When you think about it, it is incredible.

Some can't take it, some can't tolerate the differences...but the differences is what makes this all so valuable....and tolerance allows us to learn and first to understand...

Sometimes I can't take it...and I miss those that have gone on...Sabbaticals are least mine was good for me.

Tolerance is not the issue (I happen to like peanut butter, onions and hot peppers, just not necessarily in that combination)...attitude is.

What is not accepted is the extremes "You're an idiot if you don't follow exactly what the Bible says (and I say), or an idiot if you do follow what the bible says (and not what I say)".

There is also the point where one should simply accept that some one is not going to deter from their way of thinking.

Like me for instance...I think I now, eh no, eh know, eh knew (whatever), everything! :rolleyes: :eek: :D

