awkward squadnik
i am not the one going round trying to gain converts to my way of thinking, or subscribers to my courses, or sell my books. when people ask me about jewish stuff, i explain it to them, clearly and simply i hope. i don't just link to an external site, do cut-and-pastes. i also use a variety of sources, which have been independently verified and try whenever possible to attribute them. not only that, if you claim something so extraordinary as that:
and then start talk about "feline hominids", i could be forgiven for thinking that such extraordinary claims might require extraordinary proof. it is not just me that regards this stuff as pure science fiction. by contrast, my religion can be verifiably shown *even by people who don't believe in it* to be thousands of years old. our sacred texts have had a demonstrably huge effect on human society and history. even the people who hate us admit this. in short, we definitely exist! now i am not in the habit of disrespecting alternative paths to wisdom, but it does not therefore follow that all such alternative paths are automatically entitled to the same level of respect.
i am not the one going round trying to gain converts to my way of thinking, or subscribers to my courses, or sell my books. when people ask me about jewish stuff, i explain it to them, clearly and simply i hope. i don't just link to an external site, do cut-and-pastes. i also use a variety of sources, which have been independently verified and try whenever possible to attribute them. not only that, if you claim something so extraordinary as that:
"The GA represents a smaller, specialized group, and primary task force, within a greater Guardian Organization called the Inter-dimensional Associations of Free Worlds (IAFW) created 568 million years ago after the Angelic Wars. The GA is a co-operative organization through which an enormous variety of different interstellar, multi-dimensional and inter-time species and races work together to assist in the evolution of developing cultures throughout the multi-dimensional universe."
and then start talk about "feline hominids", i could be forgiven for thinking that such extraordinary claims might require extraordinary proof. it is not just me that regards this stuff as pure science fiction. by contrast, my religion can be verifiably shown *even by people who don't believe in it* to be thousands of years old. our sacred texts have had a demonstrably huge effect on human society and history. even the people who hate us admit this. in short, we definitely exist! now i am not in the habit of disrespecting alternative paths to wisdom, but it does not therefore follow that all such alternative paths are automatically entitled to the same level of respect.
so is "star wars", but that doesn't mean it happened.Everything I have posted is very comprehensible to me and many, many others.
perhaps if you could provide some kind of independent verification of just one of your claims, like, say that "anuhazi" is recognised as a real language by a publicly scrutinised, independent organisation, that might go some way to allaying the impression held by myself and brian, deserved or otherwise, that this has all been made up by a bunch of charlatans.I'm sorry if you don't or can't understand but that doesn't negate the validity of the teachings.
the thing is that there is an awful lot of nonsense out there masquerading as kabbalah and using its inaccessibility to obscure how little content it has or how little it has to do with authentic jewish kabbalah. take the "kabbalah centre" to start with, what a bunch of con artists and frauds. i've read more bollocks about kabbalah than i know what to do with, so you'll forgive me my scepticism. how about you give me just one example of a "freedom teaching" which is connected to, say the sefer yetzirah and then show how it is demonstrably older?By your signature (Ha-Rav) I assume that you are Jewish and thus that you have a background in Kabballah. If you understand Kabballah you should not have a problem understanding these teachings, once you get used to the language. Just the same as anyone coming into Judaism and/or Kabballah without a familiarity with the language, the words and/or termimology would appear gibberish. Such as words and/or expressions like: Lower worlds, upper worlds, The Zohar, The Sefer Yetzirah, The Bahir Illumination, Sephara, Or, Malkuth, Assiah, Yetzirah and so on and so on. Just like the Aramaic language is the language of Kabbalah and Judaism, Anuhazi is the language of the Freedom teachings.