The Arthurian Maji Grail King Lineage

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i am not the one going round trying to gain converts to my way of thinking, or subscribers to my courses, or sell my books. when people ask me about jewish stuff, i explain it to them, clearly and simply i hope. i don't just link to an external site, do cut-and-pastes. i also use a variety of sources, which have been independently verified and try whenever possible to attribute them. not only that, if you claim something so extraordinary as that:

"The GA represents a smaller, specialized group, and primary task force, within a greater Guardian Organization called the Inter-dimensional Associations of Free Worlds (IAFW) created 568 million years ago after the Angelic Wars. The GA is a co-operative organization through which an enormous variety of different interstellar, multi-dimensional and inter-time species and races work together to assist in the evolution of developing cultures throughout the multi-dimensional universe."

and then start talk about "feline hominids", i could be forgiven for thinking that such extraordinary claims might require extraordinary proof. it is not just me that regards this stuff as pure science fiction. by contrast, my religion can be verifiably shown *even by people who don't believe in it* to be thousands of years old. our sacred texts have had a demonstrably huge effect on human society and history. even the people who hate us admit this. in short, we definitely exist! now i am not in the habit of disrespecting alternative paths to wisdom, but it does not therefore follow that all such alternative paths are automatically entitled to the same level of respect.


Everything I have posted is very comprehensible to me and many, many others.
so is "star wars", but that doesn't mean it happened.

I'm sorry if you don't or can't understand but that doesn't negate the validity of the teachings.
perhaps if you could provide some kind of independent verification of just one of your claims, like, say that "anuhazi" is recognised as a real language by a publicly scrutinised, independent organisation, that might go some way to allaying the impression held by myself and brian, deserved or otherwise, that this has all been made up by a bunch of charlatans.

By your signature (Ha-Rav) I assume that you are Jewish and thus that you have a background in Kabballah. If you understand Kabballah you should not have a problem understanding these teachings, once you get used to the language. Just the same as anyone coming into Judaism and/or Kabballah without a familiarity with the language, the words and/or termimology would appear gibberish. Such as words and/or expressions like: Lower worlds, upper worlds, The Zohar, The Sefer Yetzirah, The Bahir Illumination, Sephara, Or, Malkuth, Assiah, Yetzirah and so on and so on. Just like the Aramaic language is the language of Kabbalah and Judaism, Anuhazi is the language of the Freedom teachings.
the thing is that there is an awful lot of nonsense out there masquerading as kabbalah and using its inaccessibility to obscure how little content it has or how little it has to do with authentic jewish kabbalah. take the "kabbalah centre" to start with, what a bunch of con artists and frauds. i've read more bollocks about kabbalah than i know what to do with, so you'll forgive me my scepticism. how about you give me just one example of a "freedom teaching" which is connected to, say the sefer yetzirah and then show how it is demonstrably older?


bananabrain, Please forgive if it sounds like I am trying to convert anyone and "I Don't have a Web site, and do not have any books for sale (yes, there are books and DVD's available that teach these things but I was not trying to sell "ANYTHING". This was and is not my intent. If you go back to the first thread I started about the Freedom Teachings you will see that I was asked to provide the source of the information, that I had posted along with a link where the information could be found. So in complying with the request of the moderator I have done so.
I thought this was a forum in which to exchange ideas about different spiritual paths and this is what I have done.
If you read the thread on the Freedom teachings you would not make such a gross statement as you would understand that this would go against all that we believe in. We respect all spiritual paths and understand that this path will not be the chosen path of most people and from our teachings this is ok. "FREE WILL" is the main focus of this group and we respect everybody's right to their spiritual path.
You are making rude assumptions with nothing to back them up and this lowers the integrity of your accusations.
You make the statement that you use a variety of sources, which have been varified for your posts. Please explain who and how they were verified? Just because a person with a degree behind his name states that something is fact 'DOES NOT MAKE IT FACT."
The basis of our teachings is Unified field physics, Quantum Physics and Metaphysics that have filled in the blank spots left out by the public science fields. The mathematical equations are flawless.
Most of the people who are attracted to these teachings are Indigo's and they can see subtle energies and have seen these inter dimensional entities, thus validating these things for our self. We teach self sovereignty. It is up to each of us to validate our own reality. We do not subscribe to the teachings that we can't understand or know things without someone else who is 'better' or 'above' or more in contact with the "Divine Absolute Source of All" to know these things. It is the responsibility of each of us to "Find" and 'Chose" our own spiritual path and then to come to an understanding of what it is about. I personally can see subtle energies and know they are real. I have validated these things for myself and don't need someone else to "verify" this for me. These are things I came to understand years before finding the Freedom teachings while making a very crude translation of the Hebrew Scriptures in which I found the text to be a science book and then was lead to the Freedom teachings which expounded further on what I had already come to understand from my crude translation of the Hebrew Torah, which by the way. According to the Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language, means: a book containing all the science of the universe. At present there are six letters missing from the Hebrew aleph bet (taken out by the council of Nicia) which makes it hard to get the entire picture.
If you are familiar with your own teachings how much further does one have to go to understand the thought of inter-dimensional beings being here than the concept that Enoch was taken in chariots of fire unto the seventh heaven. Or that the Jews are a chosen race from another realm that came here as guardians and so on and so on.
Or how different is this from the teachings of the tree of life and it's representation of different dimensional aspects of reality? I'm not here to compare one spiritual path with another but since this has been put on the table I decided to use it as an example. I have great respect for your chosen path, it is one personally studied in the past,
Again, what in your religion can be verified? Other than that Israel exists and has gone through troubled times. People hating does not prove the validity of a religion. The effect the Torah has had on society does not prove its validity. It only proves that the inquisition did its job.
Now you are saying that Star wars in comprehensible just as what I posted but this conversation is taking place because you accused me of incomprehensible waffling. Make up your mind.
Quote:so is "star wars", but that doesn't mean it happened.
It also doesn't mean it didn't happen!!!!

Please explain what you mean by independent verification of the freedom text? How does one person validate the spiritual path of another? It wouldn't matter who I quoted as far as public scrutiny you would not give credit to the person unless they were of your persuasion.
I have personally already validated these teachings and know them to be true and are "my truth'. The burden lays on you to prove them false.
Our teacher has stated that she would be glad to have an open forum, made free to the public with anyone who thinks they can debunk these teachings and thus far has not been taken up on the offer.
Comparing Kaylontic Science to the Sefer Yetzirah as you know could not be done appropriately in this small space. So why do you ask a question that could not even closely be done. It would take years to put it all in her. My intent is not to make a comparison between any religion and Keylontic Science and/or the Freedom Teachings. Keylontic science goes back millions of years. It goes back to Mans first planting on Tara in the second harmonic universe (dimension six) and the destruction of Tara and the pieces that fell in frequency into this realm. It goes back to the first seeding of the 12 tribes of the human race on Tara and the second seeding and this the third seeding. It goes into the Hebrew, Hibiru, and Hykos groups (one of which call themselves Jews and are not) and how the true Jews hold a special codeing in their DNA that enables them the ability to do certain things, which is the true reason they were suppressed as a people.
You seem to call anything that goes against what you believe nonsense, even other peoples views of Kabbalah. This says it all as far as where you are coming from.

If you would like to compare sefer yetzirah I would be more than happy to do so but think we should open another thread to do so.

Love and Light, Marietta
Marietta said:
You are making rude assumptions with nothing to back them up
well, we'll see about that.

We respect all spiritual paths and understand that this path will not be the chosen path of most people and from our teachings this is ok. "FREE WILL" is the main focus of this group and we respect everybody's right to their spiritual path.
in my book, if someone "respects everyone's right to their spiritual path", that does not allow them the right to tell me that they are in possession of the "real truth" underlying my religious texts and system. for example, if a christian told me that their understanding of isaiah's "suffering servant" referred to jesus and that i was mistaken not to believe this interpretation, this would not be "respect". if a muslim told me that the Torah had been "corrupted" and that the Qur'an had replaced it, that would not be "respect". those are the sort of parameters i use, so let's examine your statements in respect of these.

You make the statement that you use a variety of sources, which have been varified for your posts. Please explain who and how they were verified? Just because a person with a degree behind his name states that something is fact 'DOES NOT MAKE IT FACT."
what i mean is this: in the majority of cases, i will post a verse from the primary source (Torah, Nakh, Talmud, etc) or a quote from a Torah authority and attribute it. if i link to jewfaq, or, or anywhere else, my attitude to the linked sites has normally already been explained; for example, i do not endorse chabad, but their translation of chumash with rashi is perfectly reliable and acceptable to most people. in the case of kabbalah, there are both halakhic sources (which are agreed to be more or less authoritative independently of anything else), such as the Talmud or the ben ish hai, traditional sources which i have personally investigated and found to be credible and scholarly sources such as scholem, idel, or matt. *now*, what i mean by independent verification is that *i* am independent of them, have a certain amount of critical distance and where i have an affiliation i try to clearly state it, but often feel free to differ. now, this may not be "independent" by your book, but i'm not the one making *scientifically verifiable* statements; i stick to the spiritual domain. does that make sense?

The basis of our teachings is Unified field physics, Quantum Physics and Metaphysics that have filled in the blank spots left out by the public science fields.
so, if it it's unified field physics and quantum field physics, then we're in a domain which requires peer review and testing, aren't we? one other thing, since when was "metaphysics" actually a science rather than a field of philosophy? perhaps i'm being dense. and if there is a "blank spot left out by public science", why is that? why are there no mainstream scientists interested in this particular field?

The mathematical equations are flawless.
i don't see how you can say that unless they've been tested in peer-reviewed research publications.

Most of the people who are attracted to these teachings are Indigo's and they can see subtle energies and have seen these inter dimensional entities, thus validating these things for our self.
that is fair enough, but you're actually going beyond that to impose your interpretation , you are giving one interpretation of a widely observed phenomenon. how do we know yours is "true"? theosophists would presumably claim that these are the astral bodies of arhats or something like that, whereas christians might see angels, muslims might see djinni and shamans might see animal spirits.

These are things I came to understand years before finding the Freedom teachings while making a very crude translation of the Hebrew Scriptures in which I found the text to be a science book and then was lead to the Freedom teachings which expounded further on what I had already come to understand from my crude translation of the Hebrew Torah, which by the way according to the Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language, means: a book containing all the science of the universe.
oh, yes, i remember this, we discussed it here: you said you could translate Torah verses backward to give medical explanations and then wouldn't give any examples when i called you on it. why was that, again? you said that you could make up your own rules as long as you find meaning in them and i said yes, you can, but that doesn't necessarily mean that what you produce would make sense, like applying the rules of classical music to chinese ideograms. can you give me an example of what you mean this time? and, incidentally, this definition (from the ernest klein dictionary, right?) is a highly interpretative definition. "Torah" is *one* word. it means *teaching*. it has many other *connotations* and *the* Torah is indeed considered to contain all the knowledge in the universe, as i have quoted elsewhere from the Mishnah "turn it over and over again, for everything is in it", but i would be delighted if you could show me *one* example of a piece of medical knowledge that could be obtained even by translating forwards, let alone backwards. it seems to me that you're taking an english word, "science", connoting "knowledge" as it applies to the Torah and misapplying it, rather like confusing metaphysics with physics.

At present there are six letters missing from the Hebrew aleph bet (taken out by the council of Nicia) which makes it hard to get the entire picture.
well, that would certainly be true, if that had indeed happened. tell me, marietta, how did a *christian theological council* manage to remove letters from the *jewish* alphabet? what makes you think that the jewish authorities of the time (the ga'onim, who were based in babylon) cared what the council of nicea did or thought about anything? and what evidence is there of any of this? can you tell me what any of these letters are? are any of them in, say, the dead sea scrolls, which predate the council of nicea? so far, i stand by what i said: you are talking complete drivel.

If you are familiar with your own teachings how much further does one have to go to understand the thought of inter-dimensional beings being here than the concept that Enoch was taken in chariots of fire unto the seventh heaven.
i am familiar with these teachings. all it says in the Torah is that "enoch was not, for G!D Took him". there is quite a lot of mystical speculation about what that actually means, with the general consensus being that he ended up becoming the angel metatron. i'm not aware of the jewish sources which talk about chariots of fire or the seventh heaven, so please do point me at them - and i'm not talking about the book of enoch, because that isn't in our canon.

Or that the Jews are a chosen race from another realm that came here as guardians and so on and so on.
i've never seen that anywhere. "chosen people", perhaps, but "chosen" to receive the Torah. at no point is it suggested that we are anything other than human.

Or how different is this from the teachings of the tree of life and it's representation of different dimensional aspects of reality?
the fact that the ToL talks about different dimensional aspects of reality does not translate into anything about "543m year-old indigo feline hominoids from outer space", unless i just haven't found that bit yet.

I have great respect for your chosen path, it is one personally studied in the past
if that is true, why are you completely ignoring what we say about ourselves and imposing this utterly bonkers sci-fi narrative on it? are you erich von daniken in disguise? or david icke? he thinks we're lizards from outer space.

Again, what in your religion can be verified? Other than that Israel exists and has gone through troubled times. People hating does not prove the validity of a religion. The effect the Torah has had on society does not prove its validity. It only proves that the inquisition did its job.
eh? the Torah proves its validity by claiming to be an integrated guide for living, for understanding the mission of the jewish people and for helping us complete that mission - and then proving that it works as such, which is why we're still here 3500 years later when, statistically, by all the rules of history, we should be long extinct. it proves its validity by having been the seedbed for sometimes apparently mutually contradictory ideas from social justice to ethical capitalism which have become universal to human society.

Now you are saying that Star wars in comprehensible just as what I posted but this conversation is taking place because you accused me of incomprehensible waffling. Make up your mind.
you said that you and lots of other people understand what you are on about. i said that is fair enough, but that doesn't mean it happened. i mentioned "star wars" because it is a very nice story about what happened long long ago, in a galaxy far away, but is also completely made up.

It also doesn't mean it didn't happen!!!!
it does if it is fiction, unless by pure coincidence george lucas happened to write down a completely true story about something he has no possible way of knowing anything about. i think the onus would be on you to provide evidence for such an extraordinary statement.

Please explain what you mean by independent verification of the freedom text?
how about someone not affiliated with the organisation writing about it in an impartial manner, for a start? as far as i can tell, all the information about this on the web seems to lead back to the same three websites controlled by the same two people. now either this is the best kept secret in history, or your friends in the emerald order have IP control issues that make the scientologists look relaxed - haven't they sued google recently because of someone outside the order writing about it?

Our teacher has stated that she would be glad to have an open forum, made free to the public with anyone who thinks they can debunk these teachings and thus far has not been taken up on the offer.
so have the people from the "church of the flying spaghetti monster", i believe. and where was this statement made, the "fortean times"?

Comparing Kaylontic Science to the Sefer Yetzirah as you know could not be done appropriately in this small space. So why do you ask a question that could not even closely be done. It would take years to put it all in
just one concept would do. that could be done quite easily.

Keylontic science goes back millions of years. It goes back to Mans first planting on Tara in the second harmonic universe (dimension six) and the destruction of Tara and the pieces that fell in frequency into this realm.
oh, deary me, wibble wibble bibble. again, are there any independent, say, astronomers that are able to confirm that this universe, or planet exists, or that any of this isn't just a bunch of made-up sci-fi-babble? "dimension six", forsooth.

It goes into the Hebrew, Hibiru, and Hykos groups (one of which call themselves Jews and are not) and how the true Jews hold a special codeing in their DNA that enables them the ability to do certain things, which is the true reason they were suppressed as a people.
go on then, what things are these? and which group is it that call themselves jews and aren't? is it by any chance the group i happen to belong to?

You seem to call anything that goes against what you believe nonsense, even other peoples views of Kabbalah. This says it all as far as where you are coming from.
that's not what i'm saying at all. there are many other views of kabbalah that i find rather beautiful and universal. but i am also saying that there are a lot of people teaching something that purports to be kabbalah which has no connection to judaism at all. kabbalah is inherently jewish. it is derived from the Torah. its tools are the hebrew language and jewish sacred texts. these other things may well be mystical. they may well be true, but that doesn't make them kabbalah.

If you would like to compare sefer yetzirah I would be more than happy to do so but think we should open another thread to do so.
go right ahead.


I'm by no means a "mainstream" anything religiously, but as a scientist I find this sort of... hard to swallow.

Activated 6th strands of DNA? Tampered DNA? Feline hominids? If any of this was verified, it'd be all over the scientific community. Contrary to some conspiracy theorists beliefs, science isn't controlled by anyone and we're all quite interested in finding some big claim to fame to get more money, more advancement, to build our career. If any of this was supported by science, it would have come out in science.

If it is just mystical visions, then it should be discussed as such rather than all this extra garbled language about DNA and hominids and planets that we haven't found and so forth. There are "vampires" on the 'net that claim they have some super special DNA that causes them to crave blood and allows them to heal faster and read auras. There are those who claim lineage to the fae and say it affects their DNA. And here are some folks with purported altered DNA. People... we know enough about DNA to be able to test these things. So if there are so many people out there with non-human DNA, tampered DNA, mutated DNA... come forward and prove it. Until then, it's just people speculating about their own DNA, which they can't see or know what it says.

Now, if you want to propose spiritual origins, that is quite different. Despite disagreeing perhaps, I can fully respect someone arguing that they are a reincarnated whatever- fae, wolf, what have you. Why? Because as fantastic as it may seem to others, if you propose a spirit-based belief, there is no evidence to the contrary and no way to prove it either way. But if you want to propose biological evidence, then I want the evidence- I want to see the DNA tested and contrasted with a sample of other people. I want to see these feline hominids. Otherwise, it's all just talk and no evidence.

So far as I can tell, this is one of the biggest jumbles of concepts pulled from every which place I've ever seen- you've got the Illuminati and aliens and cat humans and DNA mutations and on and on. It definitely beats the Theosophists hands-down for complexity, but complexity never proves truthfulness. Sounds like it'd all make a good sci-fi series, but as a religion would primarily stroke the egos of those whose "6th strand is active" and therefore "resonates with the teachings." There are plenty of statements in here that could be proven, IF there is evidence. The claims are so fantastical that I can't imagine buying in without evidence. So where is the evidence?

Any time a religion claims that you need some sort of special DNA other humans don't have or something, both the scientist and the mystic in me bristle. Why? Because it is wholly unfounded in science, but abusing scientific concepts in the guise of truth. And because it is a form of self-congratulation, a sort of pat on the back to people who want to feel special, rather than a path open to all. It's elitist. And because I think any time you single out groups of human beings and say they aren't human, that is one step away from human rights violations.

Just my honest 2 cents.
or alternatively, you could use the betcha-botam-dola-clukluk-jibba technique to escape from the phantom matrix before the aglububble-cthulhu-wibblwobbl-angelians get you. and all for just $25!



I got my on e-bay for $12.00, brand new and still in the box.

I couldn't read through your whole post because of the formatting but, to make one small correction:

The Jews of Israel would say that unless you were born in Israel to a Jewish mother who was born in Israel, who’s mother was also a Jew who had been born in Israel, you are not a Jew.

That is not true. If it were, the law of return would be ambiguous.

-- Dauer
Dear bananabrain, Please forgive me but I don’t care to debate or defend what I believe with you or anyone else and I also don’t care to debate your belief system. I believe one way and you believe another and I truly respect your right to your own way of thinking. My intent is not to challenge or change the beliefs of another. I am only here to share what I have come to understand. If someone feels that they resonate with the freedom teachings, they will take in what I have written and do with it as they chose. As a courtesy to you, I will answer the questions you have already posted but will not respond to comments that are of not real value other than to undermine the topic.

We are in total agreement that to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong goes against the free will choice of the other person. The Freedom teachings, teach that we “All” create our own reality and our beliefs are based on the reality that each one of us have created for ourselves. All Beliefs are valid, even if I personally don’t agree with what another person believes, that does not negate the beliefs of another.
This thread is merely a statement of what I have come to understand regarding the arrival of kids with extra DNA strands and special abilities, termed Indigo Children.

What do you mean by a Torah “Authority”, what makes someone an “authority?” You use the word as if it means that if you quote someone who is in agreement with what you are saying that it makes it fact. [/font]

Main Entry: au·thor·i·ty Pronunciation: \ə-ˈthär-ə-tē, ȯ-, -ˈthȯr-]
Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English auctorite, from Anglo-French auctorité, from Latin auctoritat-, auctoritas opinion, decision
1 a (1): a citation (as from a book or file) used in defense or support (2): the source from which the citation is drawn b (1): a conclusive statement or set of statements (2): a decision taken as a precedent: 2 a: power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior:

I must ask: Why is it that when you provide a link it is supposed to validate what you say but when I proved a link, I was accused of trying to convert someone and/or sell them something? You have sited that one form of authority is inferior to another in your personal beliefs because they don’t go along with your particular form of belief in Kaballah, that does not negate the validity of the other authority. It’s all subjective to the belief of the person doing the study and their personal background.

Where did you get the idea that there aren’t mainstream Physicist studying Keylontic Science? Within our group we have many mainstream, physicist, mathematicians’, and doctors who have found our teachings to be flawless. We have people from every country in the world in our group from every background who study these teachings. Mainstream science had held tightly to out molded ideas throughout history, until a new generation comes along and adopts them. New ideas have always been ridiculed by the mainstream fields of science when first mentioned. Our teacher has offered an open public forum free to the public, with anyone who would like to challenge these teachings. The Physics we teach is our spiritual path plain and simple.

--Quote: i don't see how you can say that unless they've been tested in peer-reviewed research publications.]]]]]][/font]

Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French per, from per, adjective, equal, from Latin par
1: one that is of equal standing with another: one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status

We have had a lot of peer review.

---Quote:-----that is fair enough, but you're actually going beyond that to impose your interpretation , you are giving one interpretation of a widely observed phenomenon. how do we know yours is "true"? theosophists would presumably claim that these are the astral bodies of arhats or something like that, whereas christians might see angels, muslims might see djinni and shamans might see animal spirits.]]]]]]

For those who would say that they are the astral bodies of arhats, angels, djinni, animal spirit or shaman, I would not disagree but would ask, where these energies exist?
Just because people with different beliefs call these subtil energies by different names does not mean they do not exist. It supports the validity of their existence.
Please understand that I am not trying to impost my knowing on someone else. This is merely objective to someone that can’t see these energy fields but to those of use who can see them it is very subjective. For those of us who can feel subtle energies, we can feel the energy signature of the energy and for us we can discern weather it is negative or not. There is a very distinct feeling to different types of energy.

My translation of the Hebrew Torah was for my personal growth which lead first to the study of Kabbalah and ultimately to Keylontic Science. If I failed to provide you with an answer in the thread you are talking about it was an oversight on my part. Regardless to the rules you think should be applied to the Hebrew language (even though Mishnah states that there are only ten rules that are ever to be applied to the language, the ten utterances) my crude translation was showing the physics held within the text. You can debate this until you are blue in the face but that will not negate the fact that through my translation I came to understand a set of physics that I had never studied outside of my translation of Torah. Then when I found Keylontic Science it elaborated upon what I had already found in my crude translation of Torah.

According to the Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language: Page 696
Torah: 1. Instruction, teaching 2. The Book of the LAW, the Torah 3. the five books of the torah, the Pentateuch 4. Copy of a book of the torah 5. Theory, system

The book of the Law, is the laws of physics that all things were created through.

I could also quote the Dictionary of the Targamim, Talmud Babli, Yerushalmi and Midrashic Literature which is quite extensive, but won’t because the above is sufficient.

The inquisition which lasted six hundred years played a great part on breaking down the Hebrew language making it possible to add rules to the language that were not intended and also made it possible to take six latters away from the language. The Hebrew language was forbidden to be spoken and all Hebrew literature was banned. Hebrew is the only language in the history of the world that became extinct as a spoken language and was then revived (in 1947) when Israel became a nation again. During this time the Torah teachings were hand down word of mouth. Anyone caught teaching, reading or speaking Hebrew, was killed and their literature was burned. At this time rules were applied to the language, that were not intend and letters removed.

Read the first chapter of Ezekiel for more on the chariot transportation or the book of Enoch in the Pseudepigrapha.

I didn’t imply that the Torah or Zohar tell the history in the same manner that Keylontic Science does, I merely stated that if you can follow/understand the teachings of Kabbalah, it would not be that far of a leap to “Understand” (not adopt as a belief) the Freedom Teachings.

--Quote---if that is true, why are you completely ignoring what we say about ourselves and imposing this utterly bonkers sci-fi narrative on it? are you erich von daniken in disguise? or david icke? he thinks we're lizards from outer space.}}}}
I am not ignoring your path. I personally don’t believe the Torah is intact and have chosen a path more conducive to what I believe. I’m not asking you to study the Freedom Teachings or believe them. You have free will. If you don’t believe this and think it is nonsense, “DON’T READ IT.” It’s that simple

--- Quote---jeh? the Torah proves its validity by claiming to be an integrated guide for living, for understanding the mission of the Jewish people and for helping us complete that mission - and then proving that it works as such, which is why we're still here 3500 years later when, statistically, by all the rules of history, we should be long extinct. it proves its validity by having been the seedbed for sometimes apparently mutually contradictory ideas from social justice to ethical capitalism which have become universal to human society.]]]]

My purpose here is not to disprove the validity of the Torah. However, NONE of that statement proves the validity of Torah.
[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']I don’t need someone outside of Keylontic Science to validate this for me. I KNOW it to be fact. I have very specific cellular memory of most of what is taught in the Freedom teachings.

--- Quote---that's not what i'm saying at all. there are many other views of kabbalah that i find rather beautiful and universal. but i am also saying that there are a lot of people teaching something that purports to be kabbalah which has no connection to judaism at all. kabbalah is inherently jewish. it is derived from the Torah. its tools are the hebrew language and jewish sacred texts. these other things may well be mystical. they may well be true, but that doesn't make them kabbalah.]]]]

Which branch of Judaism are you trying to align Kabbalah with Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, Humanistic, Flexidox or what? It sounds like you are saying that anything that does not agree with your particular path is wrong, even within Judaism. The Jews of Israel would say that unless you were born in Israel to a Jewish mother who was born in Israel, who’s mother was also a Jew who had been born in Israel, you are not a Jew.

May I wish you a peaceful and joyful journey along your chosen path.
Love and Light In Peace, Marietta
Hello Dauer, That is what we was told by the Rav's wife at Rockdale Temple, when asked the question "what qualifies a person being a Jew."
Then you were either misinformed or misinterpreted what was said.

-- Dauer
Hi dauer, I suppose either could be the case as I am only repeating what was discussed while taking a class at a local temple. The person who initiated the conversation had just returned from Israel where the topic was being hotly debated. She told the class that the debate was over who a real Jew was and stated that the people that were debating this were of three groups. One group were Jews born and living in Israel, the second group were Jews born in Israel but were citizens of other countries and the third group were Jews who were born and living in other countries. They each claimed to be Jews but the ones born and living in Israel claimed that they were the only true Jews.
Dear dauer, Thanks for the clarification. I may have misunderstood.
dauer, Me again. In the class the discussion that this topic came out of had to do with people converting to Judaism as opposed to a blood line. I had made the statement that a Jew was a specific bloodline and Judaism was the teachings of this race of people that other people became interesting in and wanted to learn (thus, a convert). At this point the the previous conversation took place.
What the teacher said was that the saying that you are only a Jew if your mother was a jew and her mother and her mother's mother, was because it was always known who your mother is but not always known who the father is.

What the teacher said was that the saying that you are only a Jew if your mother was a jew and her mother and her mother's mother, was because it was always known who your mother is but not always known who the father is.

That is true. Judaism is determined matrilineally while tribal identity is determined patrilinealy.

However, Judaism isn't a race or a bloodline.
Marietta said:
Please forgive me but I don’t care to debate or defend what I believe with you or anyone else and I also don’t care to debate your belief system.
er, in that case, what are you here for? dialogue and debate is what this site is *about*. and when you make an extraordinary, not to say unbelievable claim for your own belief system you do invite examination of these claims. personally, i think path_of_one has your number.

I believe one way and you believe another and I truly respect your right to your own way of thinking. My intent is not to challenge or change the beliefs of another.
if that's so, then why are you claiming that something i and many others believe (for example that the hebrew alphabet has 22 letters) which, more to the point, is so well established that nobody would normally seek to argue with it?

I am only here to share what I have come to understand.
ok, well, that's what the evangelists say, too. how are you different? you don't want to debate or defend your viewpoints? fine. well, the rest of us do and we're pretty happy doing so. if you don't like it, tough, i'm afraid.

If someone feels that they resonate with the freedom teachings, they will take in what I have written and do with it as they chose.
in other words, join the group. so, in fact, you are seeking new adherents.

All Beliefs are valid, even if I personally don’t agree with what another person believes, that does not negate the beliefs of another.
have you ever heard of bertrand russell's "space teacup" argument? it goes like this: if someone chooses to believe that there is a giant teacup orbiting jupiter, they are entitled to do so, but the burden of proof is not upon me to believe such an inherently unlikely belief.

What do you mean by a Torah “Authority”, what makes someone an “authority?” You use the word as if it means that if you quote someone who is in agreement with what you are saying that it makes it fact.
nope. i don't quote belief and opinion as fact. a Torah authority is someone who is agreed to understand Torah and whose opinion is a credible one according to the the amount of respect they are able to garner through their learning, teaching and writing. they are, most commonly, rabbis who have reached a degree of understanding that is acclaimed by common consensus. when i quote a Torah authority to back up one of my points, what i mean by that is that this is a known, valid and accepted point of view for a majority of jews who accept the authority of halakhah and tradition based on the shulhan 'arukh. now, that is not at all the same thing as a "fact", but it is a framework which provides context and integrity to a given point of view. it's a bit like what constitutes a scientific authority; this authority is attained by gaining the approval of one's peers.

I must ask: Why is it that when you provide a link it is supposed to validate what you say but when I proved a link, I was accused of trying to convert someone and/or sell them something?
because my links are to sites which i am not affiliated with, they are independent of me and back up what i have to say. you seem to link to one place, which is the organisation you appear to be recruiting for.

You have sited that one form of authority is inferior to another in your personal beliefs because they don’t go along with your particular form of belief in Kabbalah, that does not negate the validity of the other authority. It’s all subjective to the belief of the person doing the study and their personal background.
well, i'd expect that sort of attitude from someone who thinks they can translate biblical hebrew without knowing any. put it this way: if this were classical music we were talking about, an authority on it is going to come out of the classical music world and have certain attributes and characteristics. you could, if you wish, describe a cookbook as an orchestral score. it would be a personal belief, but it would not be a valid one except perhaps if we were talking about a highly unusual view of what constitutes classical music. it seems to me you may lack understanding of what the characteristics of traditional jewish kabbalah are.

Where did you get the idea that there aren’t mainstream Physicist studying Keylontic Science?
from you. you said it addressed the "gaps" in the "public science" remit. surely that is, by definition, what "mainstream" means.

Within our group we have many mainstream, physicist, mathematicians’, and doctors who have found our teachings to be flawless.
name one, just one, that holds a position of authority at a reputable institution and publishes in reputable journals.

New ideas have always been ridiculed by the mainstream fields of science when first mentioned.
but it doesn't therefore follow that all ideas that are ridiculed by the mainstream fields of science will therefore become the accepted wisdom later on down the line.

Our teacher has offered an open public forum free to the public, with anyone who would like to challenge these teachings.
but you've just said you're not interested in debating them or defending them. you've come on here, to this dialogue forum, to tell us about your teacher's forum - frankly, we're challenging it here, that's what we do here, we discuss.

Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French per, from per, adjective, equal, from Latin par
1: one that is of equal standing with another: one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status

We have had a lot of peer review.
hur hur hur. you're doing that thing again where you pick whatever definition suits you to use. what i mean - and what scientists always mean - is this: Peer review - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just because people with different beliefs call these subtle energies by different names does not mean they do not exist. It supports the validity of their existence.
but that's what *i'm* saying. *you're* saying, effectively, that your interpretation of what this stuff is somehow more "provable" than other people's interpretations.

For those of us who can feel subtle energies, we can feel the energy signature of the energy and for us we can discern weather it is negative or not. There is a very distinct feeling to different types of energy.
i might as well say that i can tell whether someone likes me or not when i meet them. how is this in any way exceptional?

Regardless to the rules you think should be applied to the Hebrew language (even though Mishnah states that there are only ten rules that are ever to be applied to the language, the ten utterances) my crude translation was showing the physics held within the text.
they are not the rules *i* "think should be applied" - they are the rules that all the other scholars of this language apply. my understanding of this is not different from theirs - yours is. the same is true for all other languages. when i studied languages i learned the grammar, vocabulary and syntax using textbooks and interaction with those who already knew the rules. that is how it is done in my experience. as for what the mishnah says, please give the chapter and verse headings for the statements that you are referring to. as far as i am aware, the rules in the mishnah are about *interpretation*, not grammar. and i don't think anyone who is incapable of making a proper translation is able to find "physics" in a text they don't understand.


The book of the Law, is the laws of physics that all things were created through.
ohoho. i see what you mean now. however, i strongly dispute your contention that you are able to demonstrate anything the Torah may or may not say about physics - let's have just one example, please.

The inquisition which lasted six hundred years played a great part on breaking down the Hebrew language making it possible to add rules to the language that were not intended and also made it possible to take six latters away from the language.
you haven't answered the objections to this statement i posted previously. what about texts that predate the inquisition? and you still haven't shown me any of these letters yet, so as far as i know they don't exist.

The Hebrew language was forbidden to be spoken and all Hebrew literature was banned. Hebrew is the only language in the history of the world that became extinct as a spoken language and was then revived (in 1947) when Israel became a nation again. During this time the Torah teachings were hand down word of mouth. Anyone caught teaching, reading or speaking Hebrew, was killed and their literature was burned.
you seem to be unaware that jewish culture existed in more places than the inquisition did. for more than 1,000 years, the leadership of the jewish world was not within the control of the inquisition - it was in iraq. and besides, the inquisition wasn't established until the high middle ages and the council of nicaea was in the C4th, wasn't it? what happened in between? even after the inquisition was established, its writ didn't run in the ottoman empire, or along the silk road, or in persia or india, or even amsterdam - all places where jews lived, studied and produced texts, the inquisition simply didn't have the power to affect what people did in these places, so, basically, you are talking complete nonsense.

At this time rules were applied to the language, that were not intend and letters removed.
again, please give an example of one of these rules that you speak of.

Read the first chapter of Ezekiel for more on the chariot transportation or the book of Enoch in the Pseudepigrapha.
i've already told you enoch isn't a canonical text for us, so it makes no difference what it says. as for the first chapter of ezekiel, go and read it yourself - it doesn't say what you think it says.

I didn’t imply that the Torah or Zohar tell the history in the same manner that Keylontic Science does, I merely stated that if you can follow/understand the teachings of Kabbalah, it would not be that far of a leap to “Understand” (not adopt as a belief) the Freedom Teachings.
don't patronise me. i understand more about kabbalah than you do and i can tell you that the stuff you are talking about bears absolutely no relation to what kabbalah is concerned with.

I personally don’t believe the Torah is intact and have chosen a path more conducive to what I believe.
fine, you're free to do so, but if you want to talk about it here, expect to be challenged.

I have very specific cellular memory of most of what is taught in the Freedom teachings.
you mean "it sounds like something you'd like to be true".

Which branch of Judaism are you trying to align Kabbalah with Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, Humanistic, Flexidox or what? It sounds like you are saying that anything that does not agree with your particular path is wrong, even within Judaism.
there are lots of different jewish takes on kabbalah, many different jewish schools within kabbalah, however i take the position that kabbalah has at its core certain things and that those things are Torah, G!D, the jewish people and the universe - but that it is the fourth level of interpretation and not divorceable from the other three, which include the plain meaning of the text as well as its hints, allusions and allegorical meanings. certainly i am coming at it from the point of view of somebody who is concerned with the validity of jewish law and the integrity of judaism, of which kabbalah is a part. you can call that what you like.

The Jews of Israel would say that unless you were born in Israel to a Jewish mother who was born in Israel, who’s mother was also a Jew who had been born in Israel, you are not a Jew.
like dauer points out, i don't think you understand what this sentence means - not that that surprises me particularly at this stage given your apparent propensity to spectacularly grasp the wrong end of the stick.


Dear bananabrain,
You wrote: er, in that case, what are you here for? dialogue and debate is what this site is *about*. and when you make an extraordinary, not to say unbelievable claim for your own belief system you do invite examination of these claims. personally, i think path_of_one has your number.

There is a difference in true discussion and someone simply trying to belittle what they don’t understand. My purpose is to have a dialogue with someone who is truly interested in the phenomena of Indigo Children with some working knowledge to share. My purpose is not to engage in a dialogue with someone who only wants to belittle what they don’t know or understand. If you have knowledge about the Indigo’s that differs with mine that is ok. Put it on the table and we will discuss it.

It is one thing for a person who looks into this and finds err with it to put the errors on the table for discussion but all that is taking place here is ridicule, not true debate. You have no interest in determining the validity of these teachings, you are merely belittling my beliefs. If I were to enter the Jewish section, making anti Semitic statements and undermining what you are sharing in that section I would be asked to leave.

As you know I have debated in the Christian Forum but that is because I have a very thorough background in the Theology of the Christian Faith. I would not venture into a belief system that I didn’t know anything about and start making rude comments about another person’s beliefs without a working background in the topic being discussed. If I simply didn’t believe in the topic I would stay clear of the topic all together. On the other hand, if I have a working knowledge of a topic and find things being said: “that from my understanding” don’t line up I might make comment explaining why I don’t believe what is being said along with how I view it. The only comments you have made are rude unintelligible mumbo jumbo trying to indicate that because you are unfamiliar with the words being used that they are nonsense. If you have a valid point, than make it and we can have a meaningful exchange.

You’re a moderator so you should know the rules of this web site. Here is a direct quote:

. We aim to uphold a good standard of conduct in the forums.

Please respect other members and avoid making posts that may be seen as personally offensive. We don’t allow flame wars here.

My response to the last comment is that this person (possibly you using a different name) is only in here as back up for you. This person has not added anything of benefit as far as discussion to this thread, so what is his/her agenda? Why is it that this thread has laid dormant for months and all of a sudden when someone shows interest, you and your gang are in here bashing this thread?

Love and Light, Marietta :)
I don't know if by "this person" you mean me, but adding to a thread is in the eye of the beholder. You stated something that is untrue and I corrected you. That is imo adding to the forum. If you are suggesting that BB and I are the same person, I think you're using flawed logic. I've not presented the same agenda that he has. I've no interest in challenging your mythology. I disagree with anyone who takes mythology literally -- including BB -- and have no special reason to pick at your views. Merely, I came to correct something you said that was clearly not true, and you learned from it so I'd say it was worthwhile.

-- Dauer
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