Ate Wakantanka....

Thanks wil. And I just gotta hang around for this.

Shameless, aren't I? ;):D
Yes, and I love it!! As I indicated...I'm gonna get on a plane for that one...I'll be down there...let's find a sweat lodge to head to embrace all seven directions...the four, the earth, the banana and within!

I read a great story in Science of Mind today...Erico Rocco speaking of Lamsa he referred to a story about a glass of water sitting on the sands in the Sahara...being no different from the water molecules in the ocean that ships sail on and fish swim in, or the water in rivers that mold landscapes, or the water irrigating a difference in the molecules but different than their current abilities....the water in the glass sits there....the rest of the water is circulating, providing, being there for the world, the ships, the fish.... and it is only when that water evaporates that it returns to circulation, returns to be able to do so much more around the world....Lamsa linked that to Jesus...his life on earth was like in the glass...locals good drink of him...but when released he provides for us all.

And that is us as well, we are contained in this shell, but when released...

I'm looking forward to seeing the banana and you soon!
wil, we are going to have a great time! And Ciel, you are a blessed beautiful spirit. Thank you.
I'm glad you've got a fighting spirit lovey. and good on you, go get your license or failing that , if you have to get a wheelchair, get one of those high powered ones. I've seen em on tv. But if you get out and about too much we wont have the pleasure of your company. So, theres good and bad in all of it. I remember a favourite movie of mine, I wonder if you know it, Harvey, starring James Stewart. He was out at his letterbox one morning and the postie said "Good morning? Elwood" and he replied, "Every morning is a beautiful Morning". I love that, its so simple. mind you I may not have it down exactly as scripted, but I hope you get my general meaning. love to you and yours. grey
Thank you very much for the encouragement, greymare. :)

Angel, I'm going to go looking now for Native American stuff to talk about! LOL.

It was only a brief derailment....and I needed it. Thanks!
aloha nui inlove .... yea, I'm still here and of course you know I would be drawn to a posting on traditional knowledge and wisdom .... the stories of the Lakota oral tradition are sacred litereature (same as those of hawaii nei) and like all stories of oral traditions they can be understood on four levels of consciousness or meaning. "The medicine men say that how deeply each of us undersands the stories tells us about the level we have attained in our own lives" (Lakota Star Knowledge, Studies in Lakota Stellar Theology by Ronald Goodman). Personally I believe that the reason some of the prayers and stories sound like aspects of biblical stories is that biblical stories have a deeper meaning (that fourth level of consciousness) that is not understood by many today and they are actually more like traditional stories (not the other way around)....when we discover what links our beliefs then the real change will begin and we will start to change our world .... when we stop holding on to what we think is truth and open our eyes, our hearts and our souls to something much deeper .... we will see doors begin to open to that "promised land" of milk and honey, a world of peace and harmony .... the place that we all seek and want for our future .... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
Hi greymare :)

I am even considering renewing my driver's license just in case things improve. InPeace,

get the driver's license .... a shift in consciousness is already starting and you are part of it my dear .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine
I must be on a very basic level. ever since i've been "looking" I've become more and more sceptical about various religions. I just dont get why people put their faith and their lives in an unknown being. well, unknown to me. Perhaps thats why the bible stories have always been to me just stories. But I do feel that something is more REAL when we talk about the earth and sky and wind etc. Maybe the natural world is just more spiritual to me than the Vatican, . or am I just a disgruntled excatholic. Didnt want to burden you with my ramblings but I felt like I had to get it out there. love grey
Osiyo, pohaikawahini :)

Nice to see you posting. Yes, I was hoping you were reading along. ;) It has been a while--I hope all is well with you.

Personally I believe that the reason some of the prayers and stories sound like aspects of biblical stories is that biblical stories have a deeper meaning (that fourth level of consciousness)

I am amazed. The more I study, the more I believe this is the case. What I find encouraging is that I do not have to deny the Spirit conciousness that lives within and all around in order to receive understanding on another level. I thought I would be very torn in this respect, but this has not happened so far. I don't think it will, either, because there is a profound simplicity in what I have been learning that serves not to tear down, but to build up.


dequa <--the closest I have come so far phonetically to my first name in Tsalagi, or Cherokee :)