All of your last post contains good points and I don't take offence at what your saying at all- I like nothing more that a good argument (in the non agressive meaning of the word- an exchange of ideas, views, opinion etc). I would agree that those answers may already be written down- being Christian I'm biased towards the Bible, which even just taking the New Testement alone, is contradictary, evasive, open to multiple interpritation (I've read some interesting stuff theorising Jesus was more 'political activist' than religious leader- and some persuasive arguments go with it). Then there's the minor point that the oldest (known) Gospel is (I think) John and that was only just written within 'living memory' of Christ (at least as far as the oldest known copy/fragments would suggest), that adds a few problems all of its own... I see no problem with exploring or challenging my own beliefs, ideas etc and (I was being rather flippant when I said I was making my own rules up) I'm looking for answers that sit well outside the box of Christianity-using scripture to back up scripture is circular and can be used to 'prove' almost any thing you want within that context. I think describing myself as Christian might be part of the problem- I don't believe in the virgin birth, I believe if Jesus was crucified and was walking around 3 days later it's because he didn't die on the cross, I don't believe he was literal God's Son, and I have a real problem with this trinity idea... I believe the answers can be found without 'God appearing' or helping, it's just a case of finding the right question... (kind of like '42' in Hitchhikers Guide...)