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From Unity comes Duality, God created everything so everything came from God and since there is only one God then there is unity in God. From Duality comes Trinity, living in duality we want to know God and his unity, but can't express it so we have the Trinity as a symbol to try to understand what is beyond the mind. From Trinity comes Infinity, we can't understand God, the infinite but we can come closer to God and infinity with the help of the Trinity. As Christians we see God revealing the blessings through His Son and through the Holy Spirit, through whom God made the world, through whom God revealed Himself in the Old Testament, through whom God enlightens and makes alive every man in the world .The Son comes as a man in the person of Jesus Christ. The Spirit comes to individuals to to guide them to the beyond.
If God is always and everywhere then God the Father, is one, unity , the Son of God who comes as Jesus, and the Holy Spirit come to us in our dualistic minds to show us unity beyond the mind. The Orthodox Church says that these three are not three competitive gods, divided, and separated from each other, but one God. They are acting in the perfectly absolute unity of the divine truth and love. Thus the Three are one not only because what they are is one and the same, but because their divine union allows of no separation or duality or division whatsoever.
The Trinity is a symbol on the level of words, which are always inadequate to reality. They can't express experience of God in the Church. The doctrine of the Trinity is the product of man in duality living in communion (unity) with the Father, which is one through the Son and the Holy Spirit, which guide us to the Father. I change the vocabulary from stict Christian text to try to explain it rationally in modern terms in my mind which is in duality.
If God is always and everywhere then God the Father, is one, unity , the Son of God who comes as Jesus, and the Holy Spirit come to us in our dualistic minds to show us unity beyond the mind. The Orthodox Church says that these three are not three competitive gods, divided, and separated from each other, but one God. They are acting in the perfectly absolute unity of the divine truth and love. Thus the Three are one not only because what they are is one and the same, but because their divine union allows of no separation or duality or division whatsoever.
The Trinity is a symbol on the level of words, which are always inadequate to reality. They can't express experience of God in the Church. The doctrine of the Trinity is the product of man in duality living in communion (unity) with the Father, which is one through the Son and the Holy Spirit, which guide us to the Father. I change the vocabulary from stict Christian text to try to explain it rationally in modern terms in my mind which is in duality.