This Might Get Crazy

Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago, was on - two years ago on
Thanksgiving, when my friend and I went up to visit Alice at the
restaurant, but Alice doesn't live in the restaurant, she lives in the
church nearby the restaurant, in the bell-tower, with her husband Ray and
Fasha the dog. And livin' in the bell tower like that, they got a lot of
room downstairs where the pews used to be in. Havin' all that room,
seein' as how they took out all the pews, they decided that they didn't
have to take out their garbage for a long time.

We got up there, we found all the garbage in there, and we decided it'd be
a friendly gesture for us to take the garbage down to the city dump. So
we took the half a ton of garbage, put it in the back of a red VW
microbus, took shovels and rakes and implements of destruction and headed
on toward the city dump.

Well we got there and there was a big sign and a chain across across the
dump saying, "Closed on Thanksgiving." And we had never heard of a dump
closed on Thanksgiving before, and with tears in our eyes we drove off
into the sunset looking for another place to put the garbage.

We didn't find one. Until we came to a side road, and off the side of the
side road there was another fifteen foot cliff and at the bottom of the
cliff there was another pile of garbage. And we decided that one big pile
is better than two little piles, and rather than bring that one up we
decided to throw our's down.

Alice's Restaurant - Arlo Guthrie

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
My giggle factor has kicked in. LOL. We have almost come full circle on this thread, now and maybe a few other times. Next? :cool: (This is a fun-loving promotion, brought to you by peace in Love. :cool: :cool::))
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Yes...Alice is a repeat from post #2..someone gets the prize how about switching it to TV shows...

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Alice: She taught you the facts of life when you were 17. That’s like teaching Columbus how to row.

Flo: Well, she was a touch late. Where I come from 13 was considered a late bloomer.

Alice: Every time I tried to ask my mother questions she’d beat the 4 minute mile leaving the room.

Flo: How did ya ever learn?

Alice: Oh I was lucky. The boy who sat behind me in 5th grade was studying to be a doctor.
"He was no more...than a baby then
Well he... seemed broken hearted...
something within him
But the moment...that I first laid...
Eyes...on...him...all alone...
On the edge of...seventeen"

(Stevie Nicks, from the "Bella Donna" collection)
Whooooops. Guess I forgot about that from earlier. Well while I'm looping us back to things already quoted, let me change the channel back to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (currently in my DVD player, and where I thought the Jefferson Airplane quote came from as well, but apparently Alice is ten feet tall on all sides of me at the moment...) and bring you this gem:

Raoul Duke: I'm a doctor of journalism, man.
Aw, crap!! I took too long again.

Hmmph. Here, then:

one day...while I was sipping some groove juice I realized..that in the span of time we're just's all relative, time is unreal.

we're just babies, we're just babies, man

--Digable Planets, "Examination of What"
LOL. :D (Told you this might get crazy.)

Pathless said:
one day...while I was sipping some groove juice I realized..that in the span of time we're just's all relative, time is unreal.

we're just babies, we're just babies, man

--Digable Planets, "Examination of What"
"Ooh, baby, ooh, ooh"

(Stevie, from "Edge of Seventeen")

(Sorry--couldn't resist.)
Okay, well now I just can't seem to stop--was looking for "Ooh, Baby Baby", but I misquoted Stevie. It should have been "whooh, baby, whooh, whooh" :) in keeping with the sound that doves make, so I decided instead to go ahead and post this next--lol, CR is my playground at the moment:

She held me spellbound in the night
Dancing shadows and firelight
Crazy laughter in another room
And she drove herself to madness
With a silver spoon

Woo hoo witchy woman
See how high she flies
Woo hoo witchy woman
She got the moon in her eye

(from the Eagles, "Witchy Woman")
"You're probably wasting time working piece-meal, first cleaning one area and then another."
"Well, that's how cats do it."
"But when you have a faucet instead of a tongue, you want to use gravity."
- Jerry and Kramer, in "The Apology"
"You're probably wasting time working piece-meal, first cleaning one area and then another."
"Well, that's how cats do it."
"But when you have a faucet instead of a tongue, you want to use gravity."
- Jerry and Kramer, in "The Apology"

"Not by wrath, but by laughter, do we kill. Come, let us kill the spirit of gravity!!"

Friedrich Nietzsche
"Come on, have some toast."

Red Dwarf- BBC

It's cold outside, there's no kind of atmosphere. I'm all alone, more or less.
Let me fly, far away from here. Fun fun fun, in the sun sun sun.
I want to lie, shipwrecked and comatose... Drinking fresh mango juice.
Goldfish shoals nibbling at my toes. Fun fun fun in the sun sun sun...

Sorry had to, FREAKING HAD TO!