What would you do if pt 2

Thats very interesting stuff! If only you'd have this same zeal for the things of God, surely you'd find out why we need God's forgiveness and the reason for Christ' sufferings.
At least, in my zeal for G-d, I try very hard to be honest and truthful.

That's great! God will honor that if it is true! So, have you given thought to your eternal situation yet? Have you repented of your sins and begun to trust that because of Jesus' perfect life, perfect sacrifice, and resurrection, you can be forgiven by God?
That's great! God will honor that if it is true!
Exactly. It is a matter between me and G-d.

So, have you given thought to your eternal situation yet? Have you repented of your sins and begun to trust that because of Jesus' perfect life, perfect sacrifice, and resurrection, you can be forgiven by God?
See the above answer. You are not G-d, so your honor means nothing to me. ;)

(refer to my previous post)
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Do not seek to honor me, by any means. I am not worthy of your honor, nor do I seek to have you honor me. I do remind you, however, that there is an eternal situation facing you. Heaven or Hell are the choices. By the grace of God, you are still yet living. Do not spurn His grace. Do not hear the gospel and take it for a joke. It is not. It is the power of God to change you, if you believe.