expanding universe

Just a question...I've been utilizing gravity as a scapegoat, but does the universe deserve some of the blame for my waistline?


No, this is certainly a genuine phenomenon. In fact there is a local gravity "hotspot" very near to me.:eek:

A couple of questions oh wise and mercurial seers of the web:

What's the diff between mayonnaise and salad dressing, and do they both possess cosmic attributes ? If so are you in trouble if you consume a bit of each and do not consistently use one more than the other ?
Mayonaise is delicious, while "salad dressing" (aka "Miracle Whip") is gross and disgusting. Consuming "salad dressing" (yuck!) will destroy your sense of taste, and you will no longer be able to recognize what tastes good and what tastes bad. (Sort of like a mad radical drunken on propaganda.)
Anyway... The Universe will grow forever? Impossible... What happens when it gets to the edge of the jar?
There is no edge to the jar. (Actually, it's not a jar, it's a bottle--a Klein Bottle, to be more descriptive) There is neither an inside, nor an outside to this jar, either. (It's related to the Möbius strip.)
Mayonaise is delicious, while "salad dressing" (aka "Miracle Whip") is gross and disgusting. Consuming "salad dressing" (yuck!) will destroy your sense of taste, and you will no longer be able to recognize what tastes good and what tastes bad. (Sort of like a mad radical drunken on propaganda.)

There is no edge to the jar. (Actually, it's not a jar, it's a bottle--a Klein Bottle, to be more descriptive) There is neither an inside, nor an outside to this jar, either. (It's related to the Möbius strip.)


I'm sorry to tell you this but I prefer the "disgusting" salad dressing for sandwiches and such. It's got a little more zip and just tastes better to me. Commercial mayonnaise has a greasy aftertaste to me and doesn't seem to "add" much to my sandwiches.

HOWEVER, I make my own mayonnaise from scratch (not too difficult) when I want to make a killer potato salad. But that's just too much work for my sandwich needs. Does that make me disgusting ? Let's see... if A is B, and B is C, then A is C? Naaaah not in this case.

As far as the universe structural thing goes, I've heard and read about the Klein bottle model , but I've also heard and read good arguments for the "torus" (donut) model. An excellent book I'm reading now makes an argument for an arrangement of membranes assembled into some sort of "bulk" of light and dark matter and energy.

The author, Lisa Randall is a high energy physicist and mathematician at Harvard, and looks enough like Jodie Foster to be her twin. The book is titled, Warped Passages. I'm a little more than halfway through and I'm pretty impressed with her ability to explain very complex things in everyday language. She's at the forefront of those who believe that they will soon be able to unite the force of gravity with the other three basic forces already well known and explained.

It seems that the Large Hadron Collider at CERN which will come on line in a year or two will likely enable further exploration of this subject matter...or as I call it "more and more about less and less". And it seems from what has been discovered over the past ten years or so that the universe at least "appears" to have an inside part and an outside part, as far as our perspectives are concerned. Think of the outside as the past, and the inside as the future.


I'm sorry to tell you this but I prefer the "disgusting" salad dressing for sandwiches and such. It's got a little more zip and just tastes better to me. Commercial mayonnaise has a greasy aftertaste to me and doesn't seem to "add" much to my sandwiches.

HOWEVER, I make my own mayonnaise from scratch (not too difficult) when I want to make a killer potato salad. But that's just too much work for my sandwich needs. Does that make me disgusting ? Let's see... if A is B, and B is C, then A is C? Naaaah not in this case.
No, that does not make you disgusting. (Salad dressing being disgusting is a purely subjective call on my part. Opinions may vary regarding mayo vs Miracle Whip.)

As far as the universe structural thing goes, I've heard and read about the Klein bottle model , but I've also heard and read good arguments for the "torus" (donut) model. An excellent book I'm reading now makes an argument for an arrangement of membranes assembled into some sort of "bulk" of light and dark matter and energy.

The author, Lisa Randall is a high energy physicist and mathematician at Harvard, and looks enough like Jodie Foster to be her twin. The book is titled, Warped Passages. I'm a little more than halfway through and I'm pretty impressed with her ability to explain very complex things in everyday language. She's at the forefront of those who believe that they will soon be able to unite the force of gravity with the other three basic forces already well known and explained.

It seems that the Large Hadron Collider at CERN which will come on line in a year or two will likely enable further exploration of this subject matter...or as I call it "more and more about less and less". And it seems from what has been discovered over the past ten years or so that the universe at least "appears" to have an inside part and an outside part, as far as our perspectives are concerned. Think of the outside as the past, and the inside as the future.

Kewl! It sounds like a book I should put on my wish list! :)

HOWEVER, I make my own mayonnaise from scratch (not too difficult) when I want to make a killer potato salad. But that's just too much work for my sandwich needs. Does that make me disgusting ? Let's see... if A is B, and B is C, then A is C? Naaaah not in this case.

You know, I think we've already uncovered the fallacy of this thinking here, in The Rush to be Right thread. ;)
There is no edge to the jar. (Actually, it's not a jar, it's a bottle--a Klein Bottle, to be more descriptive) There is neither an inside, nor an outside to this jar, either. (It's related to the Möbius strip.)

I beg to differ lady... :\ I've been "out there" I've seen the edge of the hellmans jar....
It is basically like an intelligent gene... It grows..... It, learns.... Absorbing the light spectrum elements and all the surronding galaxies... The edge of the jar is like a see-through mystic barrier.. As I have allready discussed "red shift" the neighbouring galaxies are 'shifting' away from us... Because they are being drawn... Like a magnetic force to the "edge" Once there, the galaxy dissapears... Some say it may even implode... And then all it's force power, knowledge and wisdom is transfered to the hellsman gene.. What is out there? The other side of the barrier? Who knows...... Who, knows? But for some reason the whole universe is drawn to it, like a mouse to cheese, like a kitty kitty kin kinz to cream.... A bee to the fruitful flower... There must be a reward out there or something ¬.¬
It seems that the Large Hadron Collider at CERN which will come on line in a year or two will likely enable further exploration of this subject matter...or as I call it "more and more about less and less". And it seems from what has been discovered over the past ten years or so that the universe at least "appears" to have an inside part and an outside part, as far as our perspectives are concerned. Think of the outside as the past, and the inside as the future.



I think there was some CERN boffin on The Trouble with Atheism TV programme, who felt that their understanding of events from within one fraction of a second of the Big Bang meant that one could not assert that there either was a creator or not i.e. agnostism is the current verdict in his eyes. What I want to know is if they can predict events to within less than one second of the beginning of the universe, why can't the untilities board say if an engineer will be calling in either the morning or the afternoon?

What kind of sound do you think a Unicorn makes ? I'll bet it's unique at least.

Glass is a flowing substance also...but vvvveeeerrrryyyyyy sssssllllloooowwwwwlllllyyyyyy.

hehe he sad flowing, elementary my dear watson, anyone been watching Holmes? Take a look at this one and then back up a few pages to see what you've been missing. The third naked eye visible comet in my kids lifetime, and mine, and my parents, incredible it is.

APOD: 2007 November 6 - An X Class Flare Region on the Sun