Matrixism - A religion based on The Matrix

Just curious wil. What about you?
Is this all you believe in?
Where, all the time, people come and go?
Young and old?

Is what all I believe in?

The rest of.the thought needs to be completed as well before I can answer.

If you are asking if I believe in the multiverse, heaven, hell, or other reality from various nde....

I mostly believe in accepted verifiable science.

The rest the believers argue amongst themselves and form new sects, denominations, as their beliefs splinter from one another.
Thomas, speaking about Spirit, which is timeless.
Which is the greater reality and truth.

Cino? Are you saying you accept the NDE Experience as valid and true?
Wil? Your answer doesn't address anything.
Do you believe in Einstein's (and others) statements about time and space?
So do I.
I just woke up and already tired.

Take another nappy time and pull yourself together.
"Accepted Science". What? Other than what Einstein declared?
Cino? Are you saying you accept the NDE Experience as valid and true?

NDE experiencers clearly report an altered state of consciousness, and consider it profound. Insofar as they report their subjective experience, it is valid and true - the experience was truly theirs.

As I stated several times before, I do not think it tells us anything about the next world. After all, the experiencers were not dead in the sense of "body completely destroyed", or they would not be able to tell the tale. So in this sense, I do not think it is a valid experience of disembodied "life after death".
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Do you believe in Einstein's (and others) statements about time and space?

I studied physics at university. Your interpretation of Einstein's work is not in line with what Einstein taught.

You are welcome to believe anything you like, of course, but be aware that appealing to Einstein for authority regarding the superiority of your faith does not fly.
Quantum woo:

”If a sentence has the word "quantum" in it, and if it is coming out of a non-physicist's mouth, you can almost be certain that there's a huge quantum of BS being dumped on your head."
Physicist Devashish Singh, quoting a colleague

I think there are two villains here:

(1) Physicists, who are (rightly) desperate to explain to the world the extraordinary, fascinating, and profound implications of quantum mechanics. But they are afraid of intimidating an audience that gags at the sight of an equation; they want to convey the excitement without the substance. So they resort to forced similes and grossly misleading metaphors (quantum tunneling means you can walk through walls—somehow it never works when I try it).

(2) Non-physicists who are intrigued by words like “uncertainty” and “indeterminacy,” but are too lazy to do the serious work it takes to understand them."
David J. Griffiths

Quantum woo is the justification of irrational beliefs by an obfuscatory reference to quantum physics. Buzzwords like "energy field", "probability wave", or "wave-particle duality" are used to magically turn thoughts into something tangible in order to directly affect the universe. This results in such foolishness as the Law of Attraction or quantum healing. Some have turned quantum woo into a career ... often presenting ill-defined concepts of quantum physics as proof for God and other magical thinking.

When an idea seems too crazy to believe, the proponent often makes an appeal to quantum physics as the explanation ...

Quantum woo is an attempt to piggy-back on the success and legitimacy of science by claiming quack ideas are rooted in accepted concepts in physics, combined with utter misunderstanding of these concepts and a sense of wonder at the amazing magic these misunderstandings would imply if true ... etc

Read the full wiki article:

Also Science Woo:
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NDE experiencers clearly report an altered state of consciousness, and consider it profound. Insofar as they report their subjective experience, it is valid and true - the experience was truly theirs.

Replace NDE with meditation, LSD, Psylocybin, Mescaline, Fasting, orgies, parachuting, or hanging on hooks pierced.thru your skin....and I think your statement still applies.

I dont know if I would.recommend all of.them to everyone.
Thomas, speaking about Spirit, which is timeless.
God as spirit, yes. But we are not God.

It seems to me a category misconception at play here ...

We are not spirit alone. We are spirit and matter. Adam, prior to the fall, was spirit and matter – the relation of the one to the other was inverted by the Fall.

The angelic orders are creatures of pure spirit, but there are things that even the angels are unaware of (Matthew 24:36) and because angels can change state – they can err and they can fall (Luke 10:18, 1 Corinthians 6:3, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6 Revelations 12), they must, in some way, exist in time.

The vocation of the human is not to become an angel. God has His angels.

The vocation of the human is to realise humanity's own perfection, and in so doing bring all creation with it (Romans 8:22). Angels can't do that.
I studied physics at university. Your interpretation of Einstein's work is not in line with what Einstein taught.

You are welcome to believe anything you like, of course, but be aware that appealing to Einstein for authority regarding the superiority of your faith does not fly.

Cino, well sure. Of course!
I need to accept the scientific evaluation of an admitted atheist.

Even while Einstein spoke about "spooky action at a distance".
No doubt, you can translate entanglement with your own perspective.
Good for you.
Good for wil, and Thomas, and Corbet who I'm sure all agree with you as well.
(Where's that "Matrix has You" graphic?)


"The notion that all these fragments are separately existent ...
is evidently an illusion, and this illusion cannot do other than lead to endless conflict and confusion.“ —
David Bohm, -
Wholeness and the Implicate Order (1980)"



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Cino, well sure. Of course!
I need to accept the scientific evaluation of an admitted atheist.

Even while Einstein spoke about "spooky action at a distance".
No doubt, you can translate entanglement with your own perspective.
Good for you.

No, I'm not out to convert you to my point of view, just pointing out that your efforts at portraying your faith as superior to others are weakened by invoking the authority of Einstein.

To quote from another one of my favorite movies, "You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it means".

Regarding Bohr and Einstein, they fiercely disagreed regarding the interpretation of quantum mechanics. Einstein's quip in reply to the position expressed in the Bohr quote you posted was, "Do you really believe the moon goes away when nobody watches it?"

That debate was 100 years ago, btw. Physicists have grown accustomed to the concepts of quantum mechanics. Nobody fainted during the lectures or seminars I attended. The profs did not make a big thing out of it either. I wish popular science writers would stop living in the past.
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I don't know why you would refer to my perspective and explanation as sounding, "Superior"?

It's merely an explanation Cino as brought out to the world by the Wachowski's.
I don't know why you would refer to my perspective and explanation as sounding, "Superior"?
That's how you come across. We've been there before, just scroll back a bit.

Good night, Choi. I need to unplug. ;)
I need to accept the scientific evaluation of an admitted atheist
You mean Einstein?
Even while Einstein spoke about "spooky action at a distance".
You mean the electron pairs?

Is not the simple difference is we have discovered math that works on earth and in space and macro and micro...but they are all different?

Despite having seen and demonstrated quantum spooky action from a distance which doesn't eliminate time but discovers actions faster than the speed of light. I don't see anyone seriously theorizing what happens to one electron can happen to billions in order to warp reality....well other than charlatans and prosperity preachers.

But I got this elixir...see my etsy.

Still wanna know if you traction on any sites with your TRUTH... I wanna see where your posts get follx nodding in agreement.
It eliminates time.


You seriously think no-one said anything like this before the Wachowskis?

Thomas, of course not.

It's how the Wachowski's presented to the world, cinematically.
Einstein said something about if you can't explain your truth simply, you don't understand it that well yourself.
Einstein said something about if you can't explain your truth simply, you don't understand it that well yourself.
He also admonished, "Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler".
There are plenty of people who are not aware of the original sources, and who aren't seeing the Wachowski's cinematic illustration as such.
There are plenty of Christians also who could care less about science. Yet, their explanations involving Evolution vs. Creation aren't providing the answers.
So, I brought up Revelation 12:4 for what it is.
I began seeing other verses which support the Truth.