Fictionalize Yourself

I have been seduced into imposing the will of calloused gardner’s feet upon the haughty brocade which refuses to stay clean.

Love this sentence.
It isn’t exactly fog, but more of a thick mist. Here and there the rays of a pale sun

I usually see a pale sun.
peek through, inciting shadows of leaves to dance upon the greening earth. There, the slip figure of a woman also dances, her snow white tufts of hair like unruly cotton candy, little wayward strings of it escaping from some hidden barrette to ride the random breezes. She wears a floursack shift, something I’m pretty sure I would not be able to identify in the humdrum vision of daily familiarity.
There is an unrelenting urge to call out to her--to speak her name--but I cannot remember it. I know that the mere whisper of it would prompt her to look my way and acknowledge my presence. I know she is aware of her observer, but has no intention of interrupting the rhythm of her business for someone who cannot or will not attempt a decent introduction. I am so disappointed. I close my eyes within my dream, the name I know so well desperately clinging to my unwilling tongue, never escaping.
Love it!
But I have no memory of freedom.

I wandered through impressions and memories and times and faces, always facing a lesson to be learned. Sometimes failing and sometimes suceeding, always hearing the faint call of home between my ears. A distant aum, a tidal surge, a bulging at the, just a small sound...

I could entitle the chapters of my book as follows:

03 Tugril Beg - Mongolian

04 Wilfred. Page to some knight whose name isn't important and I forgot anyway. (A Tale of Illicit Love)

05 Only white girl in the Prince's harem (and his favorite) :rolleyes:

06 Devoted disciple of (name unknown) Benares

07 - 19 Alternating experiences of Soldier / Monk

20 American Indian Me

21 Died in an elevator in Chicago 1930

22 2007 - Breathing, Waiting
Prober--I am honored that you would appreciate my writing here. I've been playing around with those few paragraphs for a long time.

I am looking over your list of perspectives. Do you have a favorite?

I love this thread. You guys rock.

InLove, Prober...I revel in the weaving of your word tapestries. It's the most fun possible for us human beings, and just maybe that was meant to be as part of our hard-wiring.


Rocking on now with Knowing...Chapter one ...scene three

“Dat was a hard place to keep clean. The walls an’ ceiling and floor in dat hallway to the secret room be all shiny metal jus’ like the stuff the airplanes was made out of. An’ it showed ev’ry litttle fly speck and spot I’ll tell you. But the boss, he say we got to keep it very clean, cause any dirt at all could mess up what went on behind the slidin’ double black doors at the end of the hallway. But you knows people. They’s jes’ can’t help but mess up a place they be in. Sneezing, spittin’, smokin, ...all that an’ more messin up where they be. O’course, mens be worse at that stuff than anyone. But the boss say it got to be clean all the time, so’s I spent at least an hour down there every day or two to make sure the boss...he be pleased wid’ my work.”
“Now dat night...I should say mornin’ ‘cause it be about 2:30 or there’bouts, I passed through the vacant guard station around the corner from the doors. I rounded the corner without thinkin’ much about anythin’ other than gettin’ out the ammonia an’ vinegar water and rags so’s I could polish up an’ clean the hallway. The boss, he checked up on the night crews’ work first thing in the mornin’. He usually checked the metal hallway early on to make sure we wasn’t slackin’ off overnight.”
Harold then seemed to pull himself up straighter in his chair than usual, as if what he were about to say deserved his full and dignified self and stature. Then he gazed into my eyes with an intensity that I had not seen before in the depths of his golden eyes.
“I got out my cleanin’ stuff and set my carryin’ basket of suppliies next to my broom that I’d leaned against the wall, pretty close to the black doors. I always be cleanin’ that end of the hallway first, jes’ to get it behin’ me quicklike. I be tellin’ you truly, they’s kind of spooked me them doors. I’m not bein’ a very religious man, but there be somethin’ spiritual about that place there if you knows what I mean. A feelin’ mor’n anything else that beyond them black doors were things that best be let alone.”
“I no sooner wetted my cleanin’ rags than the doors commenced to be slidin’ open. Scared the livin’ bejesus outta me. Nearly wet mysef’. The room inside looked all black and shadowy ‘cept for some blue lights shinin’


down on a raised part of the floor that ‘peared to be covered with a gold-colored mesh of metal. Sittin’ under the blue lights be some boxes, each of ‘em ‘bout two feet by three feet. The boxes had handles on the sides an’ looked like some kind’a light metal or somethin’ like that. They be all covered by glass bubbles or some such. I commenced to be countin’ them and there be six pink ones and six light blue ones. They be one bright red and one ocean blue too. Let’s see ... that’d been fourteen in all. I thought I heard small sounds coming from the boxes, you knows like mebbe puppies or kittens. But I be too a’scared to go across the doorway and get a closer look-see.”
“ I didn’ knows what to do. Do I calls for the guard aroun’ the corner ‘an see if he be there ? Do I jes’ walk away an’ pretend I seen nothin’ an’ never-ever tell anythin’ to anyone, even my Lorene ? Jus’ then all my questions were decided fo’ me.”
He looked at me with a questioning gaze, as If I was already supposed to know just what I was going to hear. He took another swallow of tap water and spoke again, more quietly this time.
“They came walkin’ at me out of the shadows, smilin’, friendly like. Two women all dressed in gray tight fittin’ sweaters and pants, kinda’ like at the burlesque blackouts if you knows ‘bout dat stuff. They be tall as me, an’ I be close to six feet back den in my prime. One was older than the other and she talked to me the mos’. She had dark skin like me and very black hair with a white streak in it, an’ very big and dark eyes like almonds. An’ the other was white, had long blonde hair an’ had the bigges’ bluest eyes I ever did see.
They tole me not to be afraid, for I was witness to somethin’ holy ... thas what they say, holy. An’ den they said that it be very important to keep what I learned from them to myself and not to tell anyone else or the whol’ world might find itself in great dangers in the future.
The dark one ask’d me to help them carry the boxes into the hallway, and tol’ me they be leavin’ in a couple minutes. I followed them past the black doors into the place what my spirit tole me wasn’t good for me to go into, but I didn’ notice anything bad happenin’ after I did go into the dark room. We got to the stage and climbed up on it, it be about two to three feet off’a the dark metal floor I s’pose. The gold mesh gave a little.
When we got up to dem I looked into the boxes through the glass bubbles and it be amazin’ to see babies under them bubbles. Black, brown, red, white, yellow, babies, all new borns. You could tell that ‘cause they was


all red-tinged and wrinkly but none o’ dem was cryin’. They jes’ wriggled and mewed like little animals that didn’ know where dey was or what dey was dere fo’.”
Harold was clearly emotionally moved as he told his story. But I remained silently watchful lest he take some false or imagined cue from my behavior, or if I asked him my mounting questions. He paused with a sigh and his shoulders trembled as he shuddered. He put up his hand as if to tell me he was ok. Out came his red bandana. He wiped his glistening face.
“ Dey says nothin’ more to me an’ it was certain they’s be wantin’ me to help move the babies in their bubble boxes out into the hallway. It only took a minute or two since they’s be so light and easy to carry. The two women then walked back into the shadowy room beyond the black doors and turn’d around and tole me again to remember that dis be a holy thing, and not to tell anyone what I seen, especially the gummint’ mens. Then the dark one, she reaches into a pocket on the side of her sweater and pulls out a small silvery-lookin’ stick and be handin’ it to me. She tole me to leave it on the floor between the red and blue babies. I noticed it had a red button on it, and around the sides of the button were the words, ‘play, stop, and repeat’.
I looked down into the boxes and seen that the baby in the red box was wrapped in a blue blanket, and in the blue box the baby was in a red blanket. In the other boxes the pink boxes had babies wrapped in baby blue blankets; an’ yep, the babies in the baby blue boxes be wrapped up in pink blankets. I was already so confused I didn’ even think about dat, and stooped down and put the stick-thing on the floor between the red and blue as I was askt’d. When I stood up they was turnin’ away and the doors slid shut behind them. I thinks I hear some music sounds just then, big music sounds likes organs an’ choirs an’ such, but mebbe I be jus’ hearin’ things. I seen a bright light around the doors. I jes’ don’t know. The whole thing be jes’ so damn strange.”
Mr. Uggins lowered his chin to his chest and closed his eyes. He remained that way for several minutes, breathing deeply. I thought he’d dozed off, but by and by he slowly opened his eyes, raised his weary head and continued.
Flow--wow. I just now got around to reading all of that! What a page-turner. I was afraid poor Mr. Uggins was going to.....wait, never mind. ;)

Write on, my brother---

End of chapter one...Knowing


“At firs’ I be panicky and a’scared bein’ alone in de hallway wid all dem babies. So’s I calmed mysef’ after a spell, and tried to think out what to do next. I grabbed my broom and swept to where the corner in the hallway was,


an’ looked towards the guard station. The guard, Mick, he be back from wherever he been when I came by, and that hadn’t been five minutes before, so’s he couldna’ been there very long.
How do I tells him ‘bout de babies ? Does I act like I jes’ finds them there in the hallway outside de doors when I went down the hall ? I knew I couldn’t say anythin’ ‘bout the pretty womens and what they say. That would have been wrong to them, and de guard prob’ly woulda’ thought I be jes’ ‘nother crazy-ass negro. So’ I ducked back behind the corner an’ leaned the broom against the shiny metal wall again. I quick tippy-toed to the boxes and wiped the handles and the silvery stick off wid the damp rags I was preparin’ for de walls. Den I walks back aroun’ the corner kinda slow-like and bent over a little likes I was thinkin’ on somethin’
I says ‘Hi Mick’. Mick was an Irish ex-cop an’ nice enough to me. He say, ‘Hi Harold’, nice as can be as if I was jes another guy he knew. Mick say he missed me goin’ in ‘cause he went to the can an’ had jes’ now got back. I say, ‘Mick you needs to come wid me and see what I be findin’ around the corner.’
He gets up wid a grunt an’ comes aroun’ de corner wid me and stops dead still. ‘Holy Jaysus, Joseph, and Mother Mary’ he says. I keeps silent and jes’ nod my head, silently agreeing wid him. He walks over to the bubble boxes and looks down into dem and opens his mouth a few times likes he be a fish outta water gaspin’ fo’ air.
‘Whu...whu... whut happened here ?’ he say. I says thet I didn’ knows. I says I jes’ walks aroun’ de corner to clean up by the black doors an’ here they was. I say I as surprised as him, but bein’ a little a’scared of the whole thing, I thought on it all a while befo’ I come get him.
Mr. Uggins slumped in his chair again and I knew from past experience that he was done for the night. I’d come to know his habits in telling his stories over the past weeks, and when he was played-out, this is what happened. I told him that I’d meet him for some eggs, potatoes, and polish sausage down at the tavern tomorrow morning about ten o’clock if that was ok with him. My treat. He just nodded his head, closed his eyes, and dropped his chin to his chest again.
I got up, let myself out locking the door behind me, walked slowly down the stairs and across the street to the Ravenswood line station to catch my train across town.
Continuing with Knowing...chapter two. February 25, 1942, 3:00am 8.


The Government Takes Charge

“Ya done the right thing Harold. But I just am surprised about all this. There’s never been anything going on in this area but the science people walkin’ in an’ out of the black room, “ Mick said.
The two of them stood there awhile thinking about who to call and what to do until the babies decided the matter for them by starting to cry all at once, as if on some kind of signal. Mick grunted again as he turned on the heels of his black brogans and clumped around the corner and down the hallway to his stand and the phone, his keys clinking against his leg as he ran.
It wasn’t but a couple of minutes until a group of about six military guards and civilians came running up to the guard station. Harold and Mick just pointed to the corner and the group ran around it. And then there was a sudden silence. All that could be heard was the wailing of the babies.
One of the civilians who had an ID tag around his neck on a lanyard that identified him as Douglas Berner ran back to Mick’s desk, picked up the phone and dialed two numbers.
“Who’s on duty up there ?...Well tell the three of them to call in the morning people first and then get their asses down to area “X” just as fast as they can. Tell them to bring as many clean cloths, sterile bottles, sterile surgical gloves as they can find. Yeah, you heard me right, and I want it done ten minutes ago. Oh, and call the cafeteria and tell them to scald about a gallon of milk and cool it to warm as soon as possible and have someone bring that down here too. Got it?”
Then Berner turned and looked at Harold and Mick with a blank expression and didn’t even have to ask the question before they both started to tell him what they knew about the events of the last ten minutes. But Harold didn’t violate the trust that he promised to the two women. He just stuck with the simple story that he told Mick.
By the time they finished and Berner was done jotting notes about their stories into a little three by five spiral padbook that he had fished out of his breast pocket as soon as they started talking, two young women and a young man in white jackets carrying a black bag and the things that Berner had asked for ran up to the desk.
Berner nodded and only pointed to the corner and the wailing. The


group then moved as one and went round the corner to take care of things.
Then Berner picked up the phone again and dialed another two numbers.
“Who’s this ?...Doug Berner here....Who’s the OD ?... That’s no good ...he’ll screw this up. Do you know where Col. Asbury is tonight?...Yeah, he probably is....No, I think he should be called in. I’ve got a real serious situation going on in area ‘X’ and I don’t want to make any decisions on this until he knows the facts....No, I believe that this warrants his attention....Yeah, I’ll take all responsibility and cover your ass for you if that’s needed....Yeah, goodbye.”
Berner told Harold and Mick to stay right there at the guard desk and not let anyone pass without coming to get him first. Then Berner went back around the corner and found a scene he had never expected to see in a defense plant, and he’d been in a lot of them since 1940. The nurses were beginning to open the bubble tops on the boxes and were trying to comfort the babies without taking them out of their carriers.
“You dumb asses put out them butts,” he yelled at two of the guards who had lit up while waiting for things to happen. “ Go back to the guard desk if you have to smoke, but better yet, don’t smoke at all until we know what this is about. The smoke can’t be good for these babies, and they look like newborns.” One of the nurses raised her head when he said that and smiled and silently nodded. “And do not, I repeat, do not touch anything, except for the medical people tending the babies, until we examine what we have here.”
Berner felt as though he was acting more like a police detective than the research physicist that he was, but his training and education had taught him over and over again that when you came upon something new and unusual in the environment, it was best not to disturb anything until some basic facts were known. He wanted to make sure the FBI had a chance to run the boxes with their bubbles for fingerprints so that the custodian and guard could be cleared of further questioning if possible. In his opinion they were two innocents that had been accidently caught up in something very strange.
Berner noticed the silvery stick on the floor between the red box and the blue box. He picked it up using a handkerchief that he always carried in his back pocket. Luckily it was a clean one today. He put it in the side pocket of his sport coat, still wrapped in his handkerchief. He glanced about briefly, and no one present was paying attention to his movements.
He took stock of who was there and who was necessary to decode the situation over the next few hours. He decided that the engineer could go back to where he had come from on the line, after his stern


admonishment not to talk about this to anyone since it was certain the FBI
would wish to question him about his role later. It was always better to limit information exposure to those who were to be questioned later so he sent him on his way. Then Berner sent the remaining military guard to the corner of the hallway and told him to serve as a back-up check point for those already at the desk. This left the two nurses, the young doctor, and his assistant Saul Feinstein by the black doors. He decided that they should wait right here and tend to the needs of the children until the brass showed up.
Continuing on with my story. The perspective shifts a bit here.


Music pours forth and touches me here. I am sleepy and I am hurt, but those sounds are beautiful, and that distant awareness is calling. I can hear it and feel it yearning. That feeling is familiar. Where am I and how long have I been sleeping?

Here I am on a carpet of stars and dark matter. Oh my...! Overwhelmed by beautiful fractals and something is happening. I don't think I will remember much of my dreams today. No, I don't think I will remember much of my dreams today. They are already fading and the morning is becoming more acute and painful. Am I becoming smaller and more refined? Curious. Damn, I'll miss the expansive skin of my Creator. Please. Let me stay. Please.

Shapes swim. Those musical instruments, I've never heard them before, and I want to play and dance the pain away.

They are dancing. They are unaware of the sadness coming. Terrible armies blot out their love. Terrible armies poise to posture new structures on the land and crush the people's spirits with de-spiritualized material. The ancient massacre is set to recur on another island in space. Has it happened there before, already? It is happening on that distant planet, tearing through the folds of our shared Creation and blinded by speed and the powerful kinetics of its own turning. Sometimes these things happen.

Their songs call us and we must come and go once again, once again. We, I among us, and I will split myself into fractal fragments to do more efficient work. Earth calls in divinely incarnated songs, calls us to incarnate. We respond, bringing waves of our awakening trailing in our wakes. We find the young ones with fruit ripening. We zoom in, sniff the air, listen to heartbeats and songs, weigh options and discern strengths to choose our temporary vessels.

This one will do.

Tasting the morning brew and finding it strong, Anaka feels the child in her womb kick its first kick.

Pathless said:
The ancient massacre....

"The". I believe you are onto something here, P. (Been reading your other recent posts, too ;))


The ancient massacre: ongoing reality?

The ancient massacre: meta-reality template?

The ancient massacre: "War Amongst the Angels"?

Are we perhaps trapped/manifested in a time bubble, in a time stream that is one fractal manifestation of what could be seen as a ginormous struggle between "light and dark," "good and evil?"

Oh, the mysteries of seeing through our dark glasses--to steal and bend a coined pharse. ;)
No wonder you have trouble "sticking to the topic" sometimes, Pathless. ;) :D
Pathless...The Dead Sea Scrolls used a similar theme extensively and called it "the war between the sons of light and the sons of darkness". This would comport somewhat with the Bible's "sons of G-d" title denoting those who came from elsewhere and brought the war with them.

Ancient tribes believed that men were from the sky and women were from the Earth. and that they each drew their sacred energies from those locales. Of course the sons of G-d found the "daughters of men" to be desirable, and the is history.

continuing with chapter two...Knowing

The nurses were changing the babies, powdering their bottoms and using some mineral oil on their bodies as they came across any chaffed areas on their skin. The young doctor was using his stethoscope to listen to their chests as they were being changed, powdered, and oiled.
As the doctor paused between babies Berner asked, “do they seem to be in good shape ?”
The doctor answered, “aside from being hungry and wet, they all seem to be thriving, even if they are all on the small side for newborns. I’d be surprised if any of them are more than five and a half pounds.” He put out his hand to shake Berner’s and said, “ John Powell, just finished my residency at USC Medical last October. I thought this might be a good starting place for general practice, but I sure as hell didn’t expect anything like this.”
“ Dr. Powell... Doug Berner and I head up some of the research projects in the plant. I never thought that anything like this would happen here either, but now we’ve got to deal with it. I suggest that you and your staff see about using some of that milk, jury rig some feeding bottles, and see if we can get some nourishment into these hungry boys and girls.”
“We’ll get right on it.”
“Thanks doc. Oh, and you might consider contacting some of the local maternity units at nearby hospitals and get some ideas on how and what to feed these little ones over the long term.”
“I’ve already given a head’s up to nurse Calhoun on that, and as soon as we take care of the immediate needs, she’ll be attending to it. When Col Asbury gets here could you ask if he will give permission to move them to a more comfortable area if possible... would that be ok ?”
“It will probably depend upon how much on-scene investigation by the Feds is necessary, but I’ll ask right away.”


Saul Feinstein enjoyed his work. Being a post-doc in engineering physics at Caltech was enlightening, but being able to work on a daily basis with someone like Doug Berner was a tremendous bonus of real-world experience. He was able to tinker in areas like avionics, radar and radio communications, materials science, and hydraulic systems everyday. Universities, even one as reputable as Caltech, just didn’t have the capabilities to offer integrated experiences like that.
The area “X” work was also special. It was about exploring the development of specialized materials characteristics in the presence of pulsed electromagnetic signaling systems. The Navy had been doing related work of this sort since WW I to develop novel anti-mine defense systems, but their work here at Douglas was the first land-based experimental facility as far as he knew. But only Berner, the military brass, and the Feds knew anything about the real direction of the work, and they weren’t telling him anything about that. Sometimes around the black room, Saul got the impression that he was only a highly educated gofer.
When Col. Asbury arrived about an hour later, he and Doug briefly looked at the children, and then went into the black room alone. They came out shortly afterward and came over to Saul.
Doug said, “ The colonel and I will need some help untangling this thing before the FBI shows up in another hour or so. We think that your security clearance is sufficient, so we want to get started immediately. If the Feds aren’t enamored about your involvement in this when they get here, we’re going to tell them that your skills are necessary in understanding what happened here. They may insist upon a higher clearance for your involvement in which case we would have to pull you out until you’re cleared at a higher level, is that ok ?”
Saul said yes and nodded his agreement.
Then the Colonel spoke. “ This is a bit overwhelming. It’s bad enough to get called out of bed at three in the morning, but it’s happened before and it will probably happen again. But this.... Anyway Doug and I have decided to move the babies to the lounge area up in corridor ‘G’. Would you organize the men at the guard station and the medical team to do that and then meet Dr. Berner and me in my office as soon as you can ? We’ll need to have accurate notes taken on this meeting for future reference purposes. Oh... and see if


you can find the on-duty photographer to take some shots of the
corridor outside of the black room before you move the children. Color if possible. See if he can develop some blowups of the shots as soon as he can this morning because the Feds will want to see them...ok ?”
Saul said yes again.
When Saul reached Col. Asbury’s office about twenty minutes later, he found Doug, the Colonel and the young doctor from the medical team seated around the large mission oak library table that served as the conference area in the office. About three feet off the table top, a ceiling lamp with a green cased glass shade cast a pool of light onto the top of the table, and onto the faces of the people seated in three of the library chairs around it. It was the only light in the room. In the middle of the table a white handkerchief was unfolded and in the middle of it was an object that Saul had not seen the likes of before.
“Let’s get started,” Asbury said. “we’ve probably only got an hour or so until the snoops show up and make our lives more difficult.”
Saul sat down at the empty chair which already had a clean marble-top lab notebook on the table in front of it. Doug introduced him to Dr. Powell.
He took out his Waterman pen and headed the first page. “Douglas Aircraft Facility. Santa Monica, California “, and on the next line, “Initial conference, 3:45 a.m. Col Asbury’s office. 2-25-42...Baby episode”. Under this he jotted, “In attendance Douglas Berner, chief research consultant; Col. William Asbury, Chief military officer; Dr. Jonathan Powell, on duty physician; and Saul Feinstein, Research Consultant.” Saul looked up and nodded in the direction of Doug and Asbury on the other side of the table. They exchanged glances, and Asbury nodded towards Doug who pulled the three by five notepad out of his jacket and flipped to the appropriate pages.
“About 2:30 a.m. this morning, Harold Uggins, a plant custodian, arrived at the the access corridor to area ‘x’ to carry-out his regular and daily cleaning activities of the corridor environment. He stated that the usual guard on duty at that shift time, Michael Leary, was not at his station upon his entering the area....”
Doug droned on with the details of the incident as he had recorded them up to the present meeting, and when finished looked over to the Colonel, who cleared his throat and quietly spoke.
“Gentlemen, it seems that we have been involved in a very strange


occurrence that appears to be none of our doing, and by that I mean
that certain aspects of this incident involve things that might only be described as otherworldly. Dr. Berner and I have agreed that Messers. Uggins and Leary likely have no direct involvement in this incident other than that already described by Dr. Berner. We have some decisions to make before a formal investigation is begun and the situation is taken out of our hands. I have taken it upon myself to alert the office of the Secretary of War, Mr. Stimson about the situation in cursory terms. What we discuss here may or may not go beyond this office, and that will only be decided upon unanimous agreement. Do I have your concurrence ?”
The three other men around the table nodded their approval and said yes at about the same time.
Asbury reached out to the silvery stick object in the middle of the table, and picked it up while still keeping it within the handkerchief.
“Dr. Berner removed this from the floor between the red box and blue box babies. He, in my opinion, did the correct thing, We may or may not tell the FBI about it because it appears to be the key to understanding the odd nature of the appearance of the babies. It is clear to the both of us that the whole incident was carefully planned and is replete with symbolic information. Whether or not this whole thing has anything to do with the lights in the sky that appeared over the bay at about the same time, is open to conjecture ; but, I for one, find the entire series of episodes just too conicidental.”
“The stick appears to be some sort of device to convey sound information. Before we all listen to its contents together, I will point out some features of it that Dr, Berner and I have noticed. It is virtually seamless. The only exceptions to its silvery appearance are the approximately one inch diameter red button at the top-front that appears to be some sort of control feature, and the small black areas at either end of the object. The black area on top is shiny, smooth, and highly polished; and, the black area at the bottom is dull in appearance and seems to have very tiny perforations. I suggest, Dr. Feinstein, that you make a sketch of the object in your notes showing the features and descriptions that Dr. Berner and I have noted in our examination.”
“Yes sir Colonel.”
Asbury looked at the three others for some time without speaking and then asked,”Does anyone have any questions about what has been said, or


the path that we are embarking upon...? NO ? Well... then let’s get to it, time is short.”
Continuing with Knowing,
chapter 2... my happy little computer went down for a couple of days right after I posted a rant on the Saddam is Dead thread. Gee...I wonder how that happened anyhow? All better now...


He reached out with a pencil and touched the red button at the place labeled “play.” A few seconds later a baritone voice began speaking. It had no noticeable accent, and could have been that of a man or a woman. One could have said that it was a perfectly neutral medium to convey information. The sound of the voice was perfectly modulated and seemed to come to their ears from everywhere at once. All of their eyes widened upon this miraculous revelation.

“ Hello. This message will come to you in twentieth century English. However, should it be necessary, it may be listened to in French, Spanish, German, Swahili, Arabic, Mandarin, Farsi, Hindi-Urdu, Japanese, or Russian. The presentation language may be changed by speaking the name of the desired language into the black area on the bottom of the stick at any time.”

Asbury reached out and touched “stop” with the pencil. He looked wonderingly at the physicists and asked, ”I don’t suppose that either of you have any ideas about how this device operates do you ?” As if on cue Berner and Feinstein just shrugged and smiled. The Colonel then touched “play” again and tried to concentrate upon what the device was telling him.

“ The great gift that has been given to you and the rest of the world has a potential for great goodness, or great destruction. Follow the instructions given here, and goodness will be the end outcome. Abuse the intent or content of the gift and the result will be eventual destruction.
Your world is about to come into possession of weapons of destructive power that have no equal in the past or present. When these weapons proliferate, as they inevitably will, they will have the potential to end all life on the planet through their indiscriminate use.
The children that have been given to you may be identified by lifting the foot ends of the waterproof pads in their boxes and examining the information in the envelopes that you will find there. Their full names, addresses, names of their parents, their family’s religious affiliation, names of the physicians/midwifes attending their births, and places and times of birth are all included in the information.
They have yet to be born in actuality. The births are all scheduled to


take place over approximately the next seventy two hours in North America. We suggest that these children be placed into their birth situations as appropriate. In some of the birthings, stillborns will be presented, and substitution should be simple. In other non-hospital situations twin births are possible options. In single-birth hospital-supervised situations, more creative approaches will be necessary.
You should be assured that they are normal children in every way, and that they are reflective of the genetic composition of their parents and ancestors. If raised in a loving and caring environment, they will become productive and outstanding citizens of your societies, and will make earth-changing contributions to the common good at differing times in their lives.
We understand the nature and difficulty of the problems that we are giving to you to manage, but the positive outcomes of this project should be worth the efforts tenfold. We strongly suggest that you involve representatives of the clergy in your decision-making procedure from the beginning. It should speed the processes of evolution of this project.
In the names of: Yahweh, the creative presence who comes into existence from nothingness through acts of will; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and, Allah, the merciful and compassionate presence...we wish you well and good fortune on your respective life journeys.
The past and present are in the future. The past is the future”

The device fell silent and Asbury touched the “stop” button.
Hmmm...a funny and strange thing happened to this thread the last time I posted part of this story on 4/25. The post registered the date correctly, but it did not show up in the chrono index of posts correctly.

It was buried under the 4/11 date for the previous post. Hmmmm....almost like someone doesn't want this story to be noticed and read, but then I'm just a paranoid and fearful, bi-polar, old fart that doesn't know his limits..huh?

Knowing, chapter Two continues,


Nothing was said by anyone while Saul scratched out the notes as best he could remember. When he caught up and looked up, Berner said,” I wish to state for the record that this is way over our heads to decide and that we should seek direction from Washington.”
“Doug, I’m inclined to agree,” said the Colonel, “but the facts are that we are here and Washington is twenty five hundred miles away. It is our responsibility to come up with the initial recommendations and move on from there if acceptable to the secretary.”
“As a starting point I believe that we should make sure that the information provided for each child is compiled and organized,” said Powell.


“If it’s ok with everyone here I’ll call down to the Lounge area and have one
of my people start that at once.” Powell looked at the others and they all nodded their assent. He went over to the phone and called instructions to his nurses.
“What about their direction to bring in clergy? Do we believe that to be necessary?” Saul had stopped writing and had asked the question. Everyone at the table grimaced as if he wished the question had not been asked.
“I’d be inclined to delay that consideration until we come to a decision about how much information we make available to the FBI,” said Asbury. “The reality is that all the FBI will know is that the babies appeared in the hallway. They will not be able to determine the related circumstances unless we make the device and its message available to them. The Feds have enough on their plates with their pursuit of foreign agents and security breaches. While this incident is certainly important, I’m not so sure that we can trust all of our futures to them. This matter seems to have aspects to it that they are entirely incapable of understanding, let alone solving.”
“So you’re suggesting that we could choose to consciously withold and limit information that the FBI might normally expect to receive. You realize, of course, that by doing so you could involve the four of us in criminal conspiracy and possibly espionage.” Berner shook his head in disbelief and looked downward at his fingers that were folded together on the tabletop.
“I’m mostly concerned with the welfare and futures of fourteen children, and how we can possibly make sure that they end-up in the families that the strangers intended them for. I don’t know about the rest of you but I believe that it appears we’ve somehow been chosen to carry-out this mission for those who entrusted them to our care. These are human beings, and if what we heard is true, then they are destined to change the world for the better in the future according to the message of the strangers .”
Colonel William Benedict Asbury, a graduate of West Point with a major in civil engineering and a minor in philosophy, and the son of a graduate of West Point, considered for a moment and then excused himself from the table to use the telephone. He murmured instructions to the switchboard operator, hung up the receiver and returned to the table. He withdrew an elegant gold-filled cigarette case from his pocket and offered Lucky Strikes to the three others. Berner and Feinstein accepted. While they lit up and


exhaled the first relaxing puffs, Asbury told them what he was
about to do. “ In a few minutes the telephone will ring and I’ll be talking with Mr. Knox. I’m going to tell him the straight story, and ask for his support of our recommendations, and if necessary to advise Mr. Stimson and
the President of the matter. I happen to believe that this is that important.”
“ Now I would appreciate it if each of you would tell me of your religious affiliations, if you have any, and what kind of relationship you have with your priest or minister. If we are to get the clergy involved, it is my impression that personal relationships should guide our actions. I’ll begin by telling you all that my family has long been affilliated with the Roman Catholic Church. My family attends mass weekly, and I’m well-acquainted with our parish priest. I’ve had meaningul and productive interactions with staff at the Los Angeles Archdiocese concerning the welfare of certain employees here at the plant. I believe that I could meaningfully discuss the implications of this matter with my priest. I’m sure he would treat it with the needed urgency and deference that the situation obviously requires.”
Berner looked intently at Asbury and began, ”This all puts me in an uncomfortable position as a scientist and researcher. While I cannot deny the factual content of what we have found and experienced, I am not willing to automatically judge this matter to be sacred or religious in nature. But I’ll admit that it certainly appears to be. “
“My wife and I are probably what you would call lapsed Episcopalians. In the years since we married, we ‘ve moved around so much that we’ve decided not to start a family just yet, or to join a church community. But we do attend services at the Episcopal church north of downtown Santa Monica, and I’m acquainted with our minister. I could probaby talk with him about this, but I would have to feel him out on it a little first to form my own opinions about his trustworthiness and sense of responsibility. I could agree to bring him into the matter after I talk with him first.”
“ Is that the church near St. Monica? That’s where we attend. Ask your minister if he knows Father Alvarez. If he does I can help out with your end of the situation.” Berner nodded. “Good,” said Asbury, “Now lets hear from the one who knows the most about the children at this point.”
Dr. Jonathan Powell cleared his throat and nervously fidgeted with the stethoscope hanging around his neck. “ I guess I’m what you’d call a


liberal Christian. My Mom and Dad and I attend a Congregational church in West Los Angeles. We’ve been members there for as long our family has lived there, way before I was born. I’m a sort of a youth leader, teach Sunday school once in a while, and I’m very good friends with the minister. It would not be a problem for me to bring him into the matter.”
“Saul, what about you ?”
“Well, any relationships that I had with Temple were back in Brooklyn, but I did attend Yeshiva school there and gained the friendship of the Rebbe, even though I wasn’t a very good student for him. I could calll him and see if he has any friends in synagogues in Los Angeles. That’s the best I could do.”
“ That’s good enough I expect. Actually better than I had hoped for. Thank you everyone.” The phone rang and interrupted the discussion. Asbury rose and answered it.
“Tell them we’re in a meeting, tell them I’m still rounding-up people involved in what they’re coming here for and that they can come right to my office in an hour or so . Yeah... that’s right. Thanks. Goodbye”
Asbury turned and said, “Gentlemen the FBI will arrive soon. I want to limit their questioning to only Berner and me to start with. Dr. Powell, please look after our children and see that the compilation of their information is completed. Let’s see...Why don’t you have the pool make four copies of the list. One for the Feds, one for me, one for you, and one for the members of the clergy when they come into this. Oh. and please be sure to meet your clergy in person to discuss this. Nothing should be discussed over the phone. “Saul, just tell your Rabbi in New York that you are having some problems in deciding some issues that concern religion and science, and that you need a wise friend of his to talk with about it here in Los Angeles. Please finish up your notes of this as best as you can remember. Then take the device and the notebook and put them in a safe place that only you know about. Saul, we’ll just make you the official keeper of the real secrets for that allright ?”
“I guess so sir”, Saul replied somewhat sheepishly. Then he gathered the device, wrapping it again in Berner’s handkerchief and picked up the marbletop. With that Powell and Feinstein rose and left the room leaving Berner and Asbury alone for awhile.
I have "a few guests" over (just when I finally get rid of several others...) My apartment seems like Grand Central Station.:rolleyes: Excuse me for a moment...

Sado, I'm out of tomatoes. The store's open for another couple of hours if you'd do me a huge favor. Here's a list of items the kitties and I need. Would you mind taking Ryogo, Edgar, Nova, Sabin, Kazuki, Uryuu and a couple of others? The kitties will still be here. Thank you. Kenpachi, you're going, too? Please leave your sword behind. Security gets a bit nervous. Nova, same with your hood. The rest of your outfit is okay. Trust me. I know the people who work there and they'll call me if there's trouble.

Okay, I'm back. I go through more groceries feeding "the masses" than almost everybody I know (except for the people who work at the dorms, but they have way too many people to feed if just one person was working. :eek:) Excuse me again...

Orihime, Rangiku, please leave the new mothers alone. They'll let you see their kittens when they're all ready to be shown. You don't want the new kittens to be rejected by their own mothers, do you? Okay. Emma and Terra need your help with something. They won't tell me what but it seems important...

I'm back, again. *sigh* Did I mention this apartment is like Grand Central Station? I did? I hope I can get rooms for my "out of town guests" Forty people or more just don't fit in such a small place. I was lucky in the fact that I could kinda hide the mechas and that I have enough room in my storage space to hide all of the weapons, but one just can't hide that many people in a space of roughly 200 square feet. It's easier on campus. Which reminds me...

Guys, here're your schedules for tomorrow. We'll meet for lunch in the gaming club's office. You remember where that is, correct? If not, ask the people at the information booth. Tomorrow's demos are the martial arts classes. No, Ikkaku, you may not take your sword with you. Police, you understand? :rolleyes:

Would some of you guys like to ease a bit of my burden? :eek: I'll reimburse.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Memory? 21

The view of the city from the top of the glass and steel scraper is incredible...the Gold Coast and Lake Michigan far below, just as I've been told. I've never seen anything like this before. This was a successful trip but I wish my wife could have made the journey.

I approach the elevator to return to street level and the boy rings for me. I stand back, waiting for the car. Time, for me, slows to a crawl as the doors open. I stand aside for a small knot of people who walk past me to the observation deck. Their eyes look through me as if I'm not there.

I board the elevator alone and the gray steel doors closed behind me. Long rectangular lights pass upward with increasing speed as personal time speeds up again. I can't feel the floor. The car is getting smaller. I feel weightless. The lights mercifully fade into darkness...
Well, we're back (none the worse for wear.) The martial arts demonstrations were, um, educational to say the least, especially the capoeira demo. I wish the two berserkers would've "chilled" (it's a good thing I told them to leave their swords behind or things would've been really interesting.) Excuse me for a moment...

Sado, would you be so kind as to slice the mozzarella? Nova, you do the tomatoes and Uryuu, you shred the basil, please. Orihime, please take out the cheesecakes. Ryogo, please start the tea. Thanks guys.

Where was I? Oh, yes. Most of my "guests" have "fan clubs" now among the student population as well as the general community (that's what I get for living very close to an all-girl high school [poor Nova].) I believe Nova wished he could've left his "real body" here and gone as the turtle stuffed animal instead (I can only glare so much before my face freezes.) Excuse me again...

Orihime, neither hot sauce nor soy sauce go well with mint chocolate chip cheesecakes. If you want some on your slice, fine, but not everybody has such, um, "refined" taste as you do. Would you check the cattery, please? Two of the litters might be ready for presentation by the queens. Thank you. Byakuya, would you mind escorting her? Thank you. You want to go, too, Yoruichi? Okay. Just stay away from the Kitty Krunchies, please. It wasn't you with tuna-flavored crumbs around your muzzle? Okay, I'll have to interrogate the usual suspects again...

Okay, I'm back again. We spent some time in the student-run coffeehouse. Sado impressed the bass guitarist with his knowledge, but he also kind of ticked off their lead singer (I don't blame Sado, though. The lead didn't have either a lick of talent or a lick of sense.) When we got back, I turned on the radio and we started singing to whatever's on (except the commercials. :p) Forty-odd voices singing Poison is a rather interesting experience, as is forty-odd voices singing The Good Ship Venus (the second song is by Leslie Fish, the first, as most of you probably know, is by Alice Cooper.)

Gotta go, the horde is hungry and I have to get everything all together before things get ugly. Tuna salad just doesn't cut it sometimes. :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
We are currently singing Let It Grow by Eric Clapton :)D) while we're waiting for a pizza delivery (fook cooking! Everybody's hungry and I'm out of groceries again!) I hope my pesky neighbors are driven out by "the racket". Excuse me for a moment...

Ryogo, the song can be about something, um, interesting. Yes, that.

New song on and they haven't missed a beat. Thunder Island by Jay Ferguson. Oops, I think Nova kinda "gets the gist" of the song. He's just zipped his hood closed. If he was in his stuffed turtle toy body, I think he'd be zipped in his shell. Poor kid. I think he should get extra pizza for his trouble. Oops, they're here. Excuse me...

I'm back. $80 plus tax down the drain, but pizza's doing the trick. :D I think I'll have them help feed the local feral population. Some of them seem to draw the :kitty:s better and the :kitty:s seem to relax them, too (might even help with the TNR program here.) Tonight we're spinning poi, and not the food. I hope Nova's "ability" doesn't come into play here (or either Hanataro's, Isane's or Retsu's.) Excuse me again...

Um, you need to change, guys. The spinners won't let you try if you're wearing manmade materials. Safety reasons. I've seen people's clothes catch fire firsthand. We have lots of time before the demo.

*le sigh* Gotta go help some of them choose appropriate wear. :rolleyes: I'll give an update later after we get back.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Poi update: alas, the abilities came into play (stupidity, thy name is... :rolleyes:) Nova' s quite agile (he even "jumped rope" with fire.) Orihime lent a hand with the healers, too (I gave her a huge slice of cheesecake when we got home as a "thank you".)

The berserkers were detained a bit (stupid "hoodlum wannabes" picking fights with people who know exactly how to "KA" [one of them is recuperating nicely in the hospital's prisoners' section after going after Kenpachi. He's lucky Kenpachi got bored with the fight.])

The cattery keeps getting larger from births, fosterings and from adoptions (the pregnant :kitty:s were pregnant before I got them and they're going to be spayed as soon as I can get them done [the local vet has a standing account for me due to all of the fluffybutt clients I bring.]) I've gotten a "contract" to foster several prospective adoptees for the Humane Society, too (having a thriving cattery helps, I guess.) My guests are quite thrilled to be involved in this, too.

Some of my guests have set up accounts with an MMORPG and are happily playing their characters, too. Now, I have to convince them to take some time off from levelling (a decent swim today would be delightful since it's going to rather hot.)

I'm going to have to go now. The "fighters" want to go to the dojo to practice with their swords and they want me to act as liason again. :rolleyes: Perhaps a sandwich buffet later...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine