No, I don't usually dis other people's religions. But this is not a religion. At best its a piece of art. And art is game for criticism. In fact, questioning reality itself calls for criticism of religious beliefs.
When I saw The Matrix for the first time, I was quite impressed. As a reader of religious texts and a psychedelian, I was glad that it was made. It's practically an exercise in comparitive religion in itself, with all the right literature and religious references.
It is a fictional Hollywood movie. It's not even a religious film, like The Passion. It's a bit of fun. Criticising a website that promotes the metaphor as religion is not disrespecting other people's religions at all.
Abdul Baha wasn't talking about a computer generated reality created by artificial intelligences to farm us for our bio-energy (I'm pretty sure!), and he is also an important link in the leadership chain for a religion that preaches against sacraments.
This is not just because I don't believe in the Prophecy of The One, or am willing to follow some stop-gap religion until He shows up. This is not a difference of belief debate. This is my personal criticism of somebody who for all intents is telling everybody to take acid and stick posters up with the word Matrixism on them. Nowhere on the website does it give information on what to do in a bad trip, any advice on staying lucid in the maelstrom of new thoughts and feelings, just that if you take acid, you're awake, and if you smoke pot, you're not.
Yes, I am advocating the use of opiates. Mothers in labour love a hit of the stuff as much as wounded soldiers or crazy classical creative types. It's a powerful medicine and used with respect is capable of providing inspiration and spiritual awakening, as well as instant relief from a wide variety of human pains. If you're going to dis a medicine on the basis that many people abuse it, then you're discounting all the alcoholics, the acid burnouts, the obese fast-food and chocolate addicts, and countless other things that people screw themselves up on.
This is not a religion. This is a piece of culture-jamming protest art, and an interpretation of a Hollywood movie. Similar to the Jedi way, which was an amalgamation of Buddhist, Hindu and the 60's ethos of Fighting the Man. Yoda is just Yogi and Buddha combined. A bunch of catchphrases a religion is not.
The spaghetti monster religion is one I like. It's challenging, and nobody really believes in His Noodly Self, but being able to say you're part of it challenges bad logic and may even help prevent non-science being taught as science in schools.
My faith in God remains unshaken by the matrixian heathens.
Peace, everybody...