If You Were God Part I: The Time to Come

Hi Wil,

Yes, responsibility, always...........

.......mmm, but, completely different wavelengh.:)

- c -
you related to my ex? Ok if I were G-d telepathy would be the sixth sense and be quite clear...we wouldn't have lost the ability so many years ago...darn speech and writing...
you related to my ex? Ok if I were G-d telepathy would be the sixth sense and be quite clear...we wouldn't have lost the ability so many years ago...darn speech and writing...

But I bet, somewhere she still loves you.....

- c -
oh, no doubt, and I her, but choices were made...and personal responsiblity being what it is...I either grow from the lessons or live to repeat them!

Gotta be an end to all the repetitions some day.

Do you know the quote, Yesterday was another land, they spoke a different language there.........

- c -
Gotta be an end to all the repetitions some day.

Do you know the quote, Yesterday was another land, they spoke a different language there.........

- c -
No searched and didn't find... I think the end of the repetitions is when we learn our lessons and are ready to move on. I described somewhere else I look at it like our parents did with toys....you can have more once you learn to take care of the ones you've got. We've been given this big blue ball, all these other beings to play with, and an incredible vehicle to do it in, and once we learn to take care of the planet, our fellow creatures, and our body temple, we've learned the lessons we came to 3D to explore...and we will be prepared for the lessons in the next phase...no matter how many lives it takes...we'll get to the next phase eventually...I just hope I don't run out of quarters!
well, if I was god... I read a book once by michael moorcock, where there was only one world, filled with gods, they could not reproduce, and they each created their own world within the world, due to the nature of their personalities... there was a miserable fella, who'd made this rainy crappy place, and sometimes the others would go in specifically to laugh at him...

which leads me to ponder...

...If I was god, I would not bother with maintaining the current status quo and aspiring to put peace in the minds of men- instead, I'd kill them off, one by one, and I'd do it by getting into their minds and finding out their sins and devising suitable trials and punishments for them to endure, and I'd make them struggle really hard so I could laugh at them and their weaknesses... the really holy ones, I would really punish, to test them, and maybe eventually I'd go and meet them face to face and freak them out... I'd watch the humans on a big screen, and those who I found interesting I would summon to heaven and I would keep them in cages and get them out to entertain me when I was bored... I would be 18 foot tall, and have eyes like laser beams, and my voice would boom loudly and shake mountains but it would also sound melodic and hypnotic...

In heaven I would live, on a big cloud, looking serene, and I'd make the angels and the devils have pitched battles in a super-coloseum type stadium... I wouldn't associate with the angels, though, but I'd have a few cats, and maybe a couple of monkeys, so I'd have creatures to interact with and wouldnt get too bored... oh, I'd also have dogs, cos I like them... erm...

the humans I encountered who I felt had some merit I would give favours to- grant their wishes etc, but generally I'd be a savage totalitarian type of god, and those who wouldn't worship me I'd burn, publicly, and I'd generally try my damndest to put the fear of God into everyone and everything... of the ones I favoured I would eventually pick the cutest ones and create a new earth for them to live in, which I'd order them to run as a communist system, and I'd make them all wear turkish slippers and eyepatches on fridays...

So it was your low ebb I was sensing today........

The cloud you would wish as your own has a reservation ticket..................... it says only for good guys.

- c -
One might say that pointless suffering can only please those who embrace the practice of schadenfreude and really serves no end purpose...that is of course unless one might be able to explain how schadenfreude generates some sort of positive spiritual purpose over the long term.

Kindest Regards, dauer and flow!

Indeed, yet is that not our Modus Operandi, our (french for) "reason for being?"
That would be "Raison d'être". "Modus Operandi" is Latin for "method of operation". (sorry, couldn't resist) :eek: :D Two different concepts, one being a state of existence and the other being a particular type of action or behavior...

..oh yeah, I tried to be God once, but the responsibility was just too damn much...so I gave it up.
That would be "Raison d'être". "Modus Operandi" is Latin for "method of operation". (sorry, couldn't resist) :eek: :D Two different concepts, one being a state of existence and the other being a particular type of action or behavior...

..oh yeah, I tried to be God once, but the responsibility was just too damn much...so I gave it up.

Modus Operandi is taught in the first year of Medical School I believe, at least I've met some who took the coursework to heart...and I agree with you...the responsibility is just too much as are also the malpractice premiums:D .
Above all I wish you and yours a joyous Christmas, my personal blessing upon the coming marriage, and a safe and sound return for your son from the hell of Iraq.

Kindest Regards, Q, and all!

That would be "Raison d'être". "Modus Operandi" is Latin for "method of operation". (sorry, couldn't resist) :eek: :D Two different concepts, one being a state of existence and the other being a particular type of action or behavior...
Cool, thanks for the reminder (Dauer too!) Try as I might, from memory I kept getting something that looked more like "raisin d'eater." Kinda like, "horse doovers," I knew it wasn't correct. But the concept fit what I wanted to say. That is, reasoning minds want to know. It is the seeker's mind that asks the difficult questions as both reason and method. :D :extra large "poop"-eatin' grin:

A seeker's mind is not certain. A certain mind is satisfied, and has no reason to question, so doesn't bother with developing method...
Modus Operandi is taught in the first year of Medical School I believe, at least I've met some who took the coursework to heart...and I agree with you...the responsibility is just too much as are also the malpractice premiums:D .
Above all I wish you and yours a joyous Christmas, my personal blessing upon the coming marriage, and a safe and sound return for your son from the hell of Iraq.


Thank you, the marriage is done. The Son is happy and the Wife is content (can't ask for much else eh?) The other son is in Iraq, and I trust him in the Good Lord's hands.

So I go from a father with two strapping young sons out to take on the world, to being a father of two strapping young men who have seen the ugliest of the world. And in it all they find beauty, and life and hope.

Again, I can find no wrong.

Kind God.
Bottom line, as I interpret it Q, if you were G-d you wouldn't change a thing...as you are seeing it all works out...there is a plan....