... but isn't it that Buddhism is nontheist but just doesn't concern itself with the nature and existence of G-d?...
Yes - as I understand it.
Isn't it not that it believes or doesn't believe but that it concerns itself more with the seen and the here, than the unseen and the later?
Not sure on that one? If you take the idea of transcendance out of Buddhism, what's left beyond ethics? I could be oversimplifying – but what makes Buddhism distinctly not a pure humanist philosophy, in the sense of socio-ethic, is the Enlightenment is absolutely central?
But either way then, it counterpoints Christianity which is absolutely focussed on the nature and existence of God ... so in my view 'Buddhist Christianity' is one of a philosophical schizophrenia? Either you focus on a diualogue with the Divine (Christianity) or you don't (Buddhism).
... but isn't it that Buddhism is nontheist but just doesn't concern itself with the nature and existence of G-d?...
Yes - as I understand it.
Isn't it not that it believes or doesn't believe but that it concerns itself more with the seen and the here, than the unseen and the later?
Not sure on that one? If you take the idea of transcendance out of Buddhism, what's left beyond ethics? I could be oversimplifying – but what makes Buddhism distinctly not a pure humanist philosophy, in the sense of socio-ethic, is the Enlightenment is absolutely central?
But either way then, it counterpoints Christianity which is absolutely focussed on the nature and existence of God ... so in my view 'Buddhist Christianity' is one of a philosophical schizophrenia? Either you focus on a diualogue with the Divine (Christianity) or you don't (Buddhism).