expanding universe


Could you post me some of that special stuff that you're smoking please? Mine's evidently not strong enough!:cool: :p ;) :D


Could you post me some of that special stuff that you're smoking please? Mine's evidently not strong enough!:cool: :p ;) :D


One Blue Camel travels far............

The code Snoops, the code.............

-c -
What sound does a unicorn make? I would say it would probally sound like a mentally ill sperm whale being shot in the left eye with a 12 gauge.....

A couple of questions oh wise and mercurial seers of the web:

What's the diff between mayonnaise and salad dressing, and do they both possess cosmic attributes ? If so are you in trouble if you consume a bit of each and do not consistently use one more than the other ?

Does anyone think that narwhales make sounds similar to the unicorn, and if so, is it a result of that twisty horny thing in their foreheads ? (thanks for your recording prober...it helped to clarify my question.) Or is the twisty horny thing actually not projecting from their foreheads but elsewhere, and what we know currently about this subject matter is all an illusion.( the result of too many blue camels perhaps ?)

Across the pond in the USA, Hellmanns is now known as Best Foods brand. Does anyone think that's carrying the political correctness thing a bit too far ?


Something like that..... heh. ;)


Hellmann's is a black hole compared to Lieberman's........

- c -

:eek: You know NUFFIN!! NUFFFIN! *cries*
One Blue Camel travels far............

The code Snoops, the code.............

-c -

Ciel, one of us is going to have to start using another language and I can only do English and a few words of Italian.:D

Across the pond in the USA, Hellmanns is now known as Best Foods brand. Does anyone think that's carrying the political correctness thing a bit too far ?


what's incorrect about "Hellmann's" ?

Then I defer to your greater knowledge of her, 17th.

A couple of questions oh wise and mercurial seers of the web:

What's the diff between mayonnaise and salad dressing, and do they both possess cosmic attributes ? If so are you in trouble if you consume a bit of each and do not consistently use one more than the other ?

Does anyone think that narwhales make sounds similar to the unicorn, and if so, is it a result of that twisty horny thing in their foreheads ? (thanks for your recording prober...it helped to clarify my question.) Or is the twisty horny thing actually not projecting from their foreheads but elsewhere, and what we know currently about this subject matter is all an illusion.( the result of too many blue camels perhaps ?)

Across the pond in the USA, Hellmanns is now known as Best Foods brand. Does anyone think that's carrying the political correctness thing a bit too far ?


Questions, so many questions.........

Answer to question 1 ..... Crab nebular not formative without mayonaise.

Answer to question 2 ...... Maya.

Answer to question 3 ..... Definitely.

- c -
Dry and full of fibre.... *clears his throat*

So the Universe, is it growing? Or moving? Atoms obviously emit/absorb light wavelengths: Helium, Hydrogen and all the other atomic elements and the spectrum signatures. Vesto Slipher was studing Spectra light emitted from the neighbouring galaxies. He found that the light waas shifted toward the red end/longer wavelength, end of the spectrum... They call it "red shift" Which obviously makes it logical that the galaxies are moving, away, from us. So are we expanding? Or straying?