Where Will You Spend Eternity?


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Wild, Wild West
In which circle of Dante's Hell will you spend eternity? Take this test and find out!

Caution: There are some questions on this test you may not want to answer, or that you may find are offensive just because they are asked. I know I found some of them offensive, but remember, this is Medieval Christianity we're talking about:

Dante's Inferno Test

My result: Purgatory.
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For those interested, here's a link to Wiki that describes the circles and levels of hell in Dante's Divine Comedy.

wiki article said:
First Circle (Limbo). Here reside the unbaptized and the virtuous pagans, who, though not sinful, did not accept Christ. Here also reside those who, if they lived before the coming of Christ, did not pay fitting homage to their respective deity. They are not punished in an active sense, but rather grieve only their separation from God, without hope of reconciliation. The chief irony in this circle is that Limbo shares many characteristics with Elysian Fields, thus the guiltless damned are punished by living in their deficient form of heaven. Their fault was that they lacked faith — the hope for something greater than rational minds can conceive. Limbo includes green fields and a castle, the dwelling place of the wisest men of antiquity, including Virgil himself. In the castle Dante meets the poets Homer, Horace, Ovid, and Lucan. Interestingly, he also sees Saladin in Limbo. (Canto IV) Dante implies that all virtuous pagans find themselves here, although he later encounters two in heaven and one in purgatory.

Second Circle. Those overcome by lust are punished in this circle. These souls are blown about to and fro by a violent storm, without hope of rest. This symbolizes the power of lust to blow one about needlessly and aimlessly. Francesca da Rimini tells Dante how she and her husband's brother Paolo committed adultery and died a violent death at the hands of her husband. (Canto V)

Third Circle. Cerberus guards the gluttons, forced to lie in the mud under continual cold rain and hail whilst being forced to consume their own excrement. Dante converses with a Florentine contemporary identified as Ciacco ("Hog" — probably a nickname) regarding strife in Florence and the fate of prominent Florentines. (Canto VI)

Fourth Circle. Those whose concern for material goods deviated from the desired mean are punished in this circle. They include the avaricious or miserly, who hoarded possessions, and the prodigal, who squandered them. Guarded by Plutus, each group pushes a great weight against the heavy weight of the other group. After the weights crash together the process starts over again. (Canto VII)

Fifth Circle. In the swamp-like water of the river Styx, the wrathful fight each other on the surface, and the sullen or slothful lie gurgling beneath the water. Phlegyas reluctantly transports Dante and Virgil across the Styx in his skiff. On the way they are accosted by Filippo Argenti, a Black Guelph from a prominent family. (Cantos VII and VIII)

Sixth Circle. Heretics are trapped in flaming tombs. Dante holds discourse with a pair of Florentines in one of the tombs: Farinata degli Uberti, a Ghibelline; and Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti, a Guelph who was the father of Dante's friend, fellow poet Guido Cavalcanti. (Cantos X and XI)

Seventh Circle. This circle houses the violent. Its entry is guarded by the Minotaur, and it is divided into three rings:

Eighth Circle. The fraudulent—those guilty of deliberate, knowing evil—are located in a circle named Malebolge ("Evil Pockets"), divided into ten bolgie, or ditches, with bridges spanning the ditches:

Satan is trapped in the frozen central zone in the Ninth Circle of Hell, Inferno, Canto 34.The Ninth Circle is ringed by classical and Biblical giants. The giants are standing either on, or on a ledge above, the ninth circle of Hell, and are visible from the waist up at the ninth circle of the Malebolge. The giant Antaeus lowers Dante and Virgil into the pit that forms the ninth circle of Hell. (Canto XXXI)

Ninth Circle. Traitors, distinguished from the "merely" fraudulent in that their acts involve betraying one in a special relationship to the betrayer, are frozen in a lake of ice known as Cocytus. Each group of traitors is encased in ice to a different depth, ranging from only the waist down to complete immersion. The circle is divided into four concentric zones:
Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge

Many and varied sinners suffer eternally in the multi-leveled Malebolge, an ampitheatre-shapped pit of despair Wholly of stone and of an iron colour: Those guilty of fraudulence and malice; the seducers and pimps, who are whipped by horned demons; the hypocrites, who struggle to walk in lead-lined cloaks; the barraters, who are ducked in boiling pitch by demons known as the Malebranche. The simonists, wedged into stone holes, and whose feet are licked by flames, kick and writhe desperately. The magicians, diviners, fortune tellers, and panderers are all here, as are the thieves. Some wallow in human excrement. Serpents writhe and wrap around men, sometimes fusing into each other. Bodies are torn apart. When you arrive, you will want to put your hands over your ears because of the lamentations of the sinners here, who are afflicted with scabs like leprosy, and lay sick on the ground, furiously scratching their skin off with their nails. Indeed, justice divine doth smite them with its hammer.

Even though the original, pre-English Old Testament did not include the word "Eternal", I took the test anyway.

Wow, it sent me to the Second Level of Hell. (Probably due to my non-monotheistic answers. I answered no to the Pimp question....)
I'm going to be doing a lot of the "limbo" rock throughout eternity.

It's interesting that taking the test only qualifies one to reside in hell. What happened to the other place up there, or is that only supposed to be a figment of one's imagination ?

Last time I took this test some two years ago, I ended up in level two, lol!

Interesting test,

I'm going to be doing a lot of the "limbo" rock throughout eternity.

It's interesting that taking the test only qualifies one to reside in hell. What happened to the other place up there, or is that only supposed to be a figment of one's imagination ?


You have escaped damnation and made it to Purgatory, a place where the dew of repentance washes off the stain of sin and girds the spirit with humility. Through contrition, confession, and satisfaction by works of righteousness, you must make your way up the mountain. As the sins are cleansed from your soul, you will be illuminated by the Sun of Divine Grace, and you will join other souls, smiling and happy, upon the summit of this mountain. Before long you will know the joys of Paradise as you ascend to the ethereal realm of Heaven.
Wow, I must have been really, really bad!
Apparently I have to spend eternity in New Jersey ;(

Well, aren't I a bad boy?

The sweet light no longer strikes against your eyes. Your shade has been banished to... the Ninth Level of Hell - Cocytus!

Ninth Level of Hell - Cocytus

This is the deepest level of hell, where the fallen angel Satan himself resides. His wings flap eternally, producing chilling cold winds that freeze the thick ice found in Cocytus. The three faces of Satan, black, red, and yellow, can be seen with mouths gushing bloody foam and eyes forever weeping, as they chew on the three traitors, Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. This place is furthest removed from the source of all light and warmth. Sinners here are frozen deep in the ice, faces out, eyes and mouths frozen shut. Traitors against God, country, family, and benefactors lament their sins in this frigid pit of despair.

Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

(Click on a level for more info)

Who are sent there?

Repenting Believers


Level 1 - Limbo
Virtuous Non-Believers


Level 2


Level 3


Level 4
Prodigal and Avaricious

Very Low

Level 5
Wrathful and Gloomy

Very Low

Level 6 - The City of Dis


Level 7


Level 8- the Malebolge
Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers


Level 9 - Cocytus


My parents would be so disappointed in me. Does anyone know when visiting times are?

s. (frozen in ice, apparently).
Hang on, "frigid pit of despair"? I had a holiday there once.
Right in the middle of heaven is a walled garden, with high walls, and with significant 'keep your distance' signs on the outside. At various points, a signboard proclaims:
"Please keep quiet. Catholics within, and thery think they're the only ones here."

I shall be inside, but close to the wall, whistling "All Along The Watchtower," if anyone wants a chat ... bring a ladder.


You have escaped damnation and made it to Purgatory, a place where the dew of repentance washes off the stain of sin and girds the spirit with humility. Through contrition, confession, and satisfaction by works of righteousness, you must make your way up the mountain. As the sins are cleansed from your soul, you will be illuminated by the Sun of Divine Grace, and you will join other souls, smiling and happy, upon the summit of this mountain. Before long you will know the joys of Paradise as you ascend to the ethereal realm of Heaven.

Level Who are sent there? Score
Purgatory Repenting Believers Very High
Level 1 - Limbo Virtuous Non-Believers High
Level 2 Lustful High
Level 3 Gluttonous Low
Level 4 Prodigal and Avaricious Very Low
Level 5 Wrathful and Gloomy Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis Heretics Very Low
Level 7 Violent Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus Treacherous Very Low

Whew! Thought I would end up on Level 2.

Does anyone believe that something simliar awaits the damned?
Well at first glance, I thought I was doing pretty well. Then I noticed that I scored very low among the heretics. Now I'm worried....:D

Snoop...good work...I always knew that you had potential. And you must agree that the priority of your state of "being" in the future will be better than my fate of being "done away with" by the Vatican.


Gosh...it will be as if I never existed.

Snoop...good work...I always knew that you had potential. And you must agree that the priority of your state of "being" in the future will be better than my fate of being "done away with" by the Vatican.


Well priority is certainly one word to describe my fate. If I've been treacherous to my own country does that mean I could be frozen next to Tony Blair?:mad:
