Hemp Clothing


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Does anyone own anything made from hemp?

How does it feel to wear it?

How do you compare the 'ethics' of it, to other materials, such as cotton?

Does anyone have a good link to a store in the UK were it can be bought?

Gotta hemp ball cap I bought at a Wild Oats store on sale ! When I wear it man...I Am Far OUT...but I tend to drive a little crazy.

I had a hemp Jerry Garcia Band hat once. Come to think of it, I had a hemp wallet once too. I'd rather smoke it than wear it, to be honest.

Seriously, I've heard that the first drafts and the final copies of the U.S. Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper. That Jefferson was one cool dude...and that Ben dude wasn't so bad either. Both were also bodacious ladies men, especially whlle living in France...smirk, smirk.

Hemp, after tobacco and indigo, was probably the largest grossing cash crop raised in the colonies. That old redhead George Washington grew it. No wonder the Brits lost the war !

Lots of hemp is used these days in clothing and upholstery fabric in Europe. Why has it been demonized so in the USA, aside from the reason that it is a deadly addictive gateway drug that keeps our prisons full of ordinary folk who trade in it illegally...smirk, smirk?

Whaddaya think Juan ?

Enlightenment...you a narc or something ?

lol... I once got a pound of hemp that turned out to be a grateful dead t-shirt... I was burned but it was far out, man
Kindest Regards, Flow!

Seriously, I've heard that the first drafts and the final copies of the U.S. Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper. That Jefferson was one cool dude...and that Ben dude wasn't so bad either. Both were also bodacious ladies men, especially whlle living in France...smirk, smirk.

Hemp, after tobacco and indigo, was probably the largest grossing cash crop raised in the colonies. That old redhead George Washington grew it. No wonder the Brits lost the war !

Lots of hemp is used these days in clothing and upholstery fabric in Europe. Why has it been demonized so in the USA, aside from the reason that it is a deadly addictive gateway drug that keeps our prisons full of ordinary folk who trade in it illegally...smirk, smirk?

Whaddaya think Juan ?

Enlightenment...you a narc or something ?


Wouldn't be trying to goad me into an answer, would you? ;)

Kinda interesting, the US Navy used hemp rope in vast quantities until the '60's, when for some strange reason lots and lots of rope began to disappear...mysteriously. The Navy was forced to use rope made of other types of materials out of necessity. Now hemp rope in the Navy is pretty scarce, and only for certain specific uses (which were never made clear to me or most other grunts).

Having said this, it is the policy of the Navy (which I will co-opt here for purposes of this discussion) to neither confirm nor deny anything. :D
Kindest Regards, Flow!

Wouldn't be trying to goad me into an answer, would you? ;)

Kinda interesting, the US Navy used hemp rope in vast quantities until the '60's, when for some strange reason lots and lots of rope began to disappear...mysteriously. The Navy was forced to use rope made of other types of materials out of necessity. Now hemp rope in the Navy is pretty scarce, and only for certain specific uses (which were never made clear to me or most other grunts).

Having said this, it is the policy of the Navy (which I will co-opt here for purposes of this discussion) to neither confirm nor deny anything. :D

Hemp rope is not as efficient.

It rots from the inside.

It looks fine, until it's too late.


No mystery as to why other materials were used instead, in that case.

What is with all the "far out" comments?....

I have smoked weed for years... I have never once sounded like a freaking hippy and said far out...

It's like saying all priests sodomise little boys!... Not all of them do.

A curious comparison....:eek:
Hemp rope rots from the inside.

You don't realise till its too late.


That's why it is rarely used.
Why has it been demonized so in the USA, aside from the reason that it is a deadly addictive gateway drug that keeps our prisons full of ordinary folk who trade in it illegally...smirk, smirk?
Randolf Hearst was monopolizing the newspaper business, and cornered a deal with the US on gov't land and pulp production...hemp paper was much better, cheaper, renewable resource, and lasted longer... better for books, magazines and newspapers...bad for Hearst...hence our laws making it illegal...which effectively created it as a gateway drug since anyone playing in the marijuana market would end up associating with folks who dabbled in other drugs...ie gov't induced issue to create a war on...nothing new here.
Hemp rope is not as efficient.

It rots from the inside.

It looks fine, until it's too late.


No mystery as to why other materials were used instead, in that case.

Interesting, I never knew that. My understanding most hemp grown for rope or paper was very low in THC content. And that the remaining volunteer 'weeds' which sprout in fields in the midwest won't give anyone a buzz.
I hate hippies.... lol
Peace bro, it's ok, we love you man.

Hemp rope rots from the inside.

You don't realise till its too late.


That's why it is rarely used.
Wow, far out, never knew that.

But am having some strange double enlightened deja vu moment right now.
Stop smoking the rope, you ain't gonna get a hit from it :p

Anyone ever told, as a kid, that if you took this or smoked that, you would get stoned..?

I tried banana skins.

Tasted awful and nothing happened.....:rolleyes:
Anyone ever told, as a kid, that if you took this or smoked that, you would get stoned..?

I tried banana skins.

Tasted awful and nothing happened.....:rolleyes:
We were told never to mix coca cola and aspirin, lol. So I stayed away from that and did everything else under the sun (and some stuff that was found in the shade...)
We were told never to mix coca cola and aspirin, lol. So I stayed away from that and did everything else under the sun (and some stuff that was found in the shade...)

I think the effects of the coke aspirin thing were stretched, from what I remember.

Some know it all here will be able to tell us... :p