Are you a heretic?

Hi, er, flow,

At the risk of violating my stupidity...WHAT DO YOU MEAN???!!!

the snoop.

The term that I used with reference to your posts is one in common usage among young hipsters in the US these days. It implies that what you do and how you do it is tantamount to "blowing away" anything that might be comparable to it. It was meant as a compliment in the context of the material on this thread... which I have personally found to be very entertaining. Just keep on keepin' on, as my old hippie self might say.


Ah, old hippie stuff, that's more like it!

s. (old fart in the UK)
Well, I for one would say that for some reason you find these ideas shallow and self-serving. It really isn't my business why that is so.
I think I remember that Prof. Smith in addition to regular church attendance also practices Yoga and Zen meditation, neither of which is considered less than laborious.
Thomas Merton once called Thich Nhat Hanh "...more of a brother to me than many in my own order"
Meister Eckhart was excommunicated posthumously and many good catholics were forbidden to read his works.
Even the Jesuit Anthony De Mello was shunned by his order though he wrote to his readers to respect the Church because it was there we are nurtured and have our spiritual foundations.
It isn't for us to eschew orthodoxy for a mystical path, though many persons do choose an eclectic spirituality, the rigorousness of which is determined by the fervor and devotion each individual is capable of.



Hi Mark:

I would also add to the group of Christian Mystics who were singled-out for peer abuse by reason of their beliefs, the priest, missionary and writer Pierre Tielhard DeChardin. But I guess that one should also take into account that he was a Frenchman who did the work that he was called to do in China.


I want to thank you for this thread. Your empty spaces helped me through a real difficult weekend. You know there was absolutely nothing I could read into them..... except empty space......... my it's nice to lighten up.

love - c -

I want to thank you for this thread. Your empty spaces helped me through a real difficult weekend. You know there was absolutely nothing I could read into them..... except empty space......... my it's nice to lighten up.

love - c -

Hi feline felicity and thanks.

Are you acknowledging that when we truly attempt to become one with ( - ) then this is, of course, ineffable. Or are you just saying I need to shut up a bit more?

Anyway, yes, post #16 has a practical purpose. If you scroll down a little you are provided with a blank field of view on which one can focus as you engage in contemplation / prayer / meditation.

Il Snoopini IV.

Part of that mediation process is affirming the veracity of the experience. I would be interested to see on what basis a person who has an experience can validate that experience as 'real' without recourse to tradition ... it is here that the self-declared heretic is on very uncertain ground ... how do you know your personal experience is not a fantasy or an illusion?



Is this not the very arrogance of dogma?

Here's another off the fence............

- c -
Hi feline felicity and thanks.

Are you acknowledging that when we truly attempt to become one with ( - ) then this is, of course, ineffable. Or are you just saying I need to shut up a bit more?

Anyway, yes, post #16 has a practical purpose. If you scroll down a little you are provided with a blank field of view on which one can focus as you engage in contemplation / prayer / meditation.

Il Snoopini IV.

Dear Snoops,

I'm saying I love the spirit of your free spirit.............

- c -
But then what will I do with this scarlet "H" someone has pinned to me collar?:eek:

I would add a scarlet "ome" or "ouse" and invite people over. Maybe add a "ospital" or "c_arity" and Help people in need. Or maybe a "is" or "ers" with something like a fish or a cross to signify a relationship. Maybe add a "Fait" and ask for some more letters.

But I would NOT add a "otel" and be for rent to just anyone... I am a heretic: I pick and choose.

I think its best to NOT add the "ate" and proclaim the person or people that judged to be evil... worthy of disposal.

I also think its best to NOT remove the scarlet "H" and proclaim all judging to be wrong. Without a "H" then how would people spell some words that they like? ... like Hydrocarbon?

As I see it the concept of Orthodox is to try to choose for others what is right. If a person is responsible by their words and actions then the concept is: "Repeat after me... maybe it will sink in."... or, "You can get to God's kingdom if you jump through my hoops." Even, "I am taking your words away from you so that you don't mislead other people with them, scare them, or make them angry."

I see a real difference between a person choosing for themselves and a person choosing for someone else. If a judgement is offered then it is still the person's choice. If a judgement is pinned to their collar so that they can't alter it then is it their choice? I further see "FAITH" being something entirely different and highly related to the relationship between a number of groups. Not your choice, not my choice... kind of like, "Today I make it your choice... what would you like me to wear?" If any group of people do that, like a church... oh what a big happy group I think it will be.

I want to thank you for this thread. Your empty spaces helped me through a real difficult weekend. You know there was absolutely nothing I could read into them..... except empty space......... my it's nice to lighten up.

love - c -
Oh my, I thught when he switched to telepathy he'd never shut up! It is one thing when he posts, I can scroll down hit the highlights or skip it all together....but when he's ranting on and on and on in my head. I thought he'd never quit. I looked at a different good, went to another good, turned off the computer....shut off the modem...pulled the wouldn't stop!
Oh my, I thught when he switched to telepathy he'd never shut up! It is one thing when he posts, I can scroll down hit the highlights or skip it all together....but when he's ranting on and on and on in my head. I thought he'd never quit. I looked at a different good, went to another good, turned off the computer....shut off the modem...pulled the wouldn't stop!
Shall I slap him with a fish again? :p
{Would that make me a heretic?}:eek:
Thomas said:
And anyone who calls him or herself a Christian mystic whilst denying the Church that Christ founded is kidding themselves – or rather, their 'mysticism' is something far different from what Orthodox Christianity understands by the term. It's a supreme example of 'I'll have the good bits, but not the burden...'

What is the Church that Christ founded ?? Please enlighten me. Here I thought I might be a mystic and I don't even know the answer to that question. :confused:

Oh my, I thught when he switched to telepathy he'd never shut up! It is one thing when he posts, I can scroll down hit the highlights or skip it all together....but when he's ranting on and on and on in my head. I thought he'd never quit. I looked at a different good, went to another good, turned off the computer....shut off the modem...pulled the wouldn't stop!


Hi Seattlegal,

How many fish are there in the great ocean....... he's a real big shark.

- c -:)

Oh my again, got a cross collateral.........

Do birds fly in the ocean........

Do fish swim in the sky.....

So many questions.....

- c -