Music and Worship

Quick add on. Though I attend a particular Church does not mean I agree with its theoloigical base in total. I don't know anyone who does agree 100%with all the theological views of their religious affiliation. The church I attend is normal, obviously I am not. :cool: However, this congregation gives me the freedom to innovate. (If that is the proper terminology.) My thoughts come from independant study and that which I believe (I BELIEVE) to be the guidance of the Holy Spirit. PERSONALLY, I do not believe that Christianity (Pauline Christianity) as it exists today is the 'true' church! I believe that the true Church is that which sprang forth in Jerusalem under Peter, James, the Lord's brother, and John. And that in its time it will be restored! Now there is some food for thought.
I Am, as always.

Victor G
Do I sense hostility in your typing? Thus far your posts seem to have been in the negative. I would certainly hope I am reading you incorrectly. I would make this suggestion. If you are intellectually and spiritually inclined to disagree so vehemently with the thesis, Brian has offered a place for a positive response on this site for years. I would certainly welcome a comparative work on your part.
I don't know what you sense. What do you sense? If a person considers it hostile or negative that someone has a different viewpoint or opposing words, then I am both hostile and negative. If not, then I am neither hostile nor negative. Would you consider it hostile, negative, or positive to try to write words to, "literally blow the lid off the conventional Church and its teachings?" In that I sense a belief about words. I suggest that people do have a free will and so they will continue to choose what they believe is rightful teaching. Likewise I believe, so will God.

Victor said:
My writing on Paul, stands! It is for the most part, historical! It is ALL based on his own words and his own actions.
I am unable to say anything to support or oppose most of your statements about history. If I were to write something it would be about what is revealed by a conspiracy theory on top of history that has already passed away. If you presented some evidence that Paul was able to confiscate all copies of some Gospels and rewrite them then I might be able to respond. In your writings your interpretation of the Qur'an is used as evidence, which reportedly came years after Paul died. To that evidence I can respond: the Qur'an verbally confirms the Gospel and the Torah in the year that it was revealed.

When you say that your writing on Paul stands, to that I can respond: Every word ever spoken by yourself, Paul, me... everyone in history, every action, and every word has been perfectly recorded. It ALL stands. Every single word of it. Matthew 12:36-37 reports this and the Qur'an reports it too. While the evidence is lost to man, no word or action has ever been lost or hidden. The entire history still exists and a true comparison can be made someday. Part of that divine law, right?