Matrixism - A religion based on The Matrix

"Bohr proposed a model of the atom in which the electron was able to occupy only certain orbits around the nucleus.
This atomic model was the first to use quantum theory, in that the electrons were limited to specific orbits around the nucleus."
That's fine: a quick trip to the encyclopaedia. But I believe that if I am going to reference someone to support my own theory I should be reasonably familiar with that person's work? I can't just search for science quotes out-of-context? You would not endorse someone who knows little about the Bible pulling down isolated Bible passages from Wikipedia to support their own line?

I'm not implying you are doing that, because you do appear to know the Bible. But the fact is the scientists you quote would almost certainly not endorse the use of their names to support Matrixism. Imo

@Geo there is a 'reply' button at the bottom right of each post. To reply to that post, press the button and the post will appear between quotes in your own 'post reply' box at the bottom of your page. Add your reply after the end quote, then post your reply as normal.

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Alternatively you can highlight an isolated section from the post you want to respond to and use the 'reply' button that pops up below the highlighted section.

How's that?

I've sent Dr. Michio Kaku some mail, but he gets alot of that I expect. I believe he wrote the book, "Parallel Worlds"?

wil -
You have a funny way of.talking to angels.
Yes. That would depend on the person who recognizes the message involving the truth.

However, you understand my position about The Matrix in which we live..
There are plenty of people ...
Sorry, your responses are a series of non sequiturs.

I ask why *you*, and you start talking about hypothetical others ...

In that sense, you come across as the same kind as the creationist who denies evolution, or the flat-earther who denies the world is round. There's no dialogue, it's all deflections and dismissals, no substance.
Well for one Thomas, I see that all the NDE accounts are positive, regarding Heaven and Paradise.
I can't say why it came to me, concerning John's statement about Christ atoning for the "sin" of the world, except these two issues are linked.
The Matrix resonated with me, involving these issues.
And then there are the Catholic Churches statements in their liturgy.
Then... there's the Physics of everything.


And then as well, you should see that the revelations I've brought to you here, on this thread, amount to the evidence of the Truth.
"What is real." Apart from time.
God is Truth.
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How's that?
Yay! Sort of. The name of the person you are responding to should be there in the quote, as above
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Well for one Thomas, I see that all the NDE accounts are positive, regarding Heaven and Paradise.
Assuming a Matrix situation, what leads one to suppose NDEs are any more reliable or objective?

I can't say why it came to me, concerning John's statement about Christ atoning for the "sin" of the world, except these two issues are linked.
Sin of the world and NDEs? Can you expand?

And then as well, you should see that the revelations I've brought to you here, on this thread, amount to the evidence of the Truth. "What is real." Apart from time.
God is Truth.
What revelations do you think you've brought ... I am sorry to disillusion you on this, but you've not really said anything new, or insightful?
What revelations do you think you've brought ... I am sorry to disillusion you on this, but you've not really said anything new, or insightful?
It is Ike we are immigrants and dont speak the language.

So he just shouts louder and throws in another meme, pic, or book cover.
Assuming a Matrix situation, what leads one to suppose NDEs are any more reliable or objective?

Too many Thomas. As I stated. Since my youth. Since the atmosphere has freed up concerning Christians sharing their stories as well.
Sin of the world and NDEs? Can you expand
So, I stated somewhere, why aren't many Christians taking notice of Physics theory since Einstein. Of course many of them are, too.
Dr. Michio Kaku for example, has spoken of his church years as a child.
People have died. Woken up alot of times, in the morgue, to reveal what experiences they've encountered about Paradise, and the timeless nature of it apart from the organic.
What revelations do you think you've brought ... I am sorry to disillusion you on this, but you've not really said anything new, or insightful?
You know, in the population... a persons faith effects their politics also, which will involve the nations direction.
For the most part, the topic of the Creation Research Foundation has changed, and they've stopped making the strange declarations of humanity living with the dinosaurs on earth.
Now they are focusing on DNA and such. But?
No one pays any attention to Physics theory.
No one really pays any attention to the Wachowski's films, in a wider scale of alternate timelines.
Which apparently the chief rebel instigated in Paradise.

Nobody has really recognized what I have, with regard to our organic manifestation, with a whole other history, Thomas, involving evolution, and this organic animal/mammal aspect.
With our "survival instinct", and resulting ego.
How's this...

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It is Ike we are immigrants and dont speak the language.

So he just shouts louder and throws in another meme, pic, or book cover.

In a way that's true I guess. In Philippians we are to understand "we are citizens if heaven", wil.
What's to understand for you? Involving your issues?
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In Philippians we are to understand "we are citizens of heaven"

“Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example. For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. They are headed for destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth.

But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Saviour. He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control.”
Philippians 3:17-21

What becomes of those 'headed for destruction' in the top paragraph? It seems that not everyone's an angel? This is something you won’t make clear, while at the same time pulling partial Bible passages purporting to equate Matrixism with Christianity. It's like you haven't thought it through, Imo
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RJM, really. I think I've addressed this, with respect to the soul's consequence in a lifetime. And with emanation, of it.
Why are some people predators..?
Involving strange appetites?

Anyone can change. Anyone can repent.
Some don't. Why? I don't know except for what I've stated..
I gave reference with respect to some people being raised in exemplary homes, but who create destruction, involving their predatory appetites.
I can't explain everything except to admit these situations exist among people.
RJM, really. I think I've addressed this, with respect to the soul's consequence in a lifetime. And with emanation, of it.
Why are some people predators..?
Involving strange appetites?

Anyone can change. Anyone can repent.
Some don't. Why? I don't know except for what I've stated..
I gave reference with respect to some people being raised in exemplary homes, but who create destruction, involving their predatory appetites.
I can't explain everything except to admit these situations exist among people.
Ok, let me try to explain. To me the message of Christ is so universal that everyone finds something to take away from it. There are all sorts of sects and cults that link themselves to the things Christ said. There are those who say they are Christians while chucking-out the crucifixion and the resurrection, for instance.

I’m not saying what anyone has to believe about the Gospels, whether they are true or made-up or anything else. The point I’m making is that the Gospels do say what they do say. So I would not be entitled to partially quote the Gospels – or let’s say the New Testament – to support my own assertion that my belief is really just another form of Christianity, while leaving out the bits that don’t support my line?

The beliefs of Matrixism differ in several major areas from the Christianity of the NT -- whether or not I ascribe. Matrixism is not the same thing as Christianity. We could accept that, and go on to talk about Matrixism as a free standing belief, and the origin of evil and so on, without employing partial Biblical passages to prove what it is not?
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Well RJM, what of the tenet of being affiliated with one of the major religions faiths? Throw it out?
I've been a Christian in faith since seventeen.
Although, as a kid, I always believed in God.

Everything I'm relating doesn't change anything with regard to the Gospels.
I'm relating the situations that address various questions some may have regarding the geological and archaeological issues involving evolution.
Saying in our history and timeline, evolution exists, albeit in an overall illusion, regarding the timeless and Spirit. Which will become all to evident when we are apart from time, and in the Spirit.
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Well RJM, what of the tenet of being affiliated with one of the major religions faiths? Throw it out?
Well, we've thrown out the tenet of requiring hallucinogenics? Are we going to decide what tenets to keep -- of Matrixism or any other religion?
Regarding Revelation 12:4, with respect to the rebellion that occurred, no not all were in league with. "the dragon".
As an Archangel, or "Cherub", many of those were deceived by him.
Hence, the use of the word "Redeemed", in regard to our salvation.
Something you have to agree with and confess.
Well, we've thrown out the tenet of requiring hallucinogenics? Are we going to decide what tenets to keep -- of Matrixism or any other religion?

Before I accepted Christ at 17, I used pot. Afterwards though I realized that pot effects the body, physically, while Christ effects my spirit.
But, later on I used liquor, and at times beer.
In my old age now I don't see a problem with it becoming legal. Thinking about how there are certain benefits involving pain and what it says in Proverbs, about letting the old men have plenty of wine and such for their problems.
Proverbs 31
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